Who Am I?
Hello I´m Coach Digi, I'm an industrial engineer with a masters degree in marketing. Actually I´m a public high school teacher and a college football coach. I live in Cancun, Mexico. The last months I´d been doing Dash meetups for the Dash Force Contests. I have investments with Dash (coins and some D3) and believe in a global financial freedom, this is why I promote Dash with my friends, students, players, family and everyone who is interested.
In this holidays I went to Cholula and México City and and talked about Dash with my friends and family.
I was talking with an old friend, Wenceslao Gómez López,who is the CEO of Nanomedicine Laboratiories about cryptos, Dash and anarco-capitlism and he told me about his mom Dr. Tessy López Göerne and their NanoMedicine labs and how they are fighting Big Pharma and helping people with diabetes, chronic wounds, cancer, epilepsy, and other diseases.
Who is Dr Tessy María López Göerne?
Tessy López Göerne has a PhD in Physics and Chemistry, with the speciality in Nanomedicine. She has more than 35 years of experience in research with great prestige and international recognition. Her most outstanding work, until now, is the creation of a new branch of science called "Catalytic Nanomedicine", through which she has managed to manipulate the subject to molecular level to create nanotechnological medicines for diseases of high impact in society, such as: diabetes chronic wounds, viruses, bacteria, cancer, among others.
- The contributions and the valuable results of Dr. Tessy López's research are reflected in more than 300 international articles, more than 8,000 citations, publication of books and various patents.
- She currently collaborates with different institutions in the country and abroad, and is also "Assistant Professor" for the University of Tulane, New Orleans, E.U.A.
- Twas Award, The World Academy of Sciences 2015. Granted at the Board Meeting in Vienna.
- Recognized at the meeting of the Council for Parity Democracy UK "270 Women active in Novel Prize Fields" as one of the women who could receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
- UNESCO "Javed Hussain" Science Award 1995. Granted by the Organization of American States for Education, Science and Culture UNESCO.
- Recognition of the European community with a project awarded to Dr. Tessy López.
- Facebook:
- Twitter :
- If you google Dra Tessy López you will find more than 160,000 links
- 10 great Mexican contributions to science.
- Mexican Chemistry, considered for the Nobel.
- They have developed successful treatments against cancer and diabetic foot. http: //
- Cultura Colectiva:16 Millions views and 35.6 Millions shares
- El Universal Opinión: 4.5 Millions views and more than 220,000 shares
- Nation: 9.3 Million views and more than 26,000 shares
Benefit to the community
“Every 30 seconds a person loses a limb because of diabetes”
- Dr. Tessy founded nanomedicine labs. thanks to a donation of the European Community and invented the Nanogel.
- NanoGel is a nanotechnological, biocatalytic, biocompatible and non-toxic healing antiseptic used for the treatment of infected wounds that are difficult to heal.
- Its main function is to eliminate the infection, oxygenate and cause the healing to take place.
- The Nanoparticles of NanoGel destroy the genetic material of the bacteria without the possibility of mutating or reproducing, oxygenating and regenerating the affected area.
- Treatable wounds: Diabetic foot, sores, abscesses, tunneling, pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, skin infections, infected prosthesis, varicose ulcers, eschar.
If you check nanomedicine site. you´ll see the next content:
Health should not be conditioned to the economic capacity of people, quality treatments should be available to everyone.
Health and access to high-quality, low-cost medicines is a right, not a privilege.
Our treatments are priceless, only a voluntary recovery fee is charged as a donation in order to continue helping more people, research and continue to develop catalytic nanomedicine.
Your donation is helping to avoid amputation in another human being, thank you for your contribution.
For any clarification you can contact us through [email protected]
Thanks for your support!
Dr. Tessy María López Goerne
Nanomedicine consultants for chronic wounds:
There are currently 7 medical consultants in 4 different states of Mexico, with more than 1,000 treatments in 2017, the patients only have to pay for the cleaning of the wound and the nanogel is free, if they can't pay for the cleaning of the wound , they just have to contact vía email or phone, and the cleaning can be also free.
