Dash Core Group Q4 Quarterly Call - 04.02.2021


Masternode Owner/Operator
Dear Dash Community Members,

I would like to kindly invite you to the Dash Core Group Q4 Quarterly Call, where we will provide you with the recent updates about the project progress, technology, and business development efforts, made during the last quarter.
We have prepared an update of the work made by DCG, company achievements, and challenges we have faced during Q4.

The call will take place on Thursday, the 4th of February 2021 at 15:00 UTC.
Link to the Youtube live stream:

Please prepare and submit your questions here or send them directly to me or @strophy.
I strongly suggest sending one (possibly short) question per user, as there will be a limited time for the Q&A section.
Please be aware that we might not be able to answer all of the questions submitted before and during the call. In such a case, the remaining questions will be answered later, on the forum.

EDIT: Slides are available here: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/...8550659/DCG-Q4-2020-Quarterly-Call.pdf?api=v2

Thank you,
Robert Wiecko
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I have tried several times to install the Alpha Dashpay wallet onto my Android smartphone and my attempts have always failed. As I live in Austria the German version always automatically gets installed for upgrading to Evolution- Can I install the English version if that works better ?
I have sent the above info to Support ?
I was informed there is a bug. Please inform me when you have sorted out the bug and installation of Alpha Dashpay will go ahead smoothly.
So far the experience was disappointing
I have been following the Dash project for 4 years now and own a certain amount
Regards James
I have tried several times to install the Alpha Dashpay wallet onto my Android smartphone and my attempts have always failed. As I live in Austria the German version always automatically gets installed for upgrading to Evolution- Can I install the English version if that works better ?
I have sent the above info to Support ?
I was informed there is a bug. Please inform me when you have sorted out the bug and installation of Alpha Dashpay will go ahead smoothly.
So far the experience was disappointing
I have been following the Dash project for 4 years now and own a certain amount
Regards James
Hi @Stockleyjames ; I am sorry to hear you had issues installing the latest version. As you noted, this is a known issue and it, unfortunately, is not related to specific countries/languages (at least not that I have seen so far). The testnet network is much larger (i.e. more nodes that can fail) and we do not have full control of all of the nodes so there are a higher number of network failures occurring which we haven't seen in the past. If resetting the wallet doesn't allow you to create your username then you can keep an eye out on your email; I will send an update once we have released some fixes.
why doesn't the core wallet have user name capabilities? (I may know the answer, no mnemonic keys?)
Is incentivizing mixing on a wallet level a possible way to offer staking rewards to everyday users? Currently the only ways that rewards can be earned are through mining and operating a masternode. If we incentivized mixing we would increase the pool for private sends while drawing in new users by offering an alternative path for them to earn rewards. Maybe the rewards could be a small percentage of the MN And Mining Rewards? Not sure how that would work, but I believe it would pay for itself with the additional users and the increased market cap we would get from offering a service like this.
I don't see any commit from Alexander Block for many months. Is he still working for Dash?
Highly anticipate the distribution of Dash Usernames.

Can you specify how you will open the market? Can 1 billion humans register their name on the first day? Will Masternode owner get a first move? Will there be an auction, or a slow mode? Can you apply for more than 1 username per mobile phone or can you also register via dash core desktop application multiple times?

thanks in advance! wishing a fruitful quarterly call.
Hello, so you have anu plans in adding Dash on Gemini ,grayscale or paypal? This will help dash in getting a good light again for the Usa investors as a dark cloud is above dash and privacy coins with delistings from bittrex .Gemini will be a big punch in the trolls face. Grayscale is hot also and paypal will be a bomb for dash future. Thank you
Hello, so you have anu plans in adding Dash on Gemini ,grayscale or paypal? This will help dash in getting a good light again for the Usa investors as a dark cloud is above dash and privacy coins with delistings from bittrex .Gemini will be a big punch in the trolls face. Grayscale is hot also and paypal will be a bomb for dash future. Thank you
Hello @dragostudor79
We have reached out to these companies and offered our assistance with onboarding. However, it is not up to us to decide whether Dash will be listed on these platforms or not. We cannot plan what the external, independent entities do with their businesses.
I would recommend other actions than just relying on DCG and ask the community to put constant pressure on these companies to list Dash.
Hi @Stockleyjames ; I am sorry to hear you had issues installing the latest version. As you noted, this is a known issue and it, unfortunately, is not related to specific countries/languages (at least not that I have seen so far). The testnet network is much larger (i.e. more nodes that can fail) and we do not have full control of all of the nodes so there are a higher number of network failures occurring which we haven't seen in the past. If resetting the wallet doesn't allow you to create your username then you can keep an eye out on your email; I will send an update once we have released some fixes.
Thanks for your prompt reply and I look forward to hearing from you when you have managed to fix the issue
Estimate on when and where will DCG Q&A from the Discord that weren't answered in the call will be posted?
On Discord it reads "Submit your questions for DCG Q4 Quarterly Call" is this just a lie or what are you getting at?
Here is the list of questions responded to during the call, with links pointing to the answers
  1. The Platform move from Evonet to Testnet seemed to have been a difficult one. DashPay is also not yet on Testnet, almost one month after target. How confident are you that the move from Testnet to Mainnet will be smooth, as long as sufficient testing on Testnet is done? Is Testnet representative enough for Mainnet, in the context of Platform deployment and testing? (chinmi)

