Dash Core Group Q4 2017 Summary Call

Ad.1. We have just signed the papers few days ago and the structure is in place since then
Ad.2. This is not yet confirmed (will be updated during the time of development)

Please advise who to contact regarding issuing shares to the Trust.
Should Dashop.io be funded, it will issue 30% equity stake to the Trust.
Thanks for the answers! Let me be more specific on #4 as I feel part of it was misunderstood: If a proposal owner wants to use Core for escrow, who should I direct them to? Bradley? If so, just shoot him an email?
Yes, please contact Bradley via email. We will create more convenient way soon
For Ryan/Bradley: When you pitch Dash as a potential payment system to a vendor/integrator, how much comparison to our competitors is involved? Are entities like Dash Core as a central point of contact seen as an advantage or disadvantage from their point of view? In general, how do you approach these meetings?
What is the Core Teams take on treasury funds being using for politically polarizing proposals such as Ben Swann? Do you worry these proposals will sour the public to Dash due to its association with a specific side of the political spectrum?
What is the Core Teams take on treasury funds being using for politically polarizing proposals such as Ben Swann? Do you worry these proposals will sour the public to Dash due to its association with a specific side of the political spectrum?

Wow, slow down, I don't think that's a fair question, it has little to do with them. It certainly wasn't their decision to make.
What is the Core Teams take on treasury funds being using for politically polarizing proposals such as Ben Swann? Do you worry these proposals will sour the public to Dash due to its association with a specific side of the political spectrum?

I think that question was thoroughly answered when Core itself submitted the Free Talk Live proposal to sponsor a much more politically polarizing show than anything Swann has produced.
  1. Is core talking with Kyber Networks to add dash integration to their roadmap?

    Kyber Networks is a block-instant decentralized exchange, making cross-chain payments easy e.g. receive dash when the payer is sending Ethereum.

    This question also applies regarding Request Netowrk, ICON, or other cross-chain technology.

  2. Decoupling:
    1. Once the DAPI is live, are there any long term plans to decouple Evolution from the main Core team? Perhaps this would allow a competitive environment, encouraging alternative wallets / interfaces to be built with the DAPI.

    2. Similarly, as Core rapidly grows, would it make sense to decouple other functions of Core?

      (Evolution needing so much resources, that perhaps other functions might be better served as a separate entity)
  3. What are the most pressing improvements needed to the treasury system?

Ad.1. We can neither confirm nor deny to whom we may be speaking as we are often under NDAs etc... Or even if we're not - signaling to the market before the partner is ready to go public can be a quick way to kill a deal
Ad.2. The development teams are separated but still work on the same product (Dash product). So complete separation of Core development and Evo teams makes no sense at the moment - this is one team working on the same product.
Ad.3. I can speak only for myself. From my perspective the system needs more controls e.g. clear definition of deliverables, milestones, payments, timelines connected with some payment schedule for each project. Then management of the delivery and payment process. This is obviously PM talking ;)
Wow, slow down, I don't think that's a fair question, it has little to do with them. It certainly wasn't their decision to make.

I think that question was thoroughly answered when Core itself submitted the Free Talk Live proposal to sponsor a much more politically polarizing show than anything Swann has produced.

@GrandMasterDash I realize this wasn't their decision. I'm not asking them to take responsibility for it, merely weigh on what effect (if any) they think it might have on the public perception of Dash.

@thedesertlynx I don't listen to that podcast so I can't comment on that, but regardless I think the Ben Swann proposal is a different situation. With talk radio you only seek out and listen to it if you agree with it. Youtube clips are routinely posted on twitter and facebook sparking intense and polarized discussion.

As a side note, there is a disagree reaction on this forum. You don't have to accuse everyone you disagree with of trolling.

Now lets drop this discussion so we don't clutter up this thread with off topic posts, either the Core team will address my question or they won't.
Kindly please define "ROI to the community".
Dash Core Group primary role and goal is to deliver software product. We also work on the software maintenance, bug fixing, website and Dash promotion and marketing. All of this is direclty related to Dash product (payment network and protocol).

