DASH and the largest horror corn maze in Germany

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We were recommended to go this way in the forum. Does our proposal have a chance of financing? What do you mean?

We, the company Eventzauber Nord GbR, are the operators of the largest horror corn maze in Germany (near Kiel, the capital of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein). This project started in 2015 and is now entering its fourth season. Every year from August to October, our guests experience an interactive horror theater play in an 80,000 square meter corn field. The demand for tickets is so high that we have decided to expand this year to welcome more than 6,000 guests. Our advertising reaches more than 100,000 people all over Northern Germany. One reason for this is that the largest regional television station NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk, North German Broadcasting) reported about our attraction last year.

In the course of our expansion, we would like to offer DASH as a means of payment - both for the online ticket shop and at the box office, as well as in the horror corn bar. We have been using DASH privately for some time now and are fully convinced of its advantages for us as well as for other retailers. However, there are virtually no acceptance points here in northern Germany. We therefore not only want to expand our business, but also to be a technological pioneer here in northern Germany.

DASH will make the biggest contribution to this. We are a young, innovative company and would like to do our part to bring DASH closer to our guests as a means of payment and create and strengthen awareness of this crypto currency.

We have the necessary know-how to set up the DASH-Wallet on the mobilphone for our guests and to inform them about the necessary security measures. (password phrase and PIN). We would like to help to establish DASH on site.

We plan to expand our offer substantially and will offer beside the horror corn maze, the forest of horror and a theatre tent with a freak show. For the first time we are offering three attractions, which is likely to increase our visitor numbers considerably. The horror corn maze is an interactive theater play in the corn field, suitable for guests aged 10 and above. The guests walk in groups of 12 to 15 people for about 90 minutes through the 80,000 square metre field live through a story. There are five showrooms in the cornfield, which are connected by long labyrinth passages. Actors hide in the labyrinths to frighten the guests. Each guest is a part of the theater play and is involved with his group in the solution of the mission. Of course, all events take place in the dark. After crossing the horror corn maze, guests have the opportunity to cross the forest of horror in small groups. This attraction is suitable for guests aged 16 and above and lasts another 30 min. In the theatre tent, guests aged 8 years and above can experience the "Cabinet de curiosités", a very special kind of freak show. All in all, the guests can be entertained for about 150 minutes. Our target group includes visitors aged 8 to 50 years.

As a further highlight we can announce that this year we are already supported with beverage sponsoring by fritz-kola, a very well-known beverage brand in the German scene.

To give you a little insight into our project, we have provided some press reports and trailers from the past years. Every year we are represented with our event in regional and national television programs. Clips from youtubers and the local print media will also be published. To have a look at some video clips, please click on the following link:

(unfortunately we are not allowed to hire)

How do we want to make DASH better known?

Logo print on 45,000 flyers (incl. distribution throughout in northern Germany)

Logo print on 500 posters (both incl. distribution throughout in northern Germany)

Logo print on 6,000 tickets

Printing of T-shirts and stickers of different sizes ("DASH accepted here" and "sponsored by DASH")

Advertising on Facebook

Advertising on our homepage

Advertising on site, in the bar, at the box office and via screen projection

How much DASH do we need? For technical an other equipment and advertising material we calculated 174 DASH. For this we have a detailed list.

What happens next with the proposal? How can we get to the vote by the master nodes?
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Hallo @horrormaze,

geh doch mal auf dash-embassy.org und kontaktiere die Jungs damit Sie euch bei der Integration helfen. Evtl. lässt sich auch über ein Proposal sprechen.

zum Proposal selbst; du solltest diesen Thread ins Pre-Proposal Discussion Forum verlegen und dort euer Gesamtbudget offen legen. eine kleine Präsi in Video oder PDF Form ist da immer sehr hilfreich.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin


Hi @horrormaze,

you should check out dash-embassy.org and contact the guys there. They'll help you with integration. Perhaps they can help you also with your proposal.

Regarding your proposal, I would recommend moving this thread to the Pre-Proposal discussion forum and put the detailed budget online. A small presentation in video or PDF form will help you a lot.

Best Regards from Berlin

vielen Dank für Deinen Hinweis. Wir haben den Beitrag soeben mit detaillierter Liste im Forum "Pre + Budget Proposal Discussion" eingestellt.

Wir sind gespannt wie es weitergeht. Wir haben da echt Lust zu.

Liebe Grüße aus Kiel

Hallo @horrormaze,

geh doch mal auf dash-embassy.org und kontaktiere die Jungs damit Sie euch bei der Integration helfen. Evtl. lässt sich auch über ein Proposal sprechen.

zum Proposal selbst; du solltest diesen Thread ins Pre-Proposal Discussion Forum verlegen und dort euer Gesamtbudget offen legen. eine kleine Präsi in Video oder PDF Form ist da immer sehr hilfreich.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin


Hi @horrormaze,

you should check out dash-embassy.org and contact the guys there. They'll help you with integration. Perhaps they can help you also with your proposal.

Regarding your proposal, I would recommend moving this thread to the Pre-Proposal discussion forum and put the detailed budget online. A small presentation in video or PDF form will help you a lot.

Best Regards from Berlin
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