WTS Dash Art Lotterie [tickets]

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Well-known member

74/256 Tickets sold

-dash peaks 01-

  • 1.31 Dash / ticket
  • 256 tickets total
  • dazman method
  • block 344650 last possible block to buy a ticket (approx. 29.09.15)
  • ~8500 blocks for 15 days -> winner block = 345250 (approx. 30.09.15)
  • owner of the ticket matching with the last two digits of this block hash is the winner
  • shipping is free
How to participate:

1. Search for available ticket > here <

2. (!!!) post your tx-id and your favourite ticket number in this thread. first come first serve. if you don't post ticket numbers I'll choose randomly. you can buy multiple tickets. ONE tx_id = ONE ticket. If you send 10 Dash at once, it
will count as 1 ticket plus 8,69 Dash donation to Zoran. Payments after block 344650 or 256 sold tickets are donations. Spreadsheet will be updated from time to time.

Example Post:


3. send the amount to XjbgtP9wsvkPJaNDq9YWqLY6tQCj62AyGb (yidakee escrow)


Zoran has trouble selling artworks: LINK :

"There is no one interesting in Dash art.
Even on discount.
Paintings and sculptures will be "overwritten".
I will just replace a logo on paintings and sculptures.
Unfortunately, I need to switch to another coin, Sia ,Ethereum, Bitshares....... to try to make a sale.
This is the last chance to get some of my artworks.
Thanks everyone for support."
I came up with this idea:

"What about a lottery organized by a trusted member? I'm willing to give 1 DASH for example, to have a chance getting the nice drawing. Really like it but I cant afford 400USD. For lottery maybe a random number could be picked using the Dash blockchain? "


"I thought about using the hash of a certain upcoming block:

last two digits, 256 possibilities (right?). ~170 Dash needed for the painting (example). 0.6640625 Dash for a ticket (aa, ab, af, 00, 01, 09, ...)."
As Zoran made the kind offer for shipping here are the ticket prices. You can buy as many as you want. Choose a custom ticket number or get a random one!

DASH PEAKS 01 (sculpture): 335/256 = 1.31
DASH PEAKS 02 (sculpture): 310/256 = 1.2109375 Dash
DASH 01 (painting): 170/256 = 0.6640625 Dash
DASH 02 (painting): 170/256 = 0.6640625 Dash
DASH 03 (painting): 210/256 = 0.8203125 Dash

What we need to start:

- escrow (trusted members only, make offer with fee you take [I doubt you trust me?]) yidakee/MangledBlue
- [URL='https://dashtalk.org/members/zoran-kutuzovic.2360/']Zoran Kutuzovic[/URL] we need to know how much to budget for shipping, and how much time we have thank you for free shipping offer!

Ticket Sheet:

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This idea is fantastic!

But 4 points I want to stress.

a) Zoran must give a final budget as target. Shipping costs SUCK. Within Europe it's cheap, outside there could be added costs. So he must foresee a unified budget for the entire planet, so that the lottery has a fixed value. This has to be set so people buying lottery tickets have an equal fair stake on their pledge, despite their geo-location.

b) Maximum of 256 "tickets", the price per ticket is divided by the final cost. This has to be "mandatory" as there can only be a maximum of 256 lottery tickets. Anyone can buy multiple tickets of course.

c) If 256 lottery tickets are not sold and the winning combination is not found by any community member, then the entire lottery fund is given away to Zoran as appreciation for his constant efforts. He's been doing this for more than a year out of his own pocket! I know the arts, and doing this type of work implies very high production costs, as well as creativity and lots and lots and lots and lots of time and dedication!

d) The winner has to be prepared to deal with import taxes and paperwork. It's not difficult, but don't expect a shipment of an art piece to arrive from the other side of the planet without customs bugging you, depending on where you live. ( as it's not electronic stuff and marked as a gift, normally there is no problem)

Is everyone fine with this?

I dont mind escrowing 100% for free, to support the arts, if you accept my "conditions".

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I like everything apart from the how to choose the numbers, having a number from 1-255 is too vague.
The minute for the block number is more fun and requires a little bit of skill to average out the blocks before, the timestamp is part of history is it not.
lets say we need 180 dash, so thats 180 times minute selections, can choose any minute on GMT but only if its not taken already, allows for multiple bets, and betting is closed when the target is reached.
If for some reason noone gets it, we could have the nearest time to the block choice (tiny chance of a draw if not exact, but can select the earlier time, as a decider in the highly unlikely event of a draw)
how does that sound?
I like everything apart from the how to choose the numbers, having a number from 1-255 is too vague.
The minute for the block number is more fun and requires a little bit of skill to average out the blocks before, the timestamp is part of history is it not.
lets say we need 180 dash, so thats 180 times minute selections, can choose any minute on GMT but only if its not taken already, allows for multiple bets, and betting is closed when the target is reached.
If for some reason noone gets it, we could have the nearest time to the block choice (tiny chance of a draw if not exact, but can select the earlier time, as a decider in the highly unlikely event of a draw)
how does that sound?

Lotteries are about luck. Sort of like betting. There are only N possible possibilities, anything else is arbitrary. The way pille proposed seems very very fair. There is no ambiguity. Either you win, or you don't.

And just like a regular lottery, if there are no clear winner, the proceeds go to charity. In this case, not exactly charity, but IMHO if no one wins, it respresents a very pertinent "thank you" to someone who's been doing something for our collective project in his own right, in his own way.

And not everyone in the community is geek enough to make a calculated guess on blockchain math. With this model, you pick a combination, and that's taken. It's equally fair for all. For example, what if 2 people pick a timestamp of equal distribution, one in over and the other is under the target? How do we handle that?