Robert, I thought that Dash Core was creating a company structure to be able to manage part of the treasury that is delivered to Dash Core for projects that finance investments with ROI the Dash community either: financial or with shares (share) in companies or ventures, etc..

These last months I have seen giving away money for things that could have given some kind of ROI to the community (miners + MN + Treasury) and I have seen the scam the Dash treasury.

Was I wrong?
If so, would not it be interesting to look at this idea to be able to carry it out?
Thank you
Robert, I thought that Dash Core was creating a company structure to be able to manage part of the treasury that is delivered to Dash Core for projects that finance investments with ROI the Dash community either: financial or with shares (share) in companies or ventures, etc..

These last months I have seen giving away money for things that could have given some kind of ROI to the community (miners + MN + Treasury) and I have seen the scam the Dash treasury.

Was I wrong?
If so, would not it be interesting to look at this idea to be able to carry it out?
Thank you

I think you're talking about the New Zealand Trust that @kot mentioned.
From what I understand, it will contain all of the IP, trademarks, patents, and shares of companies that the MNOs invest in. The objective is to have the assets owned and controlled by the MNOs (stakeholders) so that Core can't run away with everything if they get fired. This is what will make Dash a true DAO, in my opinion.
Here is my question for this meeting. Although I'm sure everyone had a great time at the NABC, I found much of the event boring. There were too many "Sell your ICO project" speeches. I know I couldn't watch many of them. The good presentations were cut far too short with only 15 minutes to speak as well. I propose that a conference where you accept money for speaking positions is not the best of plans if what you want to achieve is an event where everyone who attends leaves feeling:
1. like they have learned a LOT about the new technology, the issues being faced, the solutions being found and infrastructures being created.
2. Super enthusiastic about the cryptocurrency space.
3. encouraged because they saw a way that they can contribute in this space.

How do we do this? We do this by putting on a REAL conference. A real conference has the attendee's interests in mind. That means, the event is built bringing in the deepest thinkers, the most motivating speakers and presentations on the most interesting projects and solutions found to date. And how do you do this? By having the budget pay for a high quality, high class conference. A conference of speakers by INVITATION ONLY. Thoughtfully selected to bring a well rounded thorough snapshot of where the Digital Currency space is "today". Speakers and panel hosts would be offered varying degrees of compensation depending on how much they contribute or how "big" they are. If we asked Alt36 to speak, we might pay for hotel (just an example) because they would want to travel to have the opportunity to make more people aware of their product. If we invited someone like Andreas Antonopoulos, a person who makes his living as a speaker, we would pay his fee, his room and travel expenses. Why? Because he would be the star. He would not only draw people in to the conference, but set the tone. Of course, we would then have the right to request what the subject of his speech or speeches would be (should be based on what conference attendees would be interested in hearing) I'm not suggesting this be 100% Dash-Centric. If, as an example, a new and interesting technology is out on fungibility, that clearly doesn't work with PS, That certainly should not be excluded. We need to take suggestions from the community on technology that they find interesting, then have review board look into those things, and choose solid projects and speakers to represent them where possible.

Aside from speakers, the schedule could be set up so that we have several panel rooms, where the audience asks questions, and the panel members answer and discuss those questions. As an example, we could have a panel with experts on Private Send, Ring Signatures, Whatever ZCash has etc... and also include discussions on the importance of privacy. Another panel might consist of people working on the scaling issue. Yet another panel discusses usability / ease of use. There are dozens of subjects we could create panels on. The attendees would sign up for a session order and in this way you can split the attending audience into at least a third, making panels more intimate yet everyone has an opportunity to attend each panel.

The whole event can be done in style. With at least a mixer the first night and opening speaker. Next day is Breakfast, 3 hours of presentations, Lunch, then afternoon panels and finally a formal dinner with inspirational speaker. Another Breakfast with 3 hours of presentations on the last day and optional lunch. I mean that's an example.

