Dash Cycling Team


Dear Dash community, please let me introduce a pre-proposal



Sponsoring of a Dash Cycling Team in France (team already created, with 13 members so far) for about 1,26 Dash/month

What’s in it for Dash

1. Buzz in the local cycling world (it is unheard of that an amateur cycling team would have a unique sponsor).
2. Local awareness (because of the outfit plus the meet ups coming from there).
3. First-mover advantage as a community. France generally lacks crypto presence and community, especially outside of Paris. That cycling team will be a springboard to other side effects: for example, I managed to get 2 businesses into accepting Dash

Mid-term (1st and 2nd year): Development of Dash initiatives (meet-ups, business acceptance) stemming from that project, creation of a Dash community, media appearance based on results from the racers of the team.

Long-term (4+ year): We could possibly have a national level team of cycling with the media coverage it implies


4575 € for 1 year – 14,9 dashs (+5 dashs reimbursement fees)

Complete Pre-proposal :

Hi, my name is Pablo Saluden (Leonidas’s brother who is the French Translator of the Dash Wiki (Core Team) and for Dash Force News). I am passionate about cryptocurrency which I have discovered, read, and discussed for about a year. One month after discovering Dash in december 2016, I decided to move all my crypto assets in Dash, convinced about the impressive project that was taking place.

I wanted to do more for Dash than just an investor so that's why I am using my passion for cycling to try to create an initiative that could really help promoting Dash in the region where I live and where no one knows about Dash. That's why I have created a Dash Cycling Team (called Team Dash Cyclisme) in the beautiful city of Annecy (French Alps), to promote Dash through cycling sport events. The team will be voluntarily lead by myself and be voluntarily trained by David Reyberolle (A cyclist trainer with a training degree that allows him to train at national level).

Little background about me : I am passionate about cycling since I am a child. I have practice it for a while and I also have been helping out and supporting my little brother in his training to reach a national level few years ago (sadly he had to choose between studies and cycling later on). I studied languages (english, spanish, chinese) and international business.

I believe this growing initiative would be very beneficial for Dash in France and that’s why I post this proposal.

Note: The team is already created and will compete (whether the proposal is funded or not). The funding is here to create a competitive advantage over the other team of the region. I chose to risk 5 dashs to get 15 because my interest is also to see if the network supports the idea as my strategy is long term (by the way, there already has been a discussion about that project here).


The team is starting small at the beginning. The team was set up only two months ago and already has 13 members (and recruiting every month). We are racing at an amateur level (regional level).

What is special about that project is that we have the chance to already have an over skilled coach. (Last year, he trained around 10 people, results are: 5 wins, 12 podiums, 32 top 10)
That will make our club and team very attractive and will attract good young racers, some of what might be the future talents of French cycling.

Usually, member pay an annual subscription that helps the club to fund part of the equipment (member still have to pay an extra to get an outfit). The funding here will be used to pay for the dash branded team equipment. Note that that fact alone would attract good racers (as no other amateur team does that). Then funding will be used to pay the team bonuses when they win a race and reimburse some races registration costs.

Again, those terms (plus the over skilled coach) will attract the best racers of the region.

Note that this is a long-term project, like Dash, slowly creating a good cycling team by laying out little by little every element that would participate in our future successes.


4575€ - 14,9 dashs + 5 Dash reimbursement fee (more details on budget after)

Benefits for Dash:

Precise and quality awareness

  • Like any Dash meeting – those cyclists will be taught about Dash (first meet-up will be the 28th of november), and will download a wallet on their mobile phone and receive each of them 5 € worth of Dash. There are currently 13 members. My forecast is 30 members.

  • Having a unique sponsor in cycling is unique at this level of competition so Dash Cycling Team will definitely be talked about and people from the cycling sphere would want to know what that sponsor is (because we are at an amateur level and bringing some professional gear)

  • That cycling association will be a springboard for any kind of initiative or project about cryptocurrency in the city of Annecy as Dash will be the only cryptocurrency having an official representation all year long.

    In fact, I have been in contact with an entrepreneur that has two businesses and following my proposition, he now accepts dash (Paragliding flights and parachute jumps in Annecy + boat rental for cruising in Martinique). I will next target a bar to accept Dash.

Bonus: general awareness

  • At least 13 cyclists riding a total of approximately 130000 km a year with Dash jersey on.

  • Training will be around Annecy, very touristic city in France. When an outfit is nice, and worn by a group of cycling competitors. It attracts attention and get viewers during the training session:
- Car drivers: waiting at traffic lights or when overtaking the group.
- Pedestrian: walking on the street looking at the group of cyclists passing by or during stops at traffic lights,​

  • For a small cost, that’s a team that can, through small monetary incentive in case of wins (more on that below) can attract talent as no other amateur cycling team can do in the region. With an over skilled coach, that’s all the elements needed to build a team from an amateur to a regional and then a national level.

  • Eventually Dash might be sponsoring (as it already does with Dash Force One and the yacht) many more sport events as traditional banking does (which means it’s profitable). To give you some example of benefits of having a sponsor at the Tour de France: if Ag2r (Huge French insurance group) paid for that many appearances on TV instead of sponsoring a cycling team, the study shows that they would have spent 100 million of euros. Instead of that, they sponsored a cycling team which cost them 14,5 million euros. (Source - in French)
And let me repeat that neither myself or the trainer get paid with this funding.

How will the Masternodes be aware how the funds are used?

I have already created a website that will give updates about the team: Results of competitions, pictures and videos and information about Dash in French. (teamdashcyclisme.wordpress.com). About pictures, there’s already a lot attached to this pre-proposal. The domain name will be upgraded if the project is funded.

Facebook: facebook.com/TeamDashCyclisme/

I would also keep the community posted every month in that thread. I will post the team’s results when the race season starts (March 2018).

