You're saying "unbanked" but I'm guessing that's not entirely accurate, folks may not have a high street bank account but I'm betting they do their banking with someone, maybe a family member or someone well known that looks after the bulk of their savings or is in a position to loan. In other words shadow banking, illegal in many parts of the world but huge none the less and an area of huge potential for cryptocurrency imho.
Not an easy area to get into, usually hidden from public view and often a generation that's uncomfortable with new technology but often people who could teach leading economists a thing or two about money and would see the potential of Dash immediately. Bottom up, pure grass roots. Get that elderly uncle that looks after the families money or the folks down the street who's been providing loans to your family for generations handling remittances, I've no doubt they'll thank you for it and charge a hell of a lot less than any highstreet bank. It would have been impossible just a few short years ago, now it's relatively simple, usually fairly easy to exchange the paycheck for Dash, the only hard part is how to use it after sending it back home and if shadow banking's handling that it wont be long before regular folks are accepting it.