  2. How many usernames can you have on Dash Platform? Can you have multiple from one account? (fou)

    A (Anton, from Telegram): You can have one main name and unlimited amount of aliases pointing to the main name. Main name has to be set before you can create aliases and cannot be changed.
    Answer during the call:

  3. Why doesn't the core wallet have user name capabilities? (I may know the answer, no mnemonic keys?) (TanteStefana)

  4. Highly anticipate the distribution of Dash Usernames. Can you specify how you will open the market? Can 1 billion humans register their name on the first day? Will Masternode owner get a first move? Will there be an auction, or a slow mode? Can you apply for more than 1 username per mobile phone or can you also register via dash core desktop application multiple times? (SASH)

  5. I don't see any commit from Alexander Block for many months. Is he still working for Dash? (bhkien)

  6. Have DCG proactively approached binance to educate them on fast pass?? If not why? (stealth923)
    A: https://youtu.be/4gSW40h8YE0?t=7428

  7. Does DCG current have a war chest for future bear markets? If not do they plan on creating one when the market returns in favour of dash? (dashnobi)
    A: https://youtu.be/4gSW40h8YE0?t=7627

  8. Many companies define annual and quarterly Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). Is it something that is being done for DCG and DIF (and Dash overall)? For each objective there should be some metrics that define the success. If these OKRs already exist can they be shared with MNOs and quarterly reports are organized around them? (awesomedash)
    A: https://youtu.be/4gSW40h8YE0?t=7837

  9. Understandably DCG are quite busy, however with all that’s happening with Dash Platform, DashPay and on quite a few other fronts, communication from DCG is relatively low. Would it be too much to ask for a scheduled 30 min Q&A session once a fortnight/month? This is one of four questions here raising a similar question. Bob, Dana and Ryan have all been mentioned. It’s quite apparent that we don’t know who is taking the lead from DCG on two-way community engagement. (foxtrot)
    A: https://youtu.be/4gSW40h8YE0?t=8096

  10. It has been noticed that Dash Foundation donations address still receives the payments, even though the funds have not moved from there in over two years. What is the actual status of Dash Foundation? (splawik)
    A: https://youtu.be/4gSW40h8YE0?t=8334
Below is the list of already collected answers. The team is working on the remaining questions.

  1. What is the current status in terms of internationalization of our Dash Core software? How many languages are we now officially supporting. What is the translation status for the non-supported languages? Is there still any effort being done in this regard? I've diffed Bitcoin versus Dash in terms of Qt Linguist files and the difference is very significant. I understand it's not a priority at all, but it would be good to get a status update on this towards the DAO to see if any community members would like to contribute to this task. (Nthelight)

    A (strophy): The current translation status of Dash products is as follows:
    - Dash Core (21 languages supported,11x 100% complete, 7x >98% complete, 3x ~90% complete
    - Dash Mobile (24 languages supported, RTL support Android only, most languages 100%)
    - dash.org (19 languages supported, only Japanese missing)
    - docs.dash.org (14 languages supported, only French 100% complete, Spanish Russian and Chinese ~75% complete

    DCG has contracted one part-time translation manager and maintains relationships with around 25 regular translators. All translators are sourced from the community and work either as volunteers or paid in Dash. The current weakest point is the lack of a Japanese translation for the website. We are committed to maintaining the currently supported languages for core, mobile and dash.org, and will facilitate any volunteer translations for new languages or other products (e.g. docs).

