Dash Core Group Q2 2019 Summary Call - Thursday, 8 August 2019


Masternode Owner/Operator
Dear Dash Community Members,

I would like to kindly invite you to DCG Q2 summary call, during which the team will provide you with the recent updates about the development, business development, and other delivery team efforts towards Dash network growth. We have prepared a detailed report of the progress made during Q2 2019, company achievements and challenges we have faced during the last quarter.

The call will take place on Thursday, the 8th of August at 15:00 UTC.
Link to the Youtube stream:

Meantime, please prepare and submit your questions here in this thread (or send them directly to @strophy).
I suggest sending one question per user, as there will be limited time for the Q&A section.

Presentation slides are available in the following location: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/...sh-Core-Group-Q2-2019-Summary-Call.pdf?api=v2

Thank you,
Robert Wiecko
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I have two questions:

Q1: When can we expect PrivateSend to be available on mobile wallets?

Q2: Is anyone currently looking into some sort of protocol level implementation of trustless masternode collateral sharing or is it an abandoned idea and it's left to trusted third parties to implement shared masternode solutions?
Now that Coinbase has acknowledged on its own blog to explore support for Dash and 7 other cryptocurrencies, can we exspect the secrecy to be lifted on this specific topic and can we exspect more information
about the possible internal communication so far between Coinbase and Dash ?
Thanks for the questions so far. @Dandy there was a similar question regarding PS on mobile last month, does the response to Question 5 here answer your question?
Hello, I have several questions. I shall try to write them in separate posts to think through them better, and to let people vote for them individually:

1) what is the real situation of Dash in Venezuela (past, present and future)?
Seriously we received all sort of contradictory informations throughout the months. From news that we had hundreds, no thousands, of merchants accepting Dash, to people on the ground saying that no one knew what Dash was, to people testing the Dash merchants and finding that many of them do not accept Dash anymore. There were several groups, sometimes in competition, working in Venezuela. Some disappearing at some point (Dash Venezuela?). Can we have a gantt chart of who was involved, what they did, how much dash they received, how much they asked and failed to receive, what worked and what didn't. This group by group, and then putting it all together for Venezuela and Latin America in general. I understand that some parts of this might brush the ego of some of the people involved which might explain why there is the sensation that some of it is being sweapt under the rug but we cannot do this. It is generally possible to tell a story in a way that is balanced enough that app people involved are ok with it (this groups says this, this other group says that...).
Dash is one of the successful cryptos. I expect much about it. Just need to wait for everything is settled
Thanks for the questions so far. @Dandy there was a similar question regarding PS on mobile last month, does the response to Question 5 here answer your question?
Well, partially.
I have seen that answer before, but I actually wanted to find out if we'll have to wait for DashPay before we get PrivateSend on mobile wallets, or can we have it integrated before full Evolution rollout?
Ryan himself said that they are not related to each other and that you only need ChainLocks and Chained InstantSend for PrivateSend implementation in mobile apps to move forward, which are both functional now.
I have been curious about chainlocks as it relates to network capacity? Is there any gain whatsoever?

I had been thinking that if funds were chainlocked and also immediately respendable (under 4 inputs I understand) that effectively a queue is created and that in a time of full blocks chainlocks would serve to defer some transactions? This is in addition to it's primary purpose of course.

I would welcome thoughts/clarification from DCG on the matter....
@Dandy I think it is pretty clear from the previous response that PrivateSend will not be available in the current mobile wallets or the upcoming DashPay wallet in the initial release supporting the Evolution features in Dash 1.0. The MVP contains username functionality and support for Dash Platform, PrivateSend comes in a later release.
@Dandy I think it is pretty clear from the previous response that PrivateSend will not be available in the current mobile wallets or the upcoming DashPay wallet in the initial release supporting the Evolution features in Dash 1.0. The MVP contains username functionality and support for Dash Platform, PrivateSend comes in a later release.
Hm... I didn't get that from the previous response. It never states that Evolution is a prerequisite for InstantSend in mobile wallets, just that ChainLocks and Chained InstantSend are.
So that would mean there is no technical limitation to implementing PrivateSend into current mobile wallets?
Now I guess it may not be worth it to spend time developing this, considering how close Evolution is...
Hello, my questions are:

Q1: What process should a third-party organization go through if it wants to implement its own type of transaction in the Dash blockchain? This applies to Special Transactions that were implemented in the Q1 of 2019.

