Dash Core Group Q3 2021 Quarterly Call - 21 October 2021


Masternode Owner/Operator
Dear Dash Community Members,

I would like to kindly invite you to the Dash Core Group Q3 Quarterly Call. We will share the recent updates about the product development progress, marketing, and business development efforts made during the last quarter.

The call will take place on Thursday, the 21st of October 2021 at 15:00 UTC.
Link to the Youtube live stream:

In order to make the call shorter, we are going to be more efficient during the reporting part + we are going to respond only to 5 pre-selected questions during the call.
The remaining questions will be answered and published on the forum by the 31st of October 2021.
Please prepare and submit your questions here or send them directly to me or @strophy.

EDIT: Slides are available in the following location: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/68550659/DCG-Q3-2021-Quarterly-Call.pdf

Thank you,
Robert Wiecko
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What is the reasoning for a shorter call?
We have observed that during the long calls, the number of participants drops after the first hour (sometimes very significantly like 30-40% of the initial audience), so we will be experimenting to make the content shorter but more focused on what is the most interesting to the community (development update, current problems of the ecosystem, highlights from the quarter).
Another reason is that we have introduced the newsletter and also will be publishing regular product updates (not yet decided in which form - text or video or both). So there will be quite a lot of different forms of sharing information.
If comes to the Q&A - this will be answered in written and I will make sure the answers are being published after the call.
At this point all i want to know and hear is what is going on with EVO?
Why so much hush hush? its been looooong over due and still we dont get to know what is happening.
Personally i think we should have bi-weekly update.
And this call should be 90% about the platform and why we think it can be better then the other L1 solutions out there? (Avalanch/Algorand/Solana/Terra/ etc etc)
Maybe not a fair comparison but then again what is? we dont know what is being developed and what it can and can not do. Once there is smart contract what capability will it have? scaling ?
How can we compete?
I really dont understand why the team is not talking and focusing 100% on this. Sorry dont want to sound negative but i am sort of tired of waiting and seeing the project keep going down in ranking. Dash used to be top10 coin and now .....
Have you all looked into marketing DashDirect on TikTok with influencers? Plenty of people today would love to learn how to save % on their purchases instead of using credit/debit cards for cashback. It needs to be explained easier and engaging for regular folks that aren’t your typical finance bros.
It could be marketed in a way that shows how valuable it is with all this inflation
Yes, so I actually agree that a shorter session is better. But I think it's still very important that all key personnel are showing their faces and not shying away. Good to have the newsletter but public appearances are vital. Take a leaf out of Ernesto's book and get Ryan, Glenn and others more publicly engaged. Get them hosting their own shows, interviews with other projects and thought leaders. And btw, where the hell is Arden in all this? I know she wasn't hired for public appearances but I think she should definitely step up to the plate and lead by example. If you all hard work on public engagement, you can show the world dash is not "dead". Show the world you are leaders.
Can someone from DCG confirm that there will be any news , updates , roadmap, target date , demo even for tomorrows meeting?
If not can you please add something into the call?
Its been delayed for so long now that it feels like its not ever going to come out. Can you guys be a bit more transparent?
Yes, so I actually agree that a shorter session is better. But I think it's still very important that all key personnel are showing their faces and not shying away. Good to have the newsletter but public appearances are vital. Take a leaf out of Ernesto's book and get Ryan, Glenn and others more publicly engaged. Get them hosting their own shows, interviews with other projects and thought leaders. And btw, where the hell is Arden in all this? I know she wasn't hired for public appearances but I think she should definitely step up to the plate and lead by example. If you all hard work on public engagement, you can show the world dash is not "dead". Show the world you are leaders.
Thanks @GrandMasterDash
Feedback is taken - we have already arranged more events and public participation. Next weekDCG if participating Money2020 and we are also making agreements on additional conferences.
Arden will be sharing her update on what she was doing last 3 months - very interesting stuff. I hope you are joining :)
Can someone from DCG confirm that there will be any news , updates , roadmap, target date , demo even for tomorrows meeting?
I confirm. I believe this was always the sole reason to have this call in the first place.
Good call even though you went over time :-D

I think someone (Arden?) has been giving Ryan advice about enthusiasm, well it worked!

