Evan talks a bit about fungibility in this presentation
If that's how you feel, you should stop accepting donations in Dash, because Dash is anonymous and you will never know where the money has been. That also applies to cash, by the way.
I don't read, or research, I do business and have fun with money. The word fungibility is only used by dash, I have never seen or heard it anywhere else, so to program my mind with that word being important is a mental trapcraigrant
I suggest you read page 17 called Privacy & Fungibility from the DASH Evolution whitepaper. Ideally, ones does a bit of research before investing.
So much fear, be free and have fun, like meHe makes a video saying he doesn't want to use Dash because the anonymous mixing could be associated with criminals when the cash that he is using probably has way more criminals that touched it than he even realizes. If Craig is concerned about anonomity, he should get rid of all his cash. Use only bank cards, but even then some banks are criminals, steal peoples money with fees. People earn money, give it to someone else for safe-keeping, then when you want access to it, they charge you fees so that you can have access to the hard money that you earned. Oh and if there is a bank run, like what happened in Greece or another bank bailout, kind of sucks if you can't get your money out. The whole reason why Bitcoin and cryptos exists, is that so you can have control of your own money, and not the banks. Many people in the world don't have bank accounts or can't even get one. Look at Africa, they all have mobile phones. Something like Dash would revolutionize sending money to someone instantanously from anywhere in the world for basically free.
This video is not about me, I am speaking from the point of view of the general public, me personally, I don't care about anythingIf that's how you feel, you should stop accepting donations in Dash, because Dash is anonymous and you will never know where the money has been. That also applies to cash, by the way.
Yes I have never seen or heard it anywhere else, I am not saying it's not somewhere else, I am saying I have never heard anyone else use it, only dashcraigrant
Wtf are you talking about?Only used by DASH?!
Yes I have never seen or heard it anywhere else, I am not saying it's not somewhere else, I am saying I have never heard anyone else use it, only dash
So much fear, be free and have fun, like me
I don't know what the word "fungibility" means, and I dont wnat to know. It should be deleted from the English language, as I see it being used to make excuses for stupidity
When you make suggestions about possible investments in your videos you might think about doing some research about what it is you are suggeting, at the least for the sake of your listeners. Or put a disclaimer that "you don't do research" - I've injoyed your shows for the most part but you might be barking up the wrong tree here.