Dash Backup File


New member
Hello Community,

I have a question regarding my Dash and Backup File, because I haven't found an answer anywhere

My Dash were once locked into a Masternode, managed by a friend.
I told him to send my Dash to my wallet.

He just send me a backup file.

I tried to recover them and it worked.
I can see, that the Dash are still there and are not anymore locked into a Masternode and the Masternode is not running anymore.
But if I try to send them away, it shows me the message:
The amount entered exceeds your account balance.

Can anyone please help me, what I have to do, that I can send my Dash?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Best wishes,
On a menu you should be able to turn on coin control. Then click the top left button that shows up on the send screen. Then find the output you're interested in spending right click and click unlock.