Q2: Is anything known about the initiatives to launch a stable coins on the Dash blockchain (similar to TrueUSD and the like).

Thanks -
@Dandy you're right, Evolution is not a prerequisite for adding PrivateSend in mobile wallets. PrivateSend can theoretically be added to both DashWallet (current Android and iOS wallets) and DashPay (the upcoming "Evolution" wallet), but LLMQ & Chained Instantsend needs to mature a bit first, and developer capacity will only be available for this after Dash 1.0 has launched.
Is anyone currently looking into some sort of protocol level implementation of trustless masternode collateral sharing or is it an abandoned idea and it's left to trusted third parties to implement shared masternode solutions?
I sincerely hope that it has been "abandoned."

Just because a bunch of people that didn't have 1000 DASH decided to get together in a trusted manned and ad-hoc something together, does not mean it needs to become a protocol level problem for DCG to solve for you. DASH does not need this. It is purely a want presented by people who cannot a afford a masternode. It serves DASH not one bit, and should be of no concern to DASH. It falls into the same category of people who demand that collateral be only 100 instead of 1000, just because they cant afford it. It's a huge protocol overhead issue, and there's no reason to waste time supporting/implementing it because it benefits DASH in no way.

1) what is the real situation of Dash in Venezuela (past, present and future)?
Seriously we received all sort of contradictory informations throughout the months. From news that we had hundreds, no thousands, of merchants accepting Dash, to people on the ground saying that no one knew what Dash was, to people testing the Dash merchants and finding that many of them do not accept Dash anymore. There were several groups, sometimes in competition, working in Venezuela. Some disappearing at some point (Dash Venezuela?). Can we have a gantt chart of who was involved, what they did, how much dash they received, how much they asked and failed to receive, what worked and what didn't. This group by group, and then putting it all together for Venezuela and Latin America in general. I understand that some parts of this might brush the ego of some of the people involved which might explain why there is the sensation that some of it is being sweapt under the rug but we cannot do this. It is generally possible to tell a story in a way that is balanced enough that app people involved are ok with it (this groups says this, this other group says that...).

This is also not DCG's problem. The MNOs voted for it, let the MNOs figure it out. If a bunch of idiot children voted for crap they can't understand, can't manage, and didn't even pay attention... I guess that sucks for them. The only consequence is, yet again, looking like a bunch of idiots and making DASH into a laughing stock. And the consequences continue... DASH is spiraling into irrelevance. But, the MNOs never learn... This is the problem with consequence-free money for nothing. Oh, but the budget keeps shrinking... Yes! Because the world is watching the gross mismanagement of pretty much everything the MNOs touch. A bunch of idiots at the helm... Who wants to "invest" in that? How may years has it been and still the MNOs are a bunch of idiot woketards with stars in their eyes making DASH untouchable... You're never going to see Million Dollar MasterNodes again if you don't grow up... MNOs didn't care, free pile of money to piss away again next month! Maybe you're oblivious to them, but, yes, there are consequences. DASH's continued descent into irrelevance and market cap collapse are the consequence of this utterly stupid behavior... Don't cry to DCG about it. MNO's are responsible for this. You better grow up, because DASH is circling the bowl thanks to the MNOs. You can't even pay DCG, most of them are working for free... You're back to "crypto winter" levels while the coat tails you rode last time are soaring and leaving you behind because you've made an enormous joke of yourselves... I told you this was going to happen. Here we are...

@Dandy you're right, Evolution is not a prerequisite for adding PrivateSend in mobile wallets. PrivateSend can theoretically be added to both DashWallet (current Android and iOS wallets) and DashPay (the upcoming "Evolution" wallet), but LLMQ & Chained Instantsend needs to mature a bit first, and developer capacity will only be available for this after Dash 1.0 has launched.

...and when might that be? Before or after DCG files bankruptcy? Your expenses are still way too high, on things you don't need, and the budget is busted...
All registered questions will be answerred by Dash Core Group in their Project Updates forum. They took 30 minutes for questions and answers and it looks like your question
just did not fit in that specific time frame. I can relate to your frustration of going through the whole presentation and then seeing your question getting passed over, but rest assure
you will get a written answer (personal experience)

Project Updates link : https://www.dash.org/forum/topic/project-updates.123/