Dash Core Group Q4 2017 Summary Call

1. Info on graphene and 1 gig blocks
2. Interest bearing accounts ETA
3. New privacy solutions or planned optimizations to PS
4. Comments on @JulioDash Proposal
Building the Dash DAO
Ad.1. I am putting this on the list of questions
Ad.2. Keeping in mind that we are developing something that was not developed before, we have decided to not declare any dates. We will report development progress on regular basis
Ad.3. @UdjinM6 , @flare - would you be able to answer this question?
Ad.4. I did not read it yet. Need to spent some time on this.
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What is the Core Teams take on treasury funds being using for politically polarizing proposals such as Ben Swann? Do you worry these proposals will sour the public to Dash due to its association with a specific side of the political spectrum?

We tend to not comment any proposals, unless they are harmful or dangerous to the project. We believe that the network is strong and smart enough to build wise opinions and vote according to the best interest of the project.
Could you please give Core's current view on the topic of in-protocol masternode shares? I understand that the focus is on getting Evolution V1 out, but after that, I believe that masternode shares should be a priority, including more of the community in the decision making (the returns are not what is important). I think this is needed to keep Dash growing and healthy. Dash should be inclusive and dare I say, decentralized.

Is Core still committed to this vision as well and how do you see this working in practice?
@nmarley, @AndyDark - would you be so kind and help me with this question?
First a request, then some questions...

The Dash Nation chat on discord is The community interface. A significant chunk of the core group is not interactive at all. I would request that all team members, top-to-bottom, endeavor to have a presence there. I'm not suggesting that people sit on chat all day. But ... become a part of Dash.

1. As Evolution rolls out, can you talk about how the security of the code base is going to be vetted? Besides opening it up? Can we see designs and such at some point for how usernames, passwords, emails (user metadata) are handled and secured? And then how it's implemented beyond the design? Maybe some of this is out there. If so, I haven't seen it.

2. The decentralized storage: We're using something like IPFS right? I can't recall. Until all this solidifies do we have some plans for a heartbeat of snapshots in case something catastrophic happens in the first month or six of evolution being in existence? I guess the real question is: Can you talk about disaster planning and recover surrounding how evolution storage and user data is being stored. Maybe this would be great for a separate call.

3. Can we have a separate engineering quarterly? Demos. Discussion about design and implementation. Proposed UX and feedback. Etc. etc. Right now stuff is being implemented... but there is no feedback loop. Very top-down... which usually ends up delivering something that is 18-degrees askew of what is really needed. Call it demo-day or some such.

4. Demo? Can we see a demo on these quarterly calls? Especially until #3 is in motion?

5. Evolution built-in gateways: We still live in a world of fiat. Is there any thought about partnering with one of the major exchanges to work on some workflow in and out of fiat with evolution being in the middle.

6. Building out the engineering team: The Evolution team is probably the right size at this point. But, other teams are likely needed: Integration team (help with stitching together services with the outside world (see #5 above)); mobile, desktop, web team; crypto-security-analysts, merchant tools team, sales engineering, etc. Maybe it would be good to move some of these outside of Core Group. The challenge: Dash Corp Group is already challenged with engaging with the community, it will be possibly even more challenging to work with outside entities.

7. Fees: Not really important for this call and not really a "Dash Core Group" question per ce, but Dash volatility means that InstantSend fees are volatile as well, and right now, a little heavier than they need to be. I feel like we have to ensure that Dash's fees are attractive in order to keep Dash in the point-of-sale game (if you like, read my article here). I would like folks' thoughts on how we can better manage these fees over time as Dash pricing relative to what the mainstream world is pegged to, zooms up and down.

8. We have drifted from the DIPs process for improvements to Dash Core -- https://github.com/dashpay/dips -- Is this something that needs to be talked about? I suppose we are doing just fine the way things are moving right now, but... Yeah, maybe we should talk about this.

9. Comment. The dash-docs (developer docs) site -- https://dash-docs.github.io/ -- is *outstanding*. I will reach out to thephez/strophy in how one can contribute and file issues to that (it's not obvious), but... kudos. This is a big deal.