Some of the expenses would be recovered in the ticket sales, but at least until Dash gets a reputation for putting on a really worthwhile conference, the budget would probably pick up most of the tab. The funds collected would of course be used for the next conference.

So my question is: Can we do this? As Evan has said before, "Dash can afford this". The big question is, is it something the Dash DAO wants to do, and would Core be willing to execute this? I think the playing field is open for Dash to become the premier conference to attend every year. This would mean prestige and recognition (marketing). Thanks for reading :)
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Robert, I thought that Dash Core was creating a company structure to be able to manage part of the treasury that is delivered to Dash Core for projects that finance investments with ROI the Dash community either: financial or with shares (share) in companies or ventures, etc..

These last months I have seen giving away money for things that could have given some kind of ROI to the community (miners + MN + Treasury) and I have seen the scam the Dash treasury.

Was I wrong?
If so, would not it be interesting to look at this idea to be able to carry it out?
Thank you

This is still hard to understand for me what ROI do you have in mind.

We have created a structure from the attached file:
This creates a trust to protect all Dash network assets and a company for the development team to be able to hire employees, deal with partners, sign contracts etc. Long story short - control over the company is directly in hands of the board and indirectly in hands of trust and the network (so the network can always fire/replace the board, without destroying the company).
The important thing to understand is that the operating company is not going to generate any profit - this is basically to develop the software for the network and work on integrations and expansion.
Could you please give Core's current view on the topic of in-protocol masternode shares? I understand that the focus is on getting Evolution V1 out, but after that, I believe that masternode shares should be a priority, including more of the community in the decision making (the returns are not what is important). I think this is needed to keep Dash growing and healthy. Dash should be inclusive and dare I say, decentralized.

Is Core still committed to this vision as well and how do you see this working in practice?
1) What type of proposals does the core team feel is lacking in the community Q4 2017 & Q1 2018?

2) How satisfied is core with the growth rate of the team to date? How much growth do we expect to see in 2018?

3) Given dash is digital cash and the goal around cash is that it is easily transferable, what is cores stance on the current dash interchangeability/atomic swap support? Does core plan on officially providing technical assistance to atomic swap exchanges much like they support centralized exchanges? Is this a priority now or will it become a priority?

3.1) Can dash instant send work with on-chain atomic swaps? If so could it also be used to connect to a off-chain(segwit/lightning) network to perform quick transfers?

3.2) Has there been any discussion about coin interchangeability within or alongside evolution.

4) When is the next open-house? Las Vegas this time?

5) Is Dash considering any strategic partnerships/integrations with other crypto's?

6) Given money is no object what would you like to spend dash on that might be considered wasteful by the community?
Ad.1. To be asked on the call
Ad.2. To be asked on the call
Ad.3. We did not have any discussions about this. Our first priority now is v.13 (Evolution) development
Ad.4. There are no plans yet
Ad.5. No strategic partnerships are in plans. Nevertheless, we are willing to cooperate with any project or company if necessary for the Dash development
I have few questions:

- When DAPI available? How can we test it?
- Does Dash Core thinks about the way to release softwares that don’t affect to infrastructure like wallets on mobile phone, or some front end products. I think release more frequently with small improvements will make community happier. It’s hard to estimate time for big release, but for small improvements, it is not very hard to estimate, then I think the Core should still need to state about release time, because it’s good for developers to know what they are expected.
- What do you think about our target users to attract? What group of people should we focus to attract them? What are the specific things of this group?
- What the Core needs community to support? What part the Core will not work and leave for community project?

Ad.1. What is available today is Testnet Insight API available here: http://testnet-insight.dashevo.org/ . The documentation is available here: https://github.com/dashevo/insight-api-dash#instantsend-transactions . This is already widely used by out partners
Ad.2. Yes. We have recognized a need to create a solid release and CI system and infrastructure. Our new Infra manager is working on this.
Ad.3. I have put the question on the list for the call
Ad.4. Dash Core Group's primary objective is to develop the software and protocol, bug fixing, maintenance of the test and dev networks, and PR and marketing strictly connected with the product + industry integrations. Any activity around Dash, related to Dash is highly appreciated. I think we should not define any direction for the community efforts, believing that creativity in our community has no limits.
Can we get an updated official headcount of full-time employees and part-time employees working for Core? ( I want to make sure I'm communicating accurate information)

54 individuals according to my records (we are still in process of implementation of HR system)
Are there any updates on Masternode blinding? I cannot find it on the roadmap. Has it been abandoned?

