Dash by 2016


25-40$€£ ;) all depends from adoption marketing and development progress.
I'd like to add that I think if we do see a $20 average, I'd expect the trades to execute $15-25 through the cycle. Ultimately, only time will reveal the answer. I'm hoping I'm wrong and it goes higher. And in my opinion, estimating $10 or below is low balling as to not seem eager.

Should we place wagers on these predictions? :cool:
I think crypto will still be simmering in 2016, but I'd say $5 - $10 is a reasonable target. 2017 is when the fireworks start :smile:
If current tech does not improve then $10-50 just from adoption, but if the dev team keeps producing $100-200 easily. Remember how Mac's quickly overtook the market or Blackberries used to be everywhere and were replaced by smartphones or when people used Cable/Antenna tv before netflix? All of these came about because technologies were easy to use and better than their predecessors and Dash is way better than Bitcoin.
If current tech does not improve then $10-50 just from adoption, but if the dev team keeps producing $100-200 easily. Remember how Mac's quickly overtook the market or Blackberries used to be everywhere and were replaced by smartphones or when people used Cable/Antenna tv before netflix? All of these came about because technologies were easy to use and better than their predecessors and Dash is way better than Bitcoin.
I think those prices can be achieved after 2017..
Stable $10 by 01/01/16
$16 is very possible if innovations and additions currently public and nonpublic are successfully implemented.
$25 is extremely unlikely but could happen with well-known merchant adoption or outstanding, out-of-nowhere innovation.
So side question since you guys seem to have such low expectations for dash. Why is Bitcoin worth $250ish I mean is it all because of its first mover advantage? Because it is definitely not because of its tech.
So side question since you guys seem to have such low expectations for dash. Why is Bitcoin worth $250ish I mean is it all because of its first mover advantage? Because it is definitely not because of its tech.
I would say because it has been around for 6 years. Wait another 5 years for Dash and anything is possible.
So side question since you guys seem to have such low expectations for dash. Why is Bitcoin worth $250ish I mean is it all because of its first mover advantage? Because it is definitely not because of its tech.

Yes, Bitcoin's price is mainly because of its first mover advantage. Don't forget that it took BTC two years to reach $1 and almost four years to hit $13. I was trying to be realistic based on BTC's history and the fact that there are so many different e-currencies out there now.