10. Alt36 -- Perhaps we fund market vertical teams of some sort? This would be in Brad's camp. But, the Cannibis Industry, the Energy sector... we are starting to get traction in verticals that are pretty particular. Any thoughts on this?

That's it for now. Thank you. See y'all on the call.


I have put Q6 on the list for our call. The rest of the questions are rather technically-oriented and I hope they will be answered here in the thread (we are not asking the technical questions during the call, as they are understandable only to limited audience of devs)
Ad.10. Bradley is building his team and will explain strategy during the call
My previous employer (fortune 500 tech company) used Bluejeans for large international conference meetings pretty successfully (for all meetings actually). It's "cheap rate" limits to 75 people though. I don't know what their "expensive rate" is. You can probably pay for one-offs as well (you can with most, I believe). But, "Dash can afford that." This tech company has the bulk of its employees overseas.

Pay for the one-off's where they give you a person to handle the callins and whatnot if you think there will be a giant slew of people, etc. Anyway. It works. My old employer moved away from Cisco due to antiquated tech and problems like this one. Though, to be frank, Cisco should have been able to manage this. But... we said that previously as well.

For Webinars, we used INXPO ... which is a bit heavy-handed for this kind of stuff. I think anyway. Probably worth checking out.

Quoting another Dash Nation community member:
[12:20 PM] jeffh: Just adding a Bluejeans shout out.
[12:20 PM] jeffh: Works great.
[12:21 PM] jeffh: We tried like 10 other options at my last company before settling on them.
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Here is my question for this meeting. Although I'm sure everyone had a great time at the NABC, I found much of the event boring. There were too many "Sell your ICO project" speeches. I know I couldn't watch many of them. The good presentations were cut far too short with only 15 minutes to speak as well. I propose that a conference where you accept money for speaking positions is not the best of plans if what you want to achieve is an event where everyone who attends leaves feeling:
1. like they have learned a LOT about the new technology, the issues being faced, the solutions being found and infrastructures being created.
2. Super enthusiastic about the cryptocurrency space.
3. encouraged because they saw a way that they can contribute in this space.

How do we do this? We do this by putting on a REAL conference. A real conference has the attendee's interests in mind. That means, the event is built bringing in the deepest thinkers, the most motivating speakers and presentations on the most interesting projects and solutions found to date. And how do you do this? By having the budget pay for a high quality, high class conference. A conference of speakers by INVITATION ONLY. Thoughtfully selected to bring a well rounded thorough snapshot of where the Digital Currency space is "today". Speakers and panel hosts would be offered varying degrees of compensation depending on how much they contribute or how "big" they are. If we asked Alt36 to speak, we might pay for hotel (just an example) because they would want to travel to have the opportunity to make more people aware of their product. If we invited someone like Andreas Antonopoulos, a person who makes his living as a speaker, we would pay his fee, his room and travel expenses. Why? Because he would be the star. He would not only draw people in to the conference, but set the tone. Of course, we would then have the right to request what the subject of his speech or speeches would be (should be based on what conference attendees would be interested in hearing) I'm not suggesting this be 100% Dash-Centric. If, as an example, a new and interesting technology is out on fungibility, that clearly doesn't work with PS, That certainly should not be excluded. We need to take suggestions from the community on technology that they find interesting, then have review board look into those things, and choose solid projects and speakers to represent them where possible.

Aside from speakers, the schedule could be set up so that we have several panel rooms, where the audience asks questions, and the panel members answer and discuss those questions. As an example, we could have a panel with experts on Private Send, Ring Signatures, Whatever ZCash has etc... and also include discussions on the importance of privacy. Another panel might consist of people working on the scaling issue. Yet another panel discusses usability / ease of use. There are dozens of subjects we could create panels on. The attendees would sign up for a session order and in this way you can split the attending audience into at least a third, making panels more intimate yet everyone has an opportunity to attend each panel.

The whole event can be done in style. With at least a mixer the first night and opening speaker. Next day is Breakfast, 3 hours of presentations, Lunch, then afternoon panels and finally a formal dinner with inspirational speaker. Another Breakfast with 3 hours of presentations on the last day and optional lunch. I mean that's an example.

