Would it be possible to have privatesend include one denomination lower, 0.001 dash, in the 12.4 release?
Is privatesend on mobile possible with the dips described for 12.4, or is evolution needed as well?
Yes, it would be possible. The denomination is already in the codebase, but currently commented out “until we need [it]“. How this is determined is based on market needs / community needs, as well as any other effects this might have on the network, and at the discretion of our development leadership.
The specific line of code is here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/blo...6cb83890c579b1dc308a/src/privatesend.cpp#L256
(Note: If someone really wants to push for this, just open a PR to un-comment that line and see what happens -- you will get discussion from the Core devs / lead dev at the very least. No one at DCG is stopping anyone from taking action on this.)
And yes, privatesend will be possible with the deterministic MN list (DIP3) and SPV verification of the MN list (DIP4), both implemented in 12.4.
Philipp answered the first already, and Darren answered the 2nd in the call.
- Are there any updates from Dash Labs forthcoming and if so what are they?
- What is ASU currently researching and when can we expect more insights into scaling, block propagation, optimum node count etc.?
- Do you see collateralized mining as a feasible way to address the mining centralization problems that are plaguing cryptocurrency in general and, considering the slow upgrade process to 12.3, Dash in specific? Is anyone from Core seriously researching that solution?
Re: the slow upgrade process, our team is in contact with the mining pool and assisting with the upgrades. They are currently working thru their QA process and plan to upgrade to 12.4 soon. We are also maintaining close contact with them and assisting them with any technical support in order to smooth the transition in the future. We are not currently working on collateralized mining solutions, as our efforts have been focused on paving the way for the Evolution platform upgrade.
2) When will the community see something substantial from Evolution. We are all still living on faith. No substantial DIPs have been released etc despite having the patent filed for a long time etc
Many of the improvements this year are required for Evolution to work. E.g. DAPI and quorums can't work without a deterministic masternode list, which is DIP3. DIPs 2 + 3 + 4 are pretty substantial in my opinion, and we released those in May, and they will be implemented in 12.4. So can you help me understand what exactly you define as "substantial"? What would that look like to you?
After the release and open-sourcing of 13.0, is DCG planning to continue development of future versions 13.1, 14.0,...etc in a private repository? Or will the development of new versions move to public repos?
The main reason for not developing publicly was to preserve our market advantage. Now we have filed a patent, and as we release and make repositories public, we will have the first-mover advantage (being the first to innovate and implement). As such, there is no reason to continue development of those in private repositories once made public.
Further questions specifically on Dev team:
The following is cross posted from here: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/coreteamcomp0918
There are 30 full time development engineers working on Dash Evolution but each time Evolution deadlines keep getting pushed back. 30 Developers is a lot in the crypto space and currently we are going off blind faith that all these staff are in fact working full time i.e. at least 40 hours per week.
Therefore my question is how can we be certain that the dev team are infact working the full 40 hours per week on our projects work if they are in a distributed environment? What monitoring do you have to track their work and to ensure they are in fact working full time?
I don't think anyone from DCG ever stated that. It's 30 development staff, and they are not all full-time. They're also not all developers. One is a mathematician / scientist. One is technical writer / documentation.
We don't monitor our developers in this way and don't plan to. We have daily stand-ups and other kinds of scrum meetings (sprint planning, retrospectives). These sprint planning sessions result in "stories" / "tasks" , which are Agile terms for units of work to be done, and each has a unique ID. Developers do the work they are expected for a sprint. If the number of tasks (measured in "Story Points") falls below what's expected, we have a conversation.
It is not difficult to know who is working and who is not pulling their weight. Additionally, we don't assign assets (e.g. laptops), and therefore have no way to force our developers to install nanny software like you suggest, as they use their own personal machines. This is a startup environment, not an enterprise. Our work force is distributed across the globe, meaning different work times. Some work on weekends, some split days.
Most of the rest of this argument doesn't make sense because of your premise that we have 30 full-time developers. The hours worked depends on the agreed amount per contract, and as I said, not all engineering staff are developers.
May I ask what software are you using to manage the Agile implementation of the Dev team? If you are not using a software management for implementing Agile then you are most definitely not working optimally.
We use Jira.
What software are you using for the following:
Project management of the dev team?
Requirements management ?