Ya, Ryan killed it, thanks for answering my question for DCG ask of treasury, Arden was the real highlight for me,
dash.org website is a primary landing place for people who don't know about Dash, we need to make it easy for
new people to buy and store their Dash.
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Maybe i should start about my personal opinion/what i personally would expect to how a roadmap shoud look like and how they should maintained:

- It should have a timeline
- The timeline should be devided into windows
- Tasks should identifyable with single keywords
- A Roadmap should only go "forward"
- Tasks which are added once, shouldnt be renamed to identify whats the progress of them
- Tasks should be clear and not happen on a regulary base (for example: "UX/UI improvement"). If so it should be more precise what the task is about (e.g. "replace bootstrap with materialize").
- In case of a delay the task can be moved... But should be visualized.. For example with a different color? Also the delay should be visible..
- If a task is done, it should be visualized. (Green checkmark?)

So far to my personal opinion. Maybe you think im totally dump or maybe some points could flow into the future roadmaps..

So i tried to compared the roadmaps (Q2-21,Q3-21) again to get a better understanding about the progress and delays of dashpay.


This time i looked especially on the Tasks for Q3-21.

Sadly it is / was not easy for me to compare the progress, because some of the tasknames changed, some disappeared, but i tried my best and if theres some mistakes im sorry about it..

Here is what was planned for Q3-21 (based on roadmap of Q2-21,compared to the new Q3-21 roadmap):

Dash Core v0.17 mainnet migration
Dash Core v0.18 development
● Ban RPC masternode comment for Platform proof of service
● Asset lock special transaction +2 Q?

Dash Platform - Testnet v0.20 / v0.21
● LLMQ-based consensus
● Strict data contract validation +1 Q
● Protocol upgrade process
● Error reporting improvements +1 Q
● Update data contract +1 Q
● Design robust state tree structure
● Design document secondary indices +1 Q
● Distribute testnet nodes

● Invitations +1 Q (ios only ?)
● UI/UX improvements
● Platform protocol upgrades (v20/v21)

Dash Wallet
● Swap Dash (android) +2 Q

What happened with the other tasks which are gone now? Are thos implemented and released?
How exactly it can happen that like 70% of the Q3-21 tasks where moved by one or two quarters?

Maybe im to picky or to stupid to understand.
Please someone explain it to me, im confused about the roadmaps (again).

Even though here (https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/...quarterly-call-22-july-2021.51807/post-227949) was promised that everything is going to be more clear.
@scratchy I don't have a clear answer for you with regards to your questions, but i do have some additional information from Discord that may clarify a few things for people wondering about the updated roadmap and the current targetdate for release of Dash Platform & DashPay on Mainnet :



The latest information is that Dash Core v0.19 (required for Dash Platform & DashPay) is still scheduled for release on Mainnet in Q1-2022, but Dash Core v0.19 will need something like 6 weeks to get activated by miners and masternodes (because it involves a hardfork). So Dash Platform and DashPay release on Mainnet could expand into Q2-2022. Depends on when Dash Core v0.19 gets activated on the network exactly, i guess.


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looking at https://github.com/dashpay/dash/blob/master/doc/release-notes.md i found


in https://github.com/dashpay/dash/com...34238f621ff45ba13cf180ad1d0d442d50ebe51f7L277

UdjinM6 kicked out a lot of people. From UdjinM6 i saw a lot of contribution and progress into the project from the early beginnings (starting a darkcoin).

So this 3 people are the core team now?


Having a feeling that this project here is like plenty of projects..
Some "core people" doing the whole (important) work and a lot of useless payed structural overhead beside.
Especially because i see the roadmap movings (over quarters), without any further explaining and skipped deadlines..