    While most translators are paid a fixed word rate, we would like to highlight in particular the many generous and high-quality translations and proofreading that have been donated by numerous community members. Anyone is able to contribute translations, documentation on how to do so is here: https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/developers/translating.html

    Blog post discussing documentation and localization: https://blog.dash.org/documentation-and-localization-at-dash-3f34d00e0e09
  2. When DCG plans to build a marketing warchest for the launch of Platform and DashPay? (splawik)

    A (partial answer by Mark Mason on Discord): 2. I understand and hear your concerns loud and clear about the need for a marketing war-chest proposal in preparation for Dash Platform launch plans. I'm in absolute agreement and I fully support this. I'm happy to inform you that a proposal will be going up this voting cycle. I will pay for 5 Dash proposal fee with remaining funds from newsroom as I promised the community to take the lead on this initiative. All war-chest treasury proposal funding requests from the network will be held and controlled by a DCG proposal payment address. I want to give my thanks to Glenn Austin for supporting me on this and to Ryan Taylor for giving his approval. When the new DCG Marketing position is filled I'll bring them up to speed.

  3. The proposal to upgrade the superblock/proposal system didn't pass. Does DCG intend to revise the proposal and try again? If so, what revisions do you plan to make, and when can we expect it? (Rion)

    A: An answer to this question was provided by Ryan during the call. Slide: Store Of Value Update.
  1. Is there anything practical that can be done about whale voting patterns, or is that just part of the DAO deal, navigating around them? Most of them never make a comment, asking as a delegate, would like to better understand their behavior. (agnewpickens)

    A (Robert): DCG does not have an intention to interfere with any of MN votes and voting patterns - no matter if it is a single MN owner or whale with a large number of nodes.
  1. I have a question about the Dash ios wallet. Whenever I use it, it has to sync to the blockchain which takes minutes or longer. I have it set to background refresh but it will only update if I have the app open, rendering my phone useless while I wait. Any suggestions as to what is going on? (chenarchy)

    A (QuantumExplorer, from Discord): By clicking on the syncing message on the main screen you can see what is going on, when the wallet first connects to the network it first downloads the latest headers of the chain which take a few seconds, then immediately downloads the latest Masternode lists in order to get the ability to verify chain locks and instant send locks. This process should take 10 to 30 seconds, then it downloads the chain which takes an amount of time equal the time you have not used the app. If you have recently already synced (less than a week ago) and coming back this process takes longer than 2 minutes on wifi on an iPhone 7 or above then you should submit a ticket as there most likely is a bug in your version that needs to be fixed. Regardless, during the syncing time you can still send and receive payments, however this is not recommended if you are using the same wallet (ie seed phrase) on different devices.

  2. What DAPPs are likely to be ready in time for the mainnet launch? (stan)

    A (Robert): An answer to this question was provided by Bob during the call. Slide DAPP Incubator

  3. Any update from the recent finCEN letter about labeling Dash as a privacy coin? What would be the next step? In what conditions or when we decide that we have exhausted all options for saving PrivateSend (even though finCEN is wrong) and need to make a difficult decision? (awesomedash)

    A (Robert): There is a complex answer to that question within this video:
    . The video provides complex information about the regulatory and compliance related work and issues handled by DCG.
    Regulatory update was also a part of the quarterly call:
  4. As a new community member, I'm not seeing from the roadmap what exactly is being done behind the curtains. Any partnerships? What is the plan to expand the userbase? Use of dash in general? (vampyren)

    A (Robert): Reports on partnerships and new integrations are part of the quarterly call:
    . Upcoming integrations are not discussed due to the confidential character of this work.
Here are the remaining answers.

  1. In light of the recent ramp up of Big Tech deplatforming by all major companies is DCG considering these as possible threats to the Dash network in the future? What is DCG doing to anticipate and prevent any such disruption to the Dash Network should it come under similar attach (Removal of Dash apps from GooglePlay/Apple store; etc) (Collider)

    A: [RYAN] If a targeted Dash-specific set of removals were to occur, Dash wallets would remain accessible through numerous multi-currency wallets. In addition, it is possible to download apps without Play Store and App Store support, though the process is tedious and undesirable. Finally, it is possible to access a DashPay-enabled web wallet. Although that will not be part of DashPay’s initial release, if Apple or Google were to remove the apps from their app stores, we would quickly prioritize web support for Platform.

  2. In the interest of transparency to the DAO, I am kindly asking DCG representatives to align with our social media platform admins to provide growth and usage statistics for at least Twitter, Youtube and Reddit. I'd like to see at least a small reference to social media performance on the quarterly calls where 'network growth' is discussed, but social media growth is entirely ignored afaik. The DAO must have insight into extranetwork growth statistics. It also allows us to measure results of any effort we do in this context. (Nthelight)

    A: [RYAN] We used to include social media metrics in our quarterly calls, and as we turn more resources toward marketing I believe they are worth focusing some attention. It would be appropriate for DCG’s new Head of Marketing to include in their reporting and targets as well. Therefore, we may initiate some social media metrics with the Q1-2021 quarterly call.

