Dash Core Group Q3 2019 Summary Call - Thursday, 14 November 2019


Dash has been a rather stable coin during all 2019. Its price varied around 70 to 90 USD. So why do you complain about instability?

The important is not to create a stable coin. The important is to somehow create a closed economy where people could transact directly in Dash without being forced to exchange to other currencies. Similar to what it is done in every state.

In that case the stability or the instability does not matter a lot. The inflation occurs only to commodities that are not produced inside the state. Thats the reason Dash should hold 51% equity of several companies that should be forced by law to use Dash as their medium of exchanges. Whatever these companies produce it will remain stable with no inflation, no matter the USD price of Dash. So the Dash community members will be happy and trust their coin, because they will be able to buy all these Dash-controlled commodities in a stable price.

So the real question is this. Is there any state worldwide that allows a legislation which forces companies to use Dash as their medium of exchanges? If we discover that state, or if we convince a state to pass a legislation like this, this state will attract many cryptocurrencies and many companies holded by cryptocurrencies, and it will become the new China.
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Dear @xkcd
all fiat currencies are extremely volatile despite having coerced mass adoption
Fiat currencies are already established, they already have millions of users, cryptocurrencies not. And you believe that people will switch to using crypto despite its extreme price swings ? If I live under a rock than you live in a dreamworld...

Should DASH ever reach mass adoption it would apparently appear stable even while trading with some volatility against its inferior pairs.
Almost no one is going to be using cryptocurrency because of it's volatility, therefore it won't reach mass adoption

At the end of the day, let's admit, the only volatility you're concerned with is the down part, right? Shall we lock you into a stable coin when DASH starts to correct back upwards in price? No, I didn't think so.
This assumption is a total bs from your side, it just shows who you really are - another speculator who will dump DASH as soon as it gets to the right price. I was always equally concerned about price going up and going down. I'm thinking about merchants and their customers, not about "going to the moon" and becoming rich.

Ok, I'm done. This topic is not for discussions like this. No more replies from me
Until we get significant number of people using DASH in their daily life I prefer to have it somehow pegged to something that is currently better store of value (gold, silver, USD or whatever). I know that USD is pretty worthless, but imo we need to provide new users of DASH price stability at all cost.

Forgive me but you make too many assumptions and one of the biggest is that all MNOs are stupid or not so logical as yourself. I know it's easy to think this when the responses you see are short with little explanation, but please consider that you might at least be out of your depth.

Have you ever read The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins? Do you not know that deep states are constantly working to de-stabalize whole economies? Venezuela's story did not happen in isolation, though it's rather convenient to blame a president or two.

And some of us here have experience with original stable coins such as NuBits, which worked perfectly well for a very long time.. until it didn't.

These are just some of the considerations to be made, not to mention the real possibility of rehypothecation, or the complexities of oracles to determine what is "stable".

Now, I appreciate you are talking about the current stable store of value. And certainly that is possible today within wallets; a user simply sells his unstable crypto for the stable coin of their choice. But for dash to do such thing at the protocol level, I suspect we have other bridges to cross before we can get there.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
Questions from this thread have been collected - please post any remaining questions within the next 24 hours.

@camosoul I was unable to identify a clearly articulated question in your post, so I have recorded "Where is the demand for what Dash Platform does?". Please let me know if you would like to refomulate this, but keep in mind it must be possible to read through the question in 10-20 seconds, and it must be free of abrasive language.
I put several questions in bold, including abundant and lengthy context for those questions. I'm sorry you couldn't figure it out, even with all the supplemental and remedial assistance I provided.

Thank you for using that pathetic excuse to select the least important question.
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...we need to provide new users of DASH price stability at all cost.
No. Price Instability and market cap implosion are feedback loops intended to get DCG and the Biz Dev people off their fat butts and doing what they're supposed to do.

Price Instability is just one of the natural penalties for being a massive failure.

The law of nature is that the beatings will continue until morale improves. You don't sit in your safe space sucking your thumb waiting for the mood to strike... You strike, then if you're still a pansy, you see if there's a mood for pansies to care about. If you're an adult, you strike, then you strike again. You never relent, and you never worry what a bunch of snowflakes might have to say about it.
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When will you force MNOs to use DashPay usernames to publicly identify themselves and expose all their assets to criminals and communist governments alike?
When will you force MNOs to use DashPay usernames to publicly identify themselves and expose all their assets to criminals and communist governments alike?

Anonymity should be the number one priority.
Thats why the Masternode Operators (and the Vote Delegators) should be known only whithin the context of the Dash community, and no further information about them should be provided.

@camosoul my offer to collect reformulated questions from you stands. My job is to collect short and clear questions and find the right person at DCG to answer them.

What makes DASH so damned special that people will line up to paint themselves into your corner?

Isn't this just a way to manufacture more money without fixing the reasons that you aren't getting it from the existing methods? How many feedback loops are you going to ignore?

Why not just be digital cash already?

You're effing irrelevant. What are you going to do about it?

Questions such as these contain unclearly articulated assumptions, are overly vague/broad or employ unnecessarily abrasive tone. Also, since most decisions in Dash are made by the community as a whole, I'm not sure who at DCG should (or could) answer them.
@camosoul my offer to collect reformulated questions from you stands. My job is to collect short and clear questions and find the right person at DCG to answer them.

Questions such as these contain unclearly articulated assumptions, are overly vague/broad or employ unnecessarily abrasive tone. Also, since most decisions in Dash are made by the community as a whole, I'm not sure who at DCG should (or could) answer them.
Ah, You don't answer questions that trigger you, and you come up with ways to characterize the question as 'unacceptable' to avoid answering it.

I've never met a bunch of people who manage to pack so much sand into their own vaginas, then say it's the fault of the guy who noticed...