The accounting of the money will be totally transparent. I will keep a google doc page where you can check what has been spent (with the detail of the transaction) and how much money is left.

If some money is left due to a dash value appreciation, or if I don't get 30 team members the first year, it will be used to sponsor part of the second year. In any case, they will not be used to pay myself or the coach. We do it for free.

Some thoughts about our strategy

Let me explain how cycling works in my country. Even though it is a very popular sport in France, there is almost no money involved in cycling at a regional level. A club, only by offering as little as the minimum equipment (1 personalized Jersey + 1 Bib short is around 110 €) would attract good racers. Another big lever is paying the team bonuses when they win a race and reimburse their travel and race registration costs. Those things don’t amount to much relatively speaking to other sports, but makes a huge difference when we are talking about building a good and professional cycling team.

Having the chance of having an over skilled coach, paying the equipment and some race bonuses (in dash of course) will make that club a very attractive one. Starting at a low level will also make it possible to take it slowly to maximize expenses for a good ROI.

For 14,9 Dash (4575€) the first year, that’s a dash cycling team that will make the buzz locally and that will have all the necessary tools to grow into something much bigger, while truly engaging all the team members (and probably their family) and bringing general awareness about cryptocurrency in a country that truly lacks.

Budget details:

The budget is based on 30 people, this will allow me to continue recruiting this year and growing the team. (Based on 305€/Dash 30-day-moving-average or 359$/Dash).
Amounts are in euros:


- Team members subscription : 90 € per member – 8,9 Dash (2700€)

Expenses already incurred, for which I don’t ask any money:
  • Outfit testing: 61€
  • Running t-shirts: 132€
  • Stickers: 21€
  • Administration costs: 70€
  • Windbreaker outfit pre-order: 150€
= 1,4 dash (425€)

Total revenue : 10,3 dash (3125€)

Expenses to come:

  • Dash cycling outfits (jersey, bib short, windbreaker, running t-shirts): 13 Dash (3950€)
  • Dash give-away: 0,5 Dash (150€)
  • Club creation and affiliations to cycling federation: 1,2 Dash (360€)
  • Marketing (New website, flyers, stickers, equipment test): 1 Dash (300€)
  • Management costs (Stamping, gas, meeting-room rental, bank account cost): 0,3 Dash (100€)
  • Dash temporary outfit (in case the new Dash logo is not ready for march) 1,6 Dash (500€)
  • Expected Bonuses to deliver*: 4,2 Dash (1290€)
  • Reimbursing race registration costs**: 3,4 Dash (1050€)
* Win: 30€ Podium: 10€ Top10: 5€
** Starting from the 20th race of the cyclist, 7€ per race.

Total expense: 25,2 Dash (7700€)

TOTAL requested: 14,9 dash (4575€) + 5 dash proposal fee

= 19,9 dash

Depending on the evolution of the 30-day-moving average, and following the strong rise of dash's value recently, the amount of dash asked may decrease for the official proposal on dashcentral.

Well, if you have any ideas or suggestions for this project, don't hesitate in telling me.

Pablo Saluden

PS: I had already designed the outfit with Dash logo but following the announcement from the core team about the new logo coming end of the year. I will have to wait until it is done before creating a new design.

The outfit I wanted to test at the beginning:
I have tested already a supplier:


Thank you @tomasz.ludek for your help for the sticker :)

The trainer David next to the new world champion Under 23 Benoit Cosnefroy:


Just received our windbreaker outfit:
coupe vent.jpg

First trainings in october:
route1.jpg route2.jpg running1.jpg ppg5.jpg

More photos to come with the new team members :)
I don't have any logical arguments to vote yes on this. Do you have a few short reasons on why this is a good investment?
I don't have any logical arguments to vote yes on this. Do you have a few short reasons on why this is a good investment?

Dear RGXDK, I can't say I wasn't expecting your post :). I remember that you were already not agreeing with that project when I posted a draft of it in the general discussion.

I believe all the benefits for Dash are explained in the part “Benefits for Dash” (awareness raised about Dash locally, 13 to 30 new person receiving a presentation about Dash, two businesses accepting Dash, and more above). If those don't convince you, I am not sure I'd be able to change your mind on that one :)

Thank you nonetheless for your comment.
As stated in the draft that was posted in the general discussion, I confirm that @PabloS is my brother and can be trust (for those who might not know me, I am the French Translator for the wiki Atlassatian and Dash Force News - my name can be found in both DAO's proposals). We have been talking a lot about that project and he has a clear idea of it which could indeed become many things, don't hesitate in bringing your support or pitch in your ideas for innovation or improvements !
I shall vote "yes" if some sort of follow-up is planned to ensure that the promo is actually implented.

Dear Coqui33,

I will keep the community posted every month in that thread. I will post the team’s results and photos when the race season starts (March 2018).
As soon as the new logo from Ogilvy is out, I will order the outfits and post the picture on the forum.
There will also be updates (in french) on our website and facebook page.
The accounting of the money will be totally transparent. I will keep a google doc page where you can check what has been spent (with the detail of the transaction) and how much money is left.

Did you have something else in mind when you were talking about follow-up ?
Photo of the team during our meet-up with the Dash windbreaker:


We are now waiting for the new Dash logo before ordering the jersey and the bibshort.

As I was saying in my pre-proposal, I did a dash presentation to the team members and offered give-aways. It was interesting to see the positive reactions and all the questions they had about Dash.
Small problem was that some couldn't get their dash as they were using a Windows Phone.
Hello everyone,

As all comments are positive so far, I've decided to up a proposal to the network tomorrow.
If any of you have a last comment or suggestion on how I could improve my proposal, don't hesitate !

See you on Dashcentral :)