...and there's me wondering why my 2-core 4GB server has no down time and fully upgraded without problems.
VULTR does not permit to downgrade. So if we upgrade from 4GB to 8 GB there is no going back, and the cost remains high.During intital Reindex, you need 6GB(+) RAM and/or swap space, after that requirements drop. Most folks are just using 8 GB RAM to
get thru the upgrade process.
VULTR does not permit to downgrade. So if we upgrade from 4GB to 8 GB there is no going back, and the cost remains high.
View attachment 11360
Looks like DIP24 (Quorum Rotation) locked-in, despite below drop in percentage of Dash v18.0 blocks found by miners (currently below trigger of 80%).
View attachment 11358
DIP24 should be fully activated at block 1737792 / 13 Sep 2022.
Please someone correct me, if i am wrong....
Looks like DIP24 (Quorum Rotation) locked-in, despite below drop in percentage of Dash v18.0 blocks found by miners (currently below trigger of 80%).
DIP24 should be fully activated at block 1737792 / 13 Sep 2022.
Please someone correct me, if i am wrong....
You are correct! We locked in with a staggering 95% of miners signalling for the hard fork! I think that might be a record.
View attachment 11361
We now wait for 4032 blocks, about 7.35 days for the hard fork to activate on block 1737792, which is about 13th of September depending on your TZ.
View attachment 11362
And we have 88.5% of the Masternode upgraded, the rest will either upgrade in time or simply be forked off the block following the fork.
And how do you explain the drop in the percentage of the miners?
Is there any other reasonable explanation, apart from the "agents conspiracy theory"?
The charts Qwizzie posts are inferior, that is why I always delete them, I only trust mnowatch as the source, there was no drop in miner signalling, it was a strong finish, perfect actually. I am surprised we locked in so soon, I was expecting it to take at least another month.
In what chart of mnowatch.org can we see that there was no drop in miner signalling?
unset oldblockcount;while : ;do blockcount=$(dash-cli getblockcount)&&fork=$(dash-cli getblockchaininfo)&& count=$(jq -r '.bip9_softforks.dip0024.statistics.count' <<<"$fork");if((blockcount!=oldblockcount));then echo -e "Block: $blockcount\tcount: $count";oldblockcount=$blockcount;fi;sleep 1;done
Next time we can look at adding fork explorer to the site.
std::terminate() called due to unhandled exception
Exception: type=std::runtime_error, what="locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid"
LC_ALL="C" && export LC_ALL
)Looks like the latest update to dashd (v18) reintroduced the locale issues, causing the process to terminate with:
Code:std::terminate() called due to unhandled exception Exception: type=std::runtime_error, what="locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid"
unless the locale is automatically set through an env variable on our machines (LC_ALL="C" && export LC_ALL
In what chart of mnowatch.org can we see that there was no drop in miner signalling?
Can you elaborate on this? Is this to start the QT wallet, or a headless node? What is your current locale?
as their locale and I have to override it to C
by setting the LC_ALL
env var.After updating MN to 18.0.1 it got PoSe Banned. Checking the logs showed "possible database corruption". So I wiped it out and began resyncing. After two days it still wasn't resynced so I started checking deeper. What I found eventually out is that the CPU usage is not really an issue but.... apparently 4GiB of physical plus 8GiB of swap is not enough for it to complete the full sync. `dashd` keeps gradually allocating all available memory until it gets killed. This could also explain the "possible database corruption" in the first place I guess. A memory leak somewhere in the new version?Nothing seems to be working. I bought a 4 core VCPU with 16gb of ram. It is 2 days now and the blockchain has not been fully synced and the CPU usage is still consuming 150%. Is there something I am doing wrong?
After updating MN to 18.0.1 it got PoSe Banned. Checking the logs showed "possible database corruption". So I wiped it out and began resyncing. After two days it still wasn't resynced so I started checking deeper. What I found eventually out is that the CPU usage is not really an issue but.... apparently 4GiB of physical plus 8GiB of swap is not enough for it to complete the full sync. `dashd` keeps gradually allocating all available memory until it gets killed. This could also explain the "possible database corruption" in the first place I guess. A memory leak somewhere in the new version?
Yep, you guessed it! A new version is coming soon, v18.0.2 which will address that issue. If you need to get around the issue for now, then just restart the dashd several times during syncing to reclaim that RAM before it crashes.After updating MN to 18.0.1 it got PoSe Banned. Checking the logs showed "possible database corruption". So I wiped it out and began resyncing. After two days it still wasn't resynced so I started checking deeper. What I found eventually out is that the CPU usage is not really an issue but.... apparently 4GiB of physical plus 8GiB of swap is not enough for it to complete the full sync. `dashd` keeps gradually allocating all available memory until it gets killed. This could also explain the "possible database corruption" in the first place I guess. A memory leak somewhere in the new version?