Active member
I agree, I wish I were as happy and trusting as you, craig![]()
It is just a state of mind
I agree, I wish I were as happy and trusting as you, craig![]()
I agree, I wish I were as happy and trusting as you, craig![]() can you post you bank statement for the last two years I wanted to take a look at it thanks
yes, I also agree
How about that bank statement though. Really looking forward to seeing your purchases over the past two years...nothing to hide so this really shouldn't be an issue.
You really want to nail this concept down don't you?
I don't think he the same world understanding as you, and I doubt you'll be the one to convince him otherwise.
Might as well entertain him while you do your best to educate. Shaming him and being borderline rude never taught anyone anything.
I mean how many kids do you know that respond well to "Sit down shut up and listen you little idiot" over " will you pretty please take a seat?"
There are better ways to approach a problem, and there are less ideal ones. Choose wisely Buster!
Still <3 you bossman.
I'm responding to his "state of mind". Thanks for the advice but its un solicited and not nesscesary, I am who I am, just as Craig is. If a someone blatantly admits their stupidity I'll gladly hammer that nail in damn good. I held my tounge long enough on this one. And if Craig doesn't want to share his bank statement with me than maybe he desires a little more privacy than he thinks he does.
Regardless, I'm done here.I gave my opinions, hopefully people see where I am coming from, as I am just trying to keep a nice balance here and remind everyone we can't act like just because people don't know/accept something, we don't want them here.
We need to be ALL inclusive. Or we will never be a valuable currency for anyone.
craigrant you are on your own now, I've got work to doJust trying listening more brotha! These people are looking out for you whether you'd like to admit it or not.
edit: and just in case noone noticed this, you do see how the word "rant" is part of his username right? What else did you expect than a rant?
no, i will not show my bank statement, it is my choice, if you want to contact the bank or government for them to show you my bank statement, go ahead and tryHow about that bank statement though. Really looking forward to seeing your purchases over the past two years...nothing to hide so this really shouldn't be an issue.
no, i will not show my bank statement, it is my choice, if you want to contact the bank or government for them to show you my bank statement, go ahead and try
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetThat's not very transparent bro. The zen flow is now broken.You've had a nice flow there but you've lost it.
So much negativity man! You need to bring those statements to the light! Or else your banks name should be changed to, i will not show my bank statement, it is my choice, if you want to contact the bank or government for them to show you my bank statement, go ahead and try
So much negativity man! You need to bring those statements to the light! Or else your banks name should be changed to Darkbank.
Bank Of America is the name of my Bank, and it's beautiful![]()
image attachedNo one asked about the name of your bank. How beautiful is your bank statement? Can we take a peak? Privacy is for fools man. Come clean and keep the flow flowing bro.
Bank Of America is the name of my Bank, and it's beautiful![]()
image attached
very nice, I have a good time bankingwith BOFA, the secret is never let your balance go below $200, or their computer system is programmed to fuck you.. at least that is what i tell myself.. and it works greatTrue story incoming.
Many years ago, I needed a job. Bank of America advertised for a job I was (over) qualified for. I went in to the interview. Standard stuff, we talked about my background and the specs of the job. At the end, the interviewer asked what my opinion of Bank of America was.
Me: "You want the truth?"
BofA: "Yes, we're interested in your opinion"
Me: "I think you suck"
BofA: "What do you mean?"
Me: "You have the worst reputation in town. I closed my account with you a year ago because you couldn't keep my balance straight."
BofA: "Thank you for your time"
I left town for a few days to play in a tournament. I get back and there were 5, yes 5 messages from BofA over the weekend. I called them back.
BofA: "Oh my god, thanks for calling back. We thought you went to work for someone else"
I started working for them the next day.
True story.
millions are in Jamaica, where I pay 0% TAXWhere are those millions you've mentioned in the videos? I hope you're not hiding them in cash somewhere. That would be bad. Government doesn't like stashing cash around, but nice and clean in the bank account where the tax man can see it.