Dash Core Group Q3 2018 Summary Call - 12 November 2018


Masternode Owner/Operator
Dear Dash Community Members,

In order to provide you with a transparent information about the development team efforts, we have prepared a next edition of the Dash Core Group Inc. quarterly call. The goal of this is to discuss project progress made during Q3 2018, hear comments from the management team and answer Community questions.

The call will take place on Monday, 12th of November at 17:00 UTC. The call will be streamed live on Youtube, recorded and shared on the Dash Youtube channel.

The link to the Youtube stream:

Please prepare and submit your questions here in this thread. I will be collecting them until Friday, 9th of November EOD.
I suggest to send one question per user, as there will be limited time for answers.

Slides from the call are available here: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/...sh-Core-Group-Q3-2018-Summary-Call.pdf?api=v2

Thank you
Robert Wiecko
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Does DCG plan to actually answer these questions during the Q&A, or will they cut the presentation short and stall for a month?

Edit: It appears some people don't remember what happened with Q2 Q&A session, and don't understand the concept of pushing for accountability.
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1) Can core please give an update from the SEC meeting in October. What was the general opinion, positive/negative and what were the next steps, more clarifications/meetings or SEC will release a decision to the public in due course?
2) New Dash website release date?
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Cross-posted from community questions, as a placeholder to remember to answer these questions during the call:
  1. Can we get a detailed list of features which will be part of Evolution MVP 13.0?
  2. Where are the What's Going On At Dash reports?
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From an outside perspective DCG seems to be exclusively focused on the medium of exchange property of dash.

Do you intent to shift the attention partly towards the store of value property from a business development and/or software development perspective in the future?

How do you plan to balance the technological advancement needs of MoE with the stability and trust needs of the SoV property in dash protocol development going forward?
Can we have more information about Dash Evolution Rating System :

Will the rating system be applied to usernames ?
What steps are taken to make sure the rating system can not be abused ?
Will the rating system be included with v.1.0 ?
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Is it possible for an easy interface/page (zoomable world map??) to be constructed whereby Dash transaction numbers and Dash dollar-value Volume can be displayed? i.e. A geographical breakdown of Dash usage.

Is it possible for a FREE template for accepting Dash payments can be made? i.e An importable/copy+paste-able piece of html code, which will display current $/£/Euro exchange rate and allow for customers to easily fill a couple of fields in which will send a purchase request to an email?

I see there are 3rd parties offering to allow payments in Dash to be accepted on your business website for instance, but I would like it if there was a free, universal option. Something requiring no-to-low maintenance and with less features/management.

Maybe I'm missing something but don't you have to pay for Woocommerce etc services if you want them on your website?
1) Can core please give an update from the SEC meeting in October. What was the general opinion, positive/negative and what were the next steps, more clarifications/meetings or SEC will release a decision to the public in due course?
They obliged us to NOT share any information about this meeting.
How do you plan to balance the technological advancement needs of MoE with the stability and trust needs of the SoV property in dash protocol development going forward?
Just to understand the question properly, please define MoE and SoV. I am assuming "Medium of Exchange" and "Store of Value" but please confirm. Thanks
Is it possible for an easy interface/page (zoomable world map??) to be constructed whereby Dash transaction numbers and Dash dollar-value Volume can be displayed? i.e. A geographical breakdown of Dash usage.
It is possible to create such visualisation (but I am not sure if it would be 100% correct), however focus of the development team is completely elsewhere (Evo development and releases). We would encourage community members and other development teams to provide additional features like this one.

I see there are 3rd parties offering to allow payments in Dash to be accepted on your business website for instance, but I would like it if there was a free, universal option. Something requiring no-to-low maintenance and with less features/management.
Evolution release will provide decentralised APIs and SDKs allowing developers easy integration. For non-technical people and solutions, 3rd parties are, in fact, the best option, as they remove necessity to maintain any code.

Maybe I'm missing something but don't you have to pay for Woocommerce etc services if you want them on your website?
We don't have and don't want Woocommerce services on our website. Please clarify the question, as I think I am missing the point here.
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Dear Community Members,

Thank you for attending the Q3 call with us. I hope you liked provided information.
Please find the slides from the call available in the following location: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/...sh-Core-Group-Q3-2018-Summary-Call.pdf?api=v2
I encourage you to download and review the slide-deck, as we have prepared much more materials than actually presented during the call. In appendices you will find detailed team updates, roles and organisation structure, backlog information and many others.

Robert Wiecko