Dash Core sync problems


New member
Hi guys!

For the few last days I'm trying to be a part of Dash community and the very first step for me is to get Dash Core Win64 wallet but I faced huuuge troubles.

Let me describe all the problems in a few steps:
1. After the first installation I got the message that I need to synchronize with Dash network and it's was done. I mean, the sync process successfuly finished (there was no progress bar in the bottom of program).
But...I didn't recieve 0.01 of Dash that my friend sent me couple of days ago.

2. Now, things are getting worse.
Every time when I run wallet (after reboot) sync process starting again and again. And the worst thing is that now syncronization paused on the 29.62% and it's now moving at all.
It looks like this: clip2net. com/s/3Q9rv8Q
(sorry I have to break the link due to the spam protection).

I put Dash folder in the exeptions of my Avast antivirus but it doesn't help.

What the hell is going on and how to fix it, guys?

Thank you in advance.
Hi there, welcome to Dash! From your screenshot it looks like your wallet is not connecting to peers - see how it says "Connecting to peers" in the bottom left? This should say "Synchronizing with network" when you are connected. You should check your internet settings, firewall or VPN to make sure it isn't interfering with your connection in some way.

For your first question: Are you sure the address your friend sent the dash to you is in this wallet? Where did you get your address from? Can you see the transaction on a blockchain explorer like http://insight.dash.org/ ?
Hey, Strophy.
Thank you for the answer.

Yes, my wallet can't connect to the peers. I tried to switch off antivirus and checked Windows firewall (it says Dash Core allowed in every kind of network) but nothing helps me.
I also tried to install Dash Core on virtual machine (same computer) and sync process started normally. I got no proxy or vpn connected.
Got any ideas what to do?

And, yes. I see my transaction at blockchain explorer. It confirmed but I got nothing. o_O

It seems like something blocks sync connection.
At the same time I seу that peers are connected! c2n. me/3QbpRFj
And the netowrk activity looks normal c2n. me/3Qbq73F
But I'm still 1 year behind and it's paused c2n. me/3Qbqepn

I'm looking for some support from Dash developers cause situation looks weird. :(
Hey, Strophy.
Thank you for the answer.

Yes, my wallet can't connect to the peers. I tried to switch off antivirus and checked Windows firewall (it says Dash Core allowed in every kind of network) but nothing helps me.
I also tried to install Dash Core on virtual machine (same computer) and sync process started normally. I got no proxy or vpn connected.
Got any ideas what to do?

And, yes. I see my transaction at blockchain explorer. It confirmed but I got nothing. o_O

It seems like something blocks sync connection.
At the same time I seу that peers are connected! c2n. me/3QbpRFj
And the netowrk activity looks normal c2n. me/3Qbq73F
But I'm still 1 year behind and it's paused c2n. me/3Qbqepn

I'm looking for some support from Dash developers cause situation looks weird. :(
First, make backup to usb stick, then close wallet, then check your hard disk for any errors or faults in the file system.

Then try this in the wallet, goto menu -> Tools -> Wallet Repair -> Rebuild index -> let it do its stuff and wait...

Good luck.
This is indeed weird. Can you confirm your wallet version is

It's possible you got stuck on an orphaned block. Go to Tools > Debug console and run the getinfo command. Find your current blockheight in the blocks variable. Then find the hash of that block in a blockchain explorer by searching for that block number - the hash appears at the top of the search result and should start with a lot of zeros. Copy that hash, then go back to the debug console and run reconsiderblock <blockhash>. Then run clearbanned. This might help get you unstuck..

Let me know how it goes!
I too am having Sync problems. I can get it to sync up to Block #905462 but no further. The few peers I've seen online all have a starting height equal to or less than 905462
The sync height of these peers are either unknown or 905462. I don't know if any of that matters or not. When I try a wallet repair it goes through the 1st 4 years and 20 or so weeks relatively quickly, but keeps stopping at 905462. I left it on for hours and it still didn't budge. I've tried searching for the block number , copying the hash, and running the reconsiderblock command. I tried running clearbanned, but got "Method not found (code -32601)" was I supposed to use that somewhere besides in the console?

By the way, I'm using Dash Core: on a Windows 10 laptop
@XnBacon as above...just update your wallet to the new version and all will work again ;)
Hey guys!
I also have Sync problems between dash core wallets although network connection is ok. Please help me the ways how to solve dash core 'out of sync' problems.

By the way, I am running in virtual machine on same computer and wallet version is 61000.
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