That’s a tough question - we know Evan announced this feature some day in 2015, but he never spent time in actually implementing it.
The more technical folks (and trolls) keep on bugging us on this, though it has not priority at the moment afaik - Evolution implementation is simply much more important. We have discussed an “onion-like” protocol addition some weeks ago in core-dev, but like i said: it has not too much priority.
First a request, then some questions...

0. The Dash Nation chat on discord is *the* community interface. A significant chunk of the core group is not interactive at all. I would request that all team members, top-to-bottom, endeavor to have a presence there. I'm not suggesting that people sit on chat all day. But ... become a part of Dash.

1. As Evolution rolls out, can you talk about how the security of the code base is going to be vetted? Besides opening it up? Can we see designs and such at some point for how usernames, passwords, emails (user metadata) are handled and secured? And then how it's implemented beyond the design? Maybe some of this is out there. If so, I haven't seen it.

2. The decentralized storage: We're using something like IPFS right? I can't recall. Until all this solidifies do we have some plans for a heartbeat of snapshots in case something catastrophic happens in the first month or six of evolution being in existence? I guess the real question is: Can you talk about disaster planning and recover surrounding how evolution storage and user data is being stored. Maybe this would be great for a separate call.

3. Can we have a separate engineering quarterly? Demos. Discussion about design and implementation. Proposed UX and feedback. Etc. etc. Right now stuff is being implemented... but there is no feedback loop. Very top-down... which usually ends up delivering something that is 18-degrees askew of what is really needed. Call it demo-day or some such.

4. Demo? Can we see a demo on these quarterly calls? Especially until #3 is in motion?

5. Evolution built-in gateways: We still live in a world of fiat. Is there any thought about partnering with one of the major exchanges to work on some workflow in and out of fiat with evolution being in the middle.

6. Building out the engineering team: The Evolution team is probably the right size at this point. But, other teams are likely needed: Integration team (help with stitching together services with the outside world (see #5 above)); mobile, desktop, web team; crypto-security-analysts, merchant tools team, sales engineering, etc. Maybe it would be good to move some of these outside of Core Group. The challenge: Dash Corp Group is already challenged with engaging with the community, it will be possibly even more challenging to work with outside entities.

7.a. InstantSend Fees: Not really important for this call and not really a "Dash Core Group" question per ce, but Dash volatility means that InstantSend fees are volatile as well, and right now, a little heavier than they need to be. I feel like we have to ensure that Dash's fees are attractive in order to keep Dash in the point-of-sale game (if you like, read my semi-related article here). I would like folks' thoughts on how we can better manage these fees over time as Dash pricing relative to what the mainstream world is pegged to, zooms up and down.

7.b. InstantSend scaling: As adoption increases (Cannibis industry for example) do we know where things will get dicey when scaling InstantSend? This is a good read on that topic: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/...avior-in-a-flooded-network.27307/#post-165847

8. We have drifted from the DIPs process for improvements to Dash Core -- https://github.com/dashpay/dips -- Is this something that needs to be talked about? I suppose we are doing just fine the way things are moving right now, but... Yeah, maybe we should talk about this.

9. Comment. The dash-docs (developer docs) site -- https://dash-docs.github.io/ -- is *outstanding*. I will reach out to thephez/strophy in how one can contribute and file issues to that (it's not obvious), but... kudos. This is a big deal.

10. Alt36 -- Perhaps we fund market vertical teams of some sort? This would be in Brad's camp. But, the Cannibis Industry, the Energy sector... we are starting to get traction in verticals that are pretty particular. Any thoughts on this?

That's it for now. Thank you. See y'all on the call.

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