TestCase management?
TestRun Management?
QA management?
Automated testing?
Source code control management (presumably you are using github for this?)
Project management of the dev team - Jira
Requirements management - Jira
TestCase management - Not entirely sure I understand your question. We build unit and integration tests into the repos, otherwise please clarify.
TestRun Management - Entirely sure I do not understand this question. (please clarify)
QA management - I will defer to our QA lead, and again, not entirely sure what you mean. "QA" is a big field.
Automated testing - We have a Travis-CI subscription and using it with our projects.
Source code control management - Yes, we use git and GitHub.
How do management keep track of the actual time spent on programming by each of the developers? One such service is screenshotmonitor.com have you implemented something like this? If not why not?
As I already explained, no. But that's not a good metric to track. One developer could spend 10 minutes on something and another developer 1 hour on a similar same thing. The output is all that matters.
I strongly suspect now that the management of the software development cannot be that efficient if you cannot commit to deadlines and meet them.
You're (only) partially right, and as explained elsewhere, our Agile initiative is helping us to manage development more efficiently. We are mid-way through a multi-week agile training workshop for all development teams. We are also building something that's never been done before and this presents unique challenges.
We were originally informed by Amanda B Johnson the first beta release of Evolution was to be around August of last year, with the release of the first stage at the end of 2017. Amanda was quoting sources from core. Now 12 months on we hear that it is being pushed back again.
Of course we need to ensure security of the system but this should have also been built into your estimates.
Waiting to see if there is any response from core on these and my other questions. Core team we need answers. If they are not forthcoming it is throwing doubt on DASH core team and therefore on DASH as an investment. I have major stake-holding in DASH. I need these answers if you are to retain my investment.
You're invested in Dash, not DCG. We are one single DAO funded company out of many. There are other ways of trying to increase the value of your investment. DCG cannot "retain" your investment. We don't see any of it. But your veiled threats to answer your questions or else you'll pull your investment are not cool. Divest yourself of it, if you want.
Question for Ryan Taylor: (Question originally posted in https://www.dashcentral.org/p/coreteamcomp0918 )
According Glenn Austin DASH currently has 30 core developers working full time along with additional staff for QA work and management however according to https://cryptomiso.com/ that compares different cryptocurrency coins in terms of coding activity DASH is currently ranked as 120th for the past 12 months in terms of coding activity.
Check here: https://cryptomiso.com/
At github the code contributors report after the date of 18th January 2014, when DASH was forked from Litecoin, shows a peak of coding activity in January 2015 and then shows a steady decline down to the current date. Currently the code contributions are the lowest rate it has been since DASH started: See this graph:
and here:
Why does the github coding contributions report decline from Jan 2015 if we have taken on considerably more coders?
Additional information added 18/08/2018:
MNOs, investores and the DASH community can gain some indication of the development activity if the statistics for development of code in private repositories is set to be shown publically without us having access to the code itself.
How to make private repository statistics public for GitHub is explained on the pages after following these two links:
The public statistics of development activity for the DASH Repositories is very low.
Have the core team made the *statistics* of coding activity in private repositories also private? If so why?
Keeping development statistics private for private repositories in effect means that nobody can track the progress of development other than the people who have access to the private repositories.
I'm asking the core team to explain why their public statistics for coding activity is so low considering we have 30 full-time developers?
How can the MNOs and the DASH community know for certain that the 30 full time developers are infact working full time? What measures have you taken to ensure our developers are, in fact, working the full time they have been contracted to work?
Have DASH core management considered using a service such as screenshotmonitor.com to monitor coding activity? If not why not?
1. He wrote "30 development staff", not 30 full-time developers. That also includes scientists/researchers and technical writers in the engineering organization.
2. You are only looking at one single public repo (the DashCore repo). We have many other public repos and we have private repos also.
3. The "private statistics" links you are referring to apply to individual user profiles, not organizations. Also, these do not show specifics, it just shows a graph (kinda like a histogram but with dots) with number of commits per day, and includes all public + private commits. That's it, it does not break down anything else, and it's only per-user.
However, I'd be happy to share commit statistics on a regular basis (say, monthly). I've been mulling this idea for months, since March / April timeframe, then Alex started sharing the "What's Going On" reports and I didn't think of it for a while.