Dash Core Group Q3 Quarterly Call - 29.10.2020

@Ryan Taylor

Today, both their attempt to strengthen DASH as a store of value and their incorporation into the DIF (a key extension in the DASH ecosystem that the new team will surely continue to consolidate) converge.

Question : Have you considered a treatment closer to the DIF box as STRATEGIC RESERVES of the entire DASH ecosystem? (Rather than simply as investment-oriented "savings"), thus shifting accumulated DASH to BTC? (and, therefore, subjecting our deposited wealth to the respective volatilities and trends of BTC and the Gold already used in that sense ... to separate them from the negative conditions that our main asset suffers?).

In that way, we would face two problems, not just one.

Thank you.

Hey @EUsouth
Please ask this question during the DIF call. Only the DIF can answer that.
Question: Could DCG management find a way to commit to just 1 extra day to answer all questions posted by the community in the DCG call questions?

Hello @DeepBlue
As mentioned before, all (reasonable) questions will be answered. I can commit to asking max. 10 of them during the call due to the 3 major reasons:
  1. Limited time of the call. Preparations for the call consume a really large amount of time for multiple people - you can see 3-4 people speaking but actual preparations engage 7-10 individuals and started a long time ago in September. As you could see in the past, we present a lot of information and this requires a lot of coordination and preparations. Therefore, the call has a plan and timeline set, in order to effectively share the information with the community.
  2. Answers also require preparations and, many times, collection of information and data. We take these preparations very seriously.
  3. No, I cannot commit "just 1 extra day" of the entire management team and multiple engineers just to answer the questions, because our work schedule is planned ahead already for at least 3 months - "just 1 extra day" multiplied by a number of people, required to answer them, means multiple days not spend on delivery work, and therefore a lot of interruptions in the delivery schedule.
    Nevertheless, questions will be answered on the forum as soon as possible.

PS. In the future, please formulate your questions in a much shorter form - I am unable to place your large paragraphs into the Q&A slide. Thank you for understanding.
Similar to what others already said:

Apparently someone bought 160k views for this "What is the Dash FastPass Network?" video. Was this DCG? What were the costs, target KPIs, and how did it perform? What other marketing activities were executed to support FastPass rollout?

What is DCG's marketing strategy around the Platform launch or more generally to support the Dash brand? It's possible I overlooked something because I don't have the time to follow Dash news 24/7, but I haven't seen anything like it coming from DCG. The few activities I've noticed seem random, isolated, uncoordinated and ultimately ineffective,

The closest thing to a proper strategy AFAICT has come from a proposal by Dash embassy DACH. To my big regret, the follow-up proposal was voted down and work stopped. But why is something like this coming from a grassroots volunteer effort and not from DCG with a paid Chief Marketing Officer?

I feel the platform launch is our last shot to bring Dash back to relevance. Without a well-coordinated multi-channel marketing effort with well-defined target audiences and a clear message, Platform will fizzle out in the market, unheard. Technical brilliance alone won't make it lift off. Where is our Platform marketing strategy?

The recent Paypal announcement was an endorsement for several other cryptos. Notably absent was the most payment-focused coin, Dash. Has DCG been in contact with Paypal in the lead-up to this announcement? Is it now? What was PP's feedback? What are the chances of being included in the near future?
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Apparently someone bought 160k views for this "What is the Dash FastPass Network?" video. Was this DCG? What were the costs, target KPIs, and how did it perform? What other marketing activities were executed to support FastPass rollout?
No, DCG did not buy any views to any of our videos, according to my best knowledge, therefore we did not set any measures for the video. Our budget in marketing is extremely limited (as the majority of funds is used for development - DCG is a software development company, not a marketing agency).
We have planned and executed only standard product-related promotion activities, in our social media and communications channels.

The recent Paypal announcement was an endorsement for several other cryptos. Notably absent was the most payment-focused coin, Dash. Has DCG been in contact with Paypal in the lead-up to this announcement? Is it now? What was PP's feedback? What are the chances of being included in the near future?
This was PayPal's business decision to choose the coins to list on their platform. I am not aware of any people being contacted prior to the service launch.
And yes, we have contacted PayPal and will have conversations, however, we are not allowed to provide any details.
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Question: Can we consider investing in more clearly defining the Dash Brand, what we stand? There are companies that specialise in clarifying and helping identify an organizations core values and what we stand for. This information is very important to maintain enthusiasm and for us to more clearly know what Dash is about.
In the current form and setup, DCG is a software development company, having only one person working in the marketing field, focused on the promotion of developed products. Our organization was not designed and created to be a marketing and promotion machine. We do our best to promote our products, keeping in mind limitations coming from the limited manpower and extremely limited budgets.

As I can see a big push for that area, I would strongly encourage creative people (like yourself) to get engaged in the marketing and work on the promotion of Dash Brand. DCGs engineers and business experts will be very happy to support community-driven efforts and provide all necessary information and help.
What is the vision for Dash? Why should we be excited, and in turn make others excited? What does Dash represent?

We need to focus on the answers to these questions and rally around a campaign to hammer this message home. Currently, we are not inspiring many people, even I, as one of the most vocal and hard-working community members, am losing a reason to want to keep going.
I would say - good timing Tao - there is a separate slide prepared to answer these questions during the call.