Dash Core v0.14 on Mainnet

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Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator


Dash Core Group is pleased to share that Dash Core v0.14.0 binaries are released and ready for deployment on mainnet by node operators.

This software release focuses on improving the user experience while increasing network security. Highlights of this release include:

Long-Living Masternode Quorums (“LLMQs”), which will increase scalability through improved consensus and expand the universe of potential use cases of the network;

⛓ LLMQ-Based ChainLocks, which leverage LLMQs to improve network security by mitigating 51% mining attacks; and

⏩♂️ LLMQ-Based InstantSend, using LLMQs to not only improve network scalability, but in combination with ChainLocks will allow for secure, real-time payments.

This release represents a major step towards making Dash the most user-friendly blockchain based payment system in the world. Long wait times make it hard for today’s crypto networks to truly compete with traditional payment methods like credit and debit cards. For a user trying to purchase groceries, for example, waiting more than a minute for a transaction to process simply isn’t acceptable. Beyond this, once a payment is received, users accustomed to traditional payment methods expect to be able to re-spend that received money immediately.

Other networks that have managed to reduce wait times have typically done so at the cost of network security by overly centralizing the authority over which transactions go through and which don’t, creating greater opportunity for manipulation and attack. Dash, on the other hand, will provide users with the real-time payments they expect at an extremely high level of security through the second layer masternode network. Someone who wanted to try to manipulate or attack the system would need to spend hundreds of millions in USD to do so.

Read more about these features in the "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">Dash Core v0.14.0 Product Brief and download the binaries from the "); background-size: 1px 1px; background-position: 0px calc(1em + 1px);">Dash Core Group website.

Network Operators: Rollout Procedure and Upgrade Instructions
We ask partners, network operators, and other stakeholders to please begin upgrading as soon as possible.

Rollout Procedure
Below please find a diagram explaining the currently planned rollout procedure for Dash Core v0.14. Please note that this may change as we proceed and learn more — if this occurs, communications will be distributed to alert the community.


Current Dash Core v0.14 Rollout Plan — May 21, 2019
The next 4032-block window will begin sometime this coming weekend, at block 1,076,544.

Upgrade Instructions
Please find instructions on how to upgrade here:
The procedure is fairly straightforward this time. Masternode owners do not need to wait for their next payment before upgrading. As always if you have any questions or need assistance with the upgrade, please contact the
Looks like this will also require a sentinel update, something that is not mentioned i think in the installation notes ?

cd .dashcore
cd sentinel
git pull

I assume it needs a sentinel update because when i did a git pull it showed 4 changed files
and a number of additions and deletions, suggesting to me Sentinel indeed updated itself.
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Very impressed with the CPU usage. I've seen a few spikes but overall the CPU usage is really low!

Also, after updating sentinel, you can check the version like so:

grep sentinel_version lib/config.py
Why is dash-qt missing from the bin directory?
the dash-qt.exe is both in the windows 32 & 64 bit version ZIP file. Maybe your anti-virus scanner deleted the
dash-qt.exe during extraction ? My anti-virus scanner bitched a bit about the exe file (it bitch about any exe file), but i could surpress the warning and extract it.

I downloaded it from official site (https://www.dash.org/downloads/)
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Great and smooth update guys. Gratz, Indeed CPU usage is very low. Top!
The 0.14 DIPs haven't enabled yet, so this doesn't really mean anything...

How's RAM usage? Bandwidth? Frankly, those two are more important than CPU...

I think the activation of the spork that handles LLMQ InstandSend (spork 20), could have the most impact.
Will be interesting to see what happens when that particular one activates.
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