Buy a ticket for the meaning of it, not for the greed of it. If there is no clear winner, I firmly believe he should get the coins regardless.

But, I am obviously open to other opinions

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Lotteries are about luck. Sort of like betting. There are only N possible possibilities, anything else is arbitrary. The way pille proposed seems very very fair. There is no ambiguity. And just like the lottery, if there are no winner, the proceeds go to charity. In this case, not exactly charity, but IMHO if no one wins, it respresents a very pertinent "thank you" to someone who's been doing something for our collective project in his own right, in his own way.
So if there is no clear winner, I firmly believe he should get the coins regardless.
But, I am obviously open to other opinions
Fine to do it like that, easier but is less fun, although tbh I would be hesitant about entering if there was not a gauranteed winner. Easy to sort, just take the number from the next hash, until a winner is eventually found, the lotteries I enter usually have a winner (although its never me, lol)
I case you missed it:

Hello, Pille!
Thanks for your support and idea.
I will give my "injection" to this idea.
Especially,for this opportunity,i will ship the artwork worldwide for FREE.
I accept DASH payment.
Fine to do it like that, easier but is less fun, although tbh I would be hesitant about entering if there was not a gauranteed winner. Easy to sort, just take the number from the next hash, until a winner is eventually found, the lotteries I enter usually have a winner (although its never me, lol)

LOL, I understand. Hey, just shooting some thoughts. More ideas are welcomed.

Zoran has trouble selling artworks: LINK :

"There is no one interesting in Dash art.
Even on discount.
Paintings and sculptures will be "overwritten".
I will just replace a logo on paintings and sculptures.
Unfortunately, I need to switch to another coin, Sia ,Ethereum, Bitshares....... to try to make a sale.
This is the last chance to get some of my artworks.
Thanks everyone for support."
I came up with this idea:

"What about a lottery organized by a trusted member? I'm willing to give 1 DASH for example, to have a chance getting the nice drawing. Really like it but I cant afford 400USD. For lottery maybe a random number could be picked using the Dash blockchain? "


"I thought about using the hash of a certain upcoming block:

last two digits, 256 possibilities (right?). ~170 Dash needed for the painting (example, without shipping). 0.6640625 Dash for a ticket (aa, ab, af, 00, 01, 09, ...)."
What we need to start:

- escrow (trusted members only, make offer with fee you take [I doubt you trust me?])
- [URL='https://dashtalk.org/members/zoran-kutuzovic.2360/']Zoran Kutuzovic[/URL] we need to know how much to budget for shipping, and how much time we have

Hello, Pille!

Thanks for your support and idea.

I will give my "injection" to this idea.

Especially,for this opportunity,i will ship the artwork worldwide for FREE.
This idea is fantastic!

But 4 points I want to stress.

a) Zoran must give a final budget as target. Shipping costs SUCK, within Europe cheap, outside is hell. So he must foresee a unified budget for the entire planet, so that the lottery has a fixed value. This has to be set so people buying in lottery tickets have a fair stake on their pledge, despite their geo-location.

b) Maximum of 256 "tickets", the price per ticket is divided by the final budget for art + shipping. This has to be "mandatory" as there can only be a maximum of 256 lottery tickets. Anyone can buy multiple tickets of course.

c) If 256 lottery tickets are not sold and the winning combination is not found by any community member, then the entire lottery fund is given away to Zoran as appreciation for his constant efforts. He's been doing this for more than a year out of his own pocket! I know the arts, and doing this type of work implies very high production costs, as well as creativity and lots and lots and lots and lots of time and dedication!

d) The winner has to be prepared to deal with import taxes and paperwork. It's not difficult, but don't expect a shipment of an art piece to arrive from the other side of the planet without customs bugging you.

Is everyone fine with this?

I dont mind escrowing 100% for free, to support the arts, if you accept my "conditions".

Also there will be no customs costs,i will send the package as gift.
Also there will be no customs costs,i will send the package as gift.

Zoran, believe me... I've been on ebay since it's beginning. I don't know about outside the EU, but anything entering the EU, it is very rare to let packages go through without charging you VAT costs over an invoice. Even a gift has to have a declared value.

Just saying, I don't know how it works in other parts of the world, just trying to predict possible scenarios. The less surprises the better.
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Fine to do it like that, easier but is less fun, although tbh I would be hesitant about entering if there was not a gauranteed winner. Easy to sort, just take the number from the next hash, until a winner is eventually found, the lotteries I enter usually have a winner (although its never me, lol)

Good idea but, if we dont sell all the tickets there are not enough funds.
Can the OP add a poll to this thread to give us an idea of the number of people that would enter the lottery.

i.e. Would you take part in a lottery to win DASH art (0.6 DASH per ticket)? -> Yes | No
Can the OP add a poll to this thread to give us an idea of the number of people that would enter the lottery.

i.e. Would you take part in a lottery to win DASH art (0.6 DASH per ticket)? -> Yes | No

How to add this now? Can't find it.
Zoran, believe me... I've been on ebay since it's beginning. I don't know about outside the EU, but anything entering the EU, it is very rare to let packages go through without charging you VAT costs over an invoice. Even a gift has to have a declared value.

Just saying, I don't know how it works in other parts of the world, just trying to predict possible scenarios. The less surprises the better.
Well....I sold many crypto related paintings ,from Singapore to USA.I sent those paintings as gift,and no one reported some income customs costs.
Or customs costs were so min.,so no one reported it.I guess....
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