Dash Core v0.13 on Mainnet

Is there a way to monitor the support for v.0.13 under miners ? Maybe some chart exists these days ?
If there is no way to monitor this, then can we at least get some info from time to time about the percentage of miningpools that upgraded ? (There should be an DCG internal doc about that somewhere)

From Post 1 :
Activation will occur after 80% of blocks have signaled readiness within an approximately ~1-week window.

Am i correct in assuming that the mentioned 80% of blocks could mean a few months and that the mentioned "1 week window" is to occur after those few months ? Or does this whole DIP0003 activation phase only takes a week ? (Which is remarkably short for a miners upgrade)
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Is there a way to monitor the support for v.0.13 under miners ? Maybe some chart exists these days ?
If there is no way to monitor this, then can we at least get some info from time to time about the percentage of miningpools that upgraded ? (There should be an DCG internal doc about that somewhere)

From Post 1 :

Am i correct in assuming that the mentioned 80% of blocks could mean a few months and that the mentioned "1 week window" is to occur after those few months ? Or does this whole DIP0003 activation phase only takes a week ? (Which is remarkably short for a miners upgrade)

couple of weeks - same as always ; )
13 chart on (as always ; )
couple of weeks - same as always ; )
13 chart on (as always ; )

Strange, i clearly remember previous upgrades that required miners support up to 80% taking a lot more then a few weeks.
Edit : v12.2 took exactly 12 days for miners and masternodes to upgrade to a sufficient level, so i think i remembered older
updates (before v12.2) mostly as taking a very long time.

Anyways, thank you for the chart link.

Edit : Miners support after 5 days still at 0 % according the chart.
Masternode support is building up nicely, currently at 21,2% according https://www.dashninja.pl/masternodes.html
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When I am trying to run "protx register_prepare" I got an error message "non-wallet or invalid address". I can confirm this address by using "validateaddress" that it's from my own wallet. Do I after to do this only after DIP003 is activated?
When I am trying to run "protx register_prepare" I got an error message "non-wallet or invalid address". I can confirm this address by using "validateaddress" that it's from my own wallet. Do I after to do this only after DIP003 is activated?
Yes, you should start it via usual "masternode start-<smth>" command only for now and wait for DIP0003 to register it as a deterministic one. This post above https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-core-v0-13-on-mainnet.43130/#post-205630 outlines the migration process pretty good.
Current v0.13 update progress :

45% of the masternodes updated (https://www.dashninja.pl/masternodes.html)
4,2% of the miners now show support for v0.13 ( (v13 adoption)
Edit : miners support % seems subject to change at the moment, should be more clear in a few days

Miners support has started to increase the last hour and large exchanges have began updating their wallets
(Kraken did that today for its Dash wallet, through a planned maintenance session).

I suspect miningpools and large exchanges were waiting to see if there were any last minute hotfixes before
starting their update procedure. V0.13 has been remarkably stable so far.
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Current v0.13 update progress :

45% of the masternodes updated (https://www.dashninja.pl/masternodes.html)
4,2% of the miners now show support for v0.13 ( (v13 adoption)
Edit : miners support % seems subject to change at the moment, should be more clear in a few days

Miners support has started to increase the last hour and large exchanges have began updating their wallets
(Kraken did that today for its Dash wallet, through a planned maintenance session).

I suspect miningpools and large exchanges were waiting to see if there were any last minute hotfixes before
starting their update procedure. V0.13 has been remarkably stable so far.
The testing of release candidates was extraordinary, because the changes were sweeping.

DASH has stepped out of the mold and taken the first step along it's own path. No more training wheels.

The coders have proven themselves, beyond all doubt.

It remains to be seen if the rest of the staff will rise to the occasion or let this, as so many other opportunities, be squandered. But, if so, it'll be different this time. In the past, they've simply let opportunities presented by the market pass them by. This time, they will be letting the project's own creation falter if they continue to be bureaucratic dead weight...

Evolution is nice, but they damn well better FINALLY DO SOMETHING WITH IT or all this hard work and consternation is pointless.

