Dash Birthday / Trademark Resolution / Blocksize Limitation

Pls dont forget to update the details of this proposal on Dashwhale and claim it there as owner as well.

Lets also get as much participation as possible.. which means activating our Tao :wink:
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I'm tempted to vote yes. The only concern I have is the mining profitability. Some say DASH is not very profitable to mine as of now. Won't this change make DASH mining even less appealing and risk a drop in hashing power, which can have side effects?

Mining profitability will remain unaffected. We're not using all of even the 1MB blocks yet and mining profitability is mostly determined by the price of the coin, not really the bandwidth of our network at this point.
Happy bithday Dash!

Just a little thing : I'm not fan of the fee on all transactions. I know we have to do it to mitigate spam attack on the network...

Can we have more detail about how much the fee will be?
imagine if we managed to reach 2M blocksize before bitcoin and the news spread heard by everyone LOL 0.5 btc per Dash is possible

If this passes before Thursday, then it will be quite the talking point in Miami. Well done!
In like 2 years can we have something like for this for us discuss plans to expand into space?

If this passes before Thursday, then it will be quite the talking point in Miami. Well done!

1155 masternodes need to participate of 3498 total active masternodes and there has to be more yes then no voters ... we are already almost halfway there (552 voted yes)

personally i hope we end up with at least 51% yes voters .. at the end of the month.
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Come on eduffield , it's not about block size, we've still plenty of spare room.

Your secret plan, if this passes, is to address this in your conference speech to rub some salt into the bitcoiner's wounds.
With a friendly smile in your face.
And watch them suffering!
You're a bad, bad guy...

I like that
Doesn't the proposal say that? I totally read that :smile:
We would also like to propose we raise the Dash block size limitation to 2MB to prepare for the future growth of the network. We want to know if the stakeholders support this idea. For this, we would like the nodes to vote using our decentralized governance system to make sure we have the community behind us.

Can't we instead have a contentious ongoing debate that splits apart the community? /s
Happy bithday Dash!

Just a little thing : I'm not fan of the fee on all transactions. I know we have to do it to mitigate spam attack on the network...

Can we have more detail about how much the fee will be?

I am in favor of this change and voted yes. But I second the question here. Can we get some comments with regard to what you are thinking minimum fees will be?
I am in favor of this change and voted yes. But I second the question here. Can we get some comments with regard to what you are thinking minimum fees will be?

Also the plan for evolution was "Zero-fee instant anonymity". How this will be affected?
The trademark issue resolution is an unbelievable important achievement opening a lot of new doors. Evan had the right foresight to enforce the rename to DASH against a lot of resistance, finally ending up with and awesome brand name and a cleared legal situation. Chapeau to all people involved!
This is yet another blow to Bitcoin, Dash can reach consensus within 24 hours on a real future issue that the Bitcoin foundation hasn't been able to come to any agreement on for months. Also I'm pleased to hear that the legal matter surrounding the trademarks rights to Dash being used in the crypto currency realm has been resolved. So much positivity at the moment, it's getting exciting!
2 votes to go according info on Dashwhale

Total masternodes : 3497
33% : 1154
Yes : 1150
No : 2

Total participation : 1152
To go : 2

edit : updated info
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Happy bithday Dash!

Just a little thing : I'm not fan of the fee on all transactions. I know we have to do it to mitigate spam attack on the network...

Can we have more detail about how much the fee will be?

We didn't propose an exact fee structure yet, that will determined when the coding begins. It will be enough to stop a sybil/bloat attack and also enough to allow users a very low cost to transact on our network.
A couple more points, I wanted to bring over from BitcoinTalk.

1.) The problems with propagation do not pass from the Bitcoin network to the Dash network, due to the high quality second tier infrastructure. We can require specific infrastructure from our masternodes, which will allow for very quick block propagation no matter the size. The miners simply will need to be connected to the masternode network from each of it's edges (which we will describe how to do this eventually, it's not very difficult). Imagine propagating a 20MB block through a network of 3500 computers with 10GB/s networking. It's not hard to see the advantage we have.

As for the question, how will we require the masternodes have specific hardware? The next proof-of-service implementation is going to be as simple as a few of us testing the network's masternodes using open source tools to determine the quality of service. We will then provide evidence that can be double checked by other masternodes, then we will use a voting mechanism to flag their masternodes. They will see the flags and know what they have to do in order to remove them, until they do they won't get paid. Once they fix the issues, they can propagate a message asking for a re-evaluation.

Also, that's to say our market cap would be orders of magnitude higher as well. To even have 20MB blocks on average we would have hundreds of millions of users. At which point the masternodes will make plenty of money to be required to run on Xeons and have 10GB/s networking.

2.) We need to start preparing for mass user adoption now and make sure we can support this type of load. By doing this now, we'll have years to prepare and won't have to have huge debates about making changes to an already working system. If Bitcoin did this when they were 25% full, they wouldn't be having this issue, right?

Why wait?
X Posting from Bitcointalk, I think this post by Evan answers some of the questions from the group here too.

Thanks Minotaur, I didn't see this. My tollerance for reading BCT is not what it used to be and I mostly avoid it these days.
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