Dash Core Group Q1 2020 Summary Call - Thursday, 23 April 2020


Masternode Owner/Operator
Dear Dash Community Members,

I would like to kindly invite you to the Dash Core Group Q1 summary call, during which the team will provide you with the recent updates about the technology, business development, and other delivery team efforts towards Dash network growth.
We have prepared a detailed report on the progress made during the last quarter, company achievements and challenges we have faced during the last quarter.

The call will take place on Thursday, the 23rd of April 2020 at 15:00 UTC.
Link to the Youtube stream:

Meantime, please prepare and submit your questions here in this thread (or send them directly to @strophy).
I suggest sending one question per user, as there will be limited time for the Q&A section.
Please be aware that we might not be able to answer all of the questions submitted before and during the call. In such a case, the remaining questions will be answered on the forum.

Thank you,

EDIT: Presentation slides are available in this location: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/...sh-Core-Group-Q1-2020-Summary-Call.pdf?api=v2
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What are the risks and benefits of leaving the ability to disable the superblock with three keyholders (as is currently the case), versus transferring that power to the network as a whole?
What is the current DCG consensus on the various incentive adjustments, and when can we expect to see some proposals?
To cut down on the network's annual legal expenses, could the Trust absorb the functions of the DIF, or the DIF absorb the functions of the Trust? Why or why not?
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Discuss the next specific steps for building an in-wallet hedging button?

So that we complete the last remaining pillar to deliver digital cash (instant tx's, privatesend option, turn off volatility via a hedging option). Leading method to build an in-wallet hedging button is said to be DEBNK
Tx fees are not burnt. Instead they go to miners to incentivise miners to include the Tx into a block so that the Tx will get confirmations.
Likewise more competitive DAOs will evolve to not burn proposal fees. Instead the proposal fees will go to incentivise more competitive, professional, thorough, review of proposals.

Q: what are next specific steps DCG can take to implement this?

(1 method to distribute the proposal fees is: by the # of upvotes each comment on Dashcentral gets (ex: say 130 upvotes on all the comments for a proposal. 1 comment has 5 upvotes. It would receive 5/130 of the 5Dash fee))
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What are the risks and benefits of leaving the ability to disable the superblock with three keyholders (as is currently the case), versus transferring that power to the network as a whole?
Q: why the heck would we create such a centralisation risk of having the superblock enable/disable in the hands of the 3 individuals?
Likewise more competitive DAOs will evolve to not burn proposal fees.
@Currency_use_case the first step to this would be to verify the claim that not burning proposal fees makes a DAO more competitive. Can you link to some research or other projects to back this up with some numbers? Or is your question regarding if DCG can do this research as an initial step? Thanks.
On condition of a successful proposal, would DCG directors and developers agree to a polygraph test to assert they have not been recruited or directed by government agencies such as the CIA, FBI or NSA?
@Currency_use_case the first step to this would be to verify the claim that not burning proposal fees makes a DAO more competitive. Can you link to some research or other projects to back this up with some numbers? Or is your question regarding if DCG can do this research as an initial step? Thanks.
a) not aware of any other DAO's that are doing it yet b) debate: that it's just common sense--incentivise proposal review (via distributing the proposal fee) to get much higher quality proposal review vs. proposal review is all unpaid
c) question is about : what are steps DCG can take to implement using proposal fees to incentivise proposal review?
(Q's from March on Dashcentral “dash-core-group-compensation-march---apr“ that didn't get an answer):

Comments from DCG team members about why we are a) subsidising mining via the blockreward? b) and using inflation to pay for mining (since the blockreward is newly created units)? Is our answer just because all the other blockchains are doing it (ie. group-think)?

What about a new direction of removing mining from the block-reward? And thus letting the Tx fees get to a non-subsidized equilibrium.

There is a tremendous erosion of our investors + users purchasing power if we pay for mining via inflation (and further exacerbated since the miners tend to dump the Dash they receive right away to pay for their business costs)

[Estimates on Tx fees
if a user does a small Tx of 0.1Dash @ a merchant, the fee today in Core wallet is 0.00001002. At 70usd unit price, that is 0.0007014usd.

if we disable paying for mining via inflation, and say Tx fees increase 100x, the above fee would then be 0.07014usd for a 7usd spend @ a merchant]
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Yes, it's true, a polygraph test is definitely something you can work at to defeat. But keep in mind this is a moving target and it's not just a magic box with binary Yes or No.The whole process and environment is highly controlled from the moment you walk in. And these days the tech behind it is so much more than blood pressure or the measurement of sweat. Insurance companies and various government departments, for example, route phone calls through AI programs that can detect lies from speech alone. There are other methods and it's the sum of all these methods that is likely to trip most people.

Also, prior to a test, a lot of people start revealing facts in the hope it mitigates or exonerates them from the lie detecting process.

If we look at what happened with Blockstream and the Lightning Network, many might say it was an inside job to thwart bitcoin's progress. How can dash protect from such thing?
Well look at that, my question was the very first posted here and not put in the live Q&A. It was also asked in the live chat and ignored. No one thought it important to be accountable for 345 dash?

Amanda had her question answered and that question didn't have any Likes, only 1 Disagree and 1 Dislike. My question had 4 Likes.
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All remaining questions will be answered. We did not have the exact data to share during the call (+ limited time), so I have selected other questions to put on the slide.
I'm pretty sure the lights are on, but noboy's home.

Notice how there used to be new stuff on testnet? There isn't even a testnet... No plans for what's next... Nothing...

For years the excuse for doing nothing was "we're not ready yet." That which is 0.15 was the finish line on that game, here we are... Total ghost town. Nothing.
With regards to questions that were not answered on the quarterly call, strophy posted an update last friday (May 15, 2020)

Link : https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/community-q-a-q1-2020-summary-call.50039/#post-221681

I am not sure if all questions haven been answered there by now or if some still remain unanswered.

With regards to Dash Testnet development and general Dash development :

Evonet (Public Testnet of the Dash Platform, previously known as Dash Evolution)

Announcing the Release of Dash Platform v0.12 on Evonet

Dash Updates

Product Update — May 16, 2020

Product Update — May 2, 2020

Dash Product Update - April 25, 2020

Dash Github development on Dash regular testnet (DashCore v16 and 17)


I am looking forward to the polling proposals from Dash Core Group on the topic of Dash Economics that should emerge on the network, after the coming superblock.
Link : https://www.dash.org/forum/topic/dash-economics.150/

The month June will be very interesting from a governance point of view.
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