By all means. Prove me wrong. I look forward to it. Nothing would please me more than to eat my own pessimistic words over the last few years.
Why take long time? No! Not take long time! Farang pee bah!
There are several layers to this update, each layer equating roughly to the full process of previous upgrades. There's going to be a lot of entropy added by MNOs being unsure how to properly upgrade, too. Especially once DIP3 hits... If this is pulled off in merely 12 days, it'll be freakin' amazing.

You don't need me to explain this to you, of course, but a simplified explanation why it's taking longer, yet going much more smoothly, seems in order. For the benefit of the onlookers.

DASH is waayyy over the heads of the average cryptotard. They don't even notice or comprehend most of what's going on in this project. All they understand is hash algos, block rates, and ouija boards... OK, most of them don't even understand that much...
Can we activate v14 features (ChainLocks) without waiting these miners to update their software? As far as I understand, 51% mining attack won't be a problem
Can we activate v14 features (ChainLocks) without waiting these miners to update their software? As far as I understand, 51% mining attack won't be a problem

Interesting question, although your question is more related to a future update (v.0.14, currently being coded on testnet).

Let me refrase it as follows : once we have activated all DIPS and sporks from v.013 on mainnet and finished testing V0.14 on testnet
and are at the stage of implementing v.0.14 on mainnet, will that v0.14 require 80% of miners support before activation like v0.13 ?

(i refrase your question this way, because we cant introduce v0.14 on mainnet before v.0.13 has been fully activated)
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I have been thinking of a way to reach miners and miningpools faster and more efficient, when there are updates that specifically involve miners/miningpools. Updates dat involve DIPS or updates where miners/miningpools need to signal a readiness to the network (80% ).

What if DCG makes a specific mining update thread which is locked for comments, pinned for visibility and only shows the updates that are relevant to miners /miningpools ? Miners/miningpools should then be encouraged to put a watch on that thread, after which they get informed automatically when new updates for miners are added by DCG in that thread. They will receive that information in the form of an alert flag in the dash.org/forum and through an email.

The same (making an official seperate update thread, locked for comments) can also be done for masternode owners, where DCG can put important update information, like spork activation or further steps into an update process which are relevant for masternode owners.

The watch option of threads can be an important tool to reach certain groups (miners / masternode owners) and people are perhaps more inclined to use it if it directly impacts their core activity and when the alert and email are only about their core activity (the current official announcement thread is too broad for that).
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Approx 1 week to lock-in DIP3 (if it stays at or above 80%)
Approx 1 week to activate DIP3
Then activation of sporks 15 & 16

Approx 1 week to lock-in DIP3 (if it stays at or above 80%)
Approx 1 week to activate DIP3
Then activation of sporks 15 & 16


[wet fart noises]

STAYS at/above 80%. That borders on impossible...

Regardless of "be patient" nonsense, Miners simply should not have this authority. MasterNodes should. is out...
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What happens during DIP3 lock-in, if percentage on the hourly graph briefly drops below 80% during the 4032 block window / lock-in period ? Does that block window reset or will it just continue adding, once miners signal above 80% again ?
Update : eventhough the hourly graph briefly dipped to 79% yesterday, the lock-in still occurred today. Which means i can safely conclude it will just continue adding. Which is good to know for future DIP updates.
Is there a way for us to check if DIP3 lock-in has actually ocurred ? (we should be pretty close to it by now)
Update : ./dash-cli getblockchaininfo (i forgot about this command). It would be nice to have this info displayed through a DIPS tab here : (next to our SPORKS tab).
Is it possible for future DIP updates to shorten the lock-in and activation time period a bit ? For example setting it to a 2016 block window ? (3 / 4 days)
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Dash '13 locked_in' occurred (dip3)
'13 Activation' will take place Block Height 1,028,160
(next Wednesday morning UTC time/ Late Tuesday night in the US,7 days from now)
You can then start registering your MN on the deterministic Masternode list, we will poste Guides and Updates beforehand

Dash Services - are you updated to ver 13 ?!
DIP3 activation coming in under 500 blocks (~20h) from now. Please update to follow the majority chain and stay operational.
(If you upgrade after DIP3 activation, you have to reindex which will add extra time to your downtime.)