Dash Core Team Q4 Call - rescheduled


Masternode Owner/Operator
Dear Community Members,

Due to some issues with planning of the Q4 Call, I need to re-schedule it and set a new date of the call.
The original date was 14th February 2017. I would like to inform that new date of the Q4 call is 9th March 2017.

Please accept my apologies for the short notice and unexpected change.
Conference call details will be announced soon in a separate message.
Well, it is the 15th ;P LOL, I didn't realize there was a call set up. Could you please link to instructions on how to join in on the call? Thanks :D
Thanks. Will the conference call be open for pre-submitted questions like last time? If so, is this thread open for questions or would you rather we wait for the separate message?
I will share the call details in coming days.
You will be able to ask your questions during the call or submit on the forum (different topic)