Some of the expenses would be recovered in the ticket sales, but at least until Dash gets a reputation for putting on a really worthwhile conference, the budget would probably pick up most of the tab. The funds collected would of course be used for the next conference.

So my question is: Can we do this? As Evan has said before, "Dash can afford this". The big question is, is it something the Dash DAO wants to do, and would Core be willing to execute this? I think the playing field is open for Dash to become the premier conference to attend every year. This would mean prestige and recognition (marketing). Thanks for reading :)

Hey @TanteStefana ,
Thanks for this long question - I wanted to ask it during the call but will answer here.
Dash as a network can definitely afford it. However I have serious doubts that we, as a core development team, should do this. Our expertise is in software delivery - conferences is simply different business. That's why we have partnered with external vendor to organize the first Dash Conference. If we want professional event - we need professionals to organize it. I am pretty sure that @fernando will take your post into consideration and will find a way to organize an outstanding conference for Dash this year.
Dear All,
Due to the technical issues we had to cancel our call today. I am exploring different options regarding the broadcasting tool and will let you know about the new date and time of the quarterly call as soon as possible.
Apologies for any inconvenience that creates.
Did you go to the Dash Strip Club Networking Event?

Is that you in the green jacket with an offended/nauseated look on your face while watching the stripper stripping?


Should the Dash only conference have more or fewer strippers?
Icebreaker...the event was Bitcoin conference's event...NOT DASH's event. DASH was the key sponsor of the event....the Miami Bitcoin conference...but you know all of this. Do you have a problem with what happened, just like DASH did?...take it up with the Bitcoin Miami people. Now can you please stay on topic.
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@DashNewsNetwork I'm more offended by the crappy presentations and as an attendee I would have been bored and uninspired. I know most people go to these events to network, and that's super important, and Maybe crypto boys just don't know any better, but these events could really be something that informs and inspires.
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Looking forward to an update regarding this call.
Do we know if evolution is on track for release this month as stated in tge roadmap? The cryptoshpere really needs some positive news right now.
Looking forward to an update regarding this call.
Do we know if evolution is on track for release this month as stated in tge roadmap? The cryptoshpere really needs some positive news right now.
Ummmm....that's news to me. Possible release date is late spring/summer at the earliest that I know of.
Ummmm....that's news to me. Possible release date is late spring/summer at the earliest that I know of.
DashPay Evolution Wallet Livenet Release (February 2018)
  • Signup and Friending Process Evolution on Livenet
  • Evolution Account Management on LiveNet
  • DAPI Livenet Release
Did you go to the Dash Strip Club Networking Event?

Is that you in the green jacket with an offended/nauseated look on your face while watching the stripper stripping?


Should the Dash only conference have more or fewer strippers?

Who is the stripper? I suppose she is yet another stupid/brainwashed young girl who, instead of demanding a dividend from the money of the old generation, she prefers, in her stupidity, to be prostituted. Most of the new generation is being prostituted and enslaved by the old greedy generations. Some of them are selling only their body, some others even worse, they are selling their brain.
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Icebreaker...the event was Bitcoin conference's event...NOT DASH's event. DASH was the key sponsor of the event....the Miami Bitcoin conference...but you know all of this. Do you have a problem with what happened, just like DASH did?...take it up with the Bitcoin Miami people. Now can you please stay on topic.

Is Dash News Network Icebreaker? That makes sense. Please confirm, because I'll want to ignore him :) thanks BigR
Is Dash News Network Icebreaker? That makes sense. Please confirm, because I'll want to ignore him :) thanks BigR
HI Ms T IIcan confirm that. He mentioned some time back that the DASH News Network was his pet project back in bitcointalk. You can see by his writing style too...
Does a bear shit in the woods?
When the young generation wakes up , then the old greedy generation will be stipped down.
No money, no pension, no home, no medical care, for the old greedy ones. Let the old greedy generation stay with their useless old (fiat or crypto) money, which no one will recognize as a medium of exchange. In the future, when the young generation wakes up, the old greedy generation, due to lack of money, will end up strippers, clowns or any other kind of entertainer.
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