Dash Argentina “Strategic Participation Massive Local Events "

Angel Andres Arri

New member
Period August to December 2018

Dear DASH Community:

After the experience achieved in our previous proposal to position DASH as a payment solution in our city and creating a friendly ecosystem for the end user and the merchant, showing each of the sectors involved the benefits of using DASH as a means of payment.

We can say that the acceptance was excelent, but we know that it will be better when operating conditions are more favorable, since the main reason and it is for traders is that there is no quick way to change DASH to Pesos again and today we can do manualy but we see an important limitation for the growth of DASH in the Argentine market, and as a model city we are identifying the Dash strong points and weak points and we started working outside the budget to advance in the possible solutions to creating greater confidence and speed in each operation. We looked for a loca fintech company that specializes in mpos payment solutions to present our project and request a Budget for the development of an Exclusive exchange for DASH that accepts Argentine Pesos / DASH / Argentine Pesos.

We were able to position the DASH Mark in our first 2 conferences and we realized that the format of the Conferences is very good but it takes a lot of budget in the assembly of the Event to have a professional presentation, then the team evaluated the need to make changes to lower the budget and take advantage of local events that are already taking place and we as DASH join and take advantage of the public concentration in each event.

This is the CASE OF OUR THIRD MONTH of Proposal where we created an Alliance with a Commercial Resto Bar (Private Place) where we have our stand throughout the month to take advantage of the World Cup Event, to achieve many new open wallets and teach people how to use Dash.

Our solution to continue our positioning task in the following 5 months.


1) Reduce the budget for conference assembley for the moment until you achive the 3 key points for mass adoption in Argentina.

• Support service to the Dash user (Dash Help Me) Solved.

• Brand positioning service and creation of new wallets. (Participation in Sports, Local, Social and Public Interest Events). Requested by Dash Argentina.

• Exclusive exchange service to change Dash to Argentinian Pesos and this currency to Dash (in development by Dash Argentina)

If we achieve in these 5 months have the 3 key points that we consider to be able to have all the variants in place and thus be able to go to other cities with a greater number of inhabitants.

2) Focus on increasing the amount of Merchant that accept Dash in the city (generating important Discounts for DASH Users in Argentina) We believe that the more places that can accept DASH, the more attractive the Ecosystem where each place is registered in our Portal www.dashcomunidadargentina.org and simultaneously on Discoverdash

3) Increase the number of users who can use it everyday. We will achieve this by participating in the local events that take place in the city, generating presence and opening of wallets to increase our ecosystem of users every month.

4) Generate a strong presence of DASH in the City to achieve expansion to larger neighboring cities.

Massive events scheduled in the city

where we will participate:

AUGUST: "DAY OF THE CHILD" (Paseo del Riel) and (Aero Club Rio Tercero) Approximate Participation of Persons: 5000

Open New wallets: more than 500 wallets


Approximate Participation of People: 7000

Open New wallets: more than 700 wallets

OCTOBER: "MOTHER'S DAY" (Events dedicated to the Mothers of the City)

Approximate Participation of Persons: 5000

Open New wallets: more than 500 wallets


Approximate Participation of People: 600 people

Open New wallets: more than 200 wallets


Approximate Participation of Persons: 5000

Open New wallets: more than 500 wallets

This is a Big Event because is the Opening Party for new summer station. Every Year a lot of people go to this Party for close the year and Open new station of Summer in the coast of this lake.


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  • upload_2018-7-10_14-27-40.png
    171 KB · Views: 130
Excelente! Argentina sufrió la devaluacion del peso de 18 a 30 , y se vienen tiempos difíciles así que DASH es una buena alternativa.