  3. I would like DCG to consider adding the option of timelocking masternode collateral for a period of time (eg. 2 years) after which time it would simply revert to normal, or ideally the period may be extended at any time further before it unlocks. This may have a number of benefits. Not only would it keep Dash off the market but it would also increase security for masternode owners having no option to the release the funds if forced to by an attacker, especially after the recent Ledger leak of their user’s names and addresses. Additional MN functionality to consider would be for MNs to register whether they intend to be voting or non-voting so as to not disproportionately effect the voting threshold. What are DCG’s thoughts on implementing these changes at some time in the future? (foxtrot)

    A: [RYAN] Given the considerable downside of removing even the MNO’s ability to move the funds, this is not a request we’ve received in the past. There are plenty of other tools and best practices to improve your opsec that MNOs could pursue that don’t carry this major downside. That said, we have entered this into our potential feature lists for inclusion in version planning going forward. A better solution may be “vault accounts” which we have talked about in the past. Vault accounts allow for a transaction to be reverted within a set period of time (for example 24 hours). In that case, an undesired transfer such as one forced at the hands of an attacker could be reversed or stopped by the MNO or a trusted third party (e.g., by a trusted person or entity such as a custody provider). Such an ability would discourage an attack in the first place.

  4. What is DCG doing to catch up with the new reality Defi has brought us over a year ago? (Commiekiller)
  5. How will Dash integrate with the biggest DeFi network/protocol (ETH). Many coins are now available as wrapped version and can trade on uniswap....I think we would benefit from being a part of that. (vampyren)

    A: [Ernesto]: DeFi is the new “feature” built on top of Ethereum, Dash is much better at enabling instant and reasonably priced payments that ETH, so with the deployment of platform we foresee that Dash will be able to provide a set of features that can be utilized to solve part of the use cases that DeFi offers, without deviating from our core value proposition and staying laser focused on the payment space, as we do not want to chase the next big thing and stay behind, but to remain focused on the areas where we have a better chance of success.
    We are right now enabling a series of dev shops, ecosystem marketplaces and a group of ETH focused developers to start evaluating what are some of the features Dash can provide in order to complement the ETH landscape.
    We are happy to see other teams in the DAO working actively to enter the space with wrapped Dash and other features that can be immediately used in uniswap and others, as this is the true power of the DAO.
  6. I would like to know why Dash is so "invisible". Comparing Charles from Cardano and their AMA and continuous project update. Can we get some commitment from management to have more regular updates with project updates and just more visibility. Looking at Youtube channel it’s like a month between each short video. (vampyren)

    A: [RYAN] We recently conducted the first AMA with Mark Mason’s assistance and broadcast simultaneously on multiple social media channels, including Youtube among many others. We plan to formalize our efforts with additional live AMA’s accessible in different time zones, with different members of the team, or targeting specific topics (e.g., aimed at traders or developers). We are seeking feedback on the first AMA to incorporate that in our upcoming events. If you have comments, please leave them in the comments of the recording on the platform of your choice. We will take all feedback into account.

  7. Is there a target date for delivery of the Dash branded Craypay app? (Ash)

    A: [ERNESTO] The project is expected to be made public within two months, and we will announce in all social media channels for Dash, as well as run a few discount promotions. We plan to run a bigger commercial activity in a couple of geographic locations in order to drive more traffic and brand awareness at that place and create a lot of social media moments. In the meantime, we have been adding more merchants to the platform and are targeting 245-250 brands by the time we launch.

  8. Is incentivizing mixing on a wallet level a possible way to offer staking rewards to everyday users? Currently the only ways that rewards can be earned are through mining and operating a masternode. If we incentivized mixing we would increase the pool for private sends while drawing in new users by offering an alternative path for them to earn rewards. Maybe the rewards could be a small percentage of the MN And Mining Rewards? Not sure how that would work, but I believe it would pay for itself with the additional users and the increased market cap we would get from offering a service like this. (-crypto)

    A: [RYAN] It’s an intriguing idea. We can add it to the list of ideas for exploration. There are obviously multiple ways this could be implemented from economic, technical, and behavioral aspects, so it would likely not be trivial to create. Currently, users pay a fee for CoinJoin transactions, so this would fundamentally alter the behavior of users. Such a fundamental change could have unforeseen consequences if poorly designed, such as unintended blockchain congestion. We would need to consider how to avoid potential risks.
A month ago I asked in #dcg-questions whether there existed, or there were plans to make, a service that gave you a plastic card you could spend DASH with.

Any news?