These consultants saved more than 300 amputations in 2017, and wants to save more than 7,000 in 2018 only in Mexico.
- Dr. Tessy Lopez wants Nanogel to be accessible in all parts of the world, for all people, regardless of race, sex, age, country, economic capacity, etc.
- For this reason the nanogel is obtained through donations directly on the site of nanomedicine laboratories, it does not have a price, it can not be obtained in drugstores to avoid intermediaries.
- Dr. Tessy Lopez has not wanted to get capitalist partners because everyone would be looking for ROI and not the main reason of Nanomedicine labs that is : to improve the quality of life of people with diseases.
- But it is necessary to strengthen and structure the Nanomedicine Laboratories in order to increase the research and to have an industrial production capacity.
- Acquire industrial production reactors.
- Adapt the laboratories of the company to increase research and production capacity.
- Pay local and foreign permits for the massive distribution of treatments.
Budget (150,000 USD = 150 DASH) 1 Dash= 1,000 USD
- It is the money that is needed to finish the reactors and laboratories to increase capacity and obtain national and international permits.
- The laboratories have already invested a first part but do not have enough capital to finish the project.
- At the moment the project has a lot of impact, in 2017 were delivered about 4,000 Nanogel doses.
- The goal in 2018 is to deliver at least 20,000 doses only in Mexico, for this we need to increase our capabilities.
-Adapt the laboratories of the company to increase research and production capacity. $50,000usd
Supplier: Sinoxix Industrial S.A. de C.V. (
- Development of basic and detail engineering
- Civil Works and Finishes
- Electrical work and lighting
- Sizing and design of process equipment and peripherals
- Assembly of Equipment
- Mechanical Installation of Water Distribution and Process Pipes
- Electrical Control Installation
-Industrial reactor adquisition . $50,000usd
Supplier: Sinoxix Industrial S.A. de C.V.
- Reactor of 300 Lts with Electric Heating
- Design and construction of Nanogel® Manufacturing Cell within the new facilities of Nanomedicine Labs in Mexico City. -
- Manufacturing and Installation of equipment, process interconnections and filling equipment.
-Local and foreign permits for the massive distribution of treatments. $50,000usd
The necessary permits are from COFEPRIS, it is the health authority in Mexico, there are 2 permits that are necessary:
a) "good practice" permission to be able to produce the nanoparticles industrially
b) National trade permission
c) Once permits a) and b) are obtained, the procedures for export and international distribution can begin
What does Dr. Tessy López and the nanomedicine laboratories offer to DASH?
- Relate Dash with a high prestige character such as Dr. Tessy López and her innovative and high impact project on society's health, addressing serious worldwide problems that until now had no solution with traditional treatments. Nanogel project is at a Nobel award level, always trying to give a benefit to the society by changing the traditional pharmaceutical scheme, so that health is available to everyone as a right, just as Dash wants to change and open up the financial system.
- Mention and acknowledgments of Dash partnership in all scientific and medical conferences national (Mexico) and international (high impact) where Dr. Tessy López or her team of Nanomedicine Laboratories attends as speakers, (at least 15 conferences a year)
- Dash partnership acknowledgment in interviews, radio, TV, newspaper, magazines.
- Publications on social networks, especially facebook, where we have a very good impact and more than 50,000 followers.
- Accept Dash as donation for the nanogel, because it has no price, there can´t be a special offer for Dashing (Amanda’s Tip) with the international permits, it will be a worldwide distribution.
- Dash Banner on Nanomedicine laboratories and on the NanoGel website (new 2018)
- Dash logo on the Nanogel Containers
How and what will Nanomedicine Laboratories report to Dash?
I (Coach Digi) will deliver a monthly report of:
- The use of each Dash with invoices and providers information.
- KIP’s (Key performance indicators) of the website, facebook and social networks.
- Evidence and info of conferences and interviews
- Total Nanogel Dosis distributed
This project is a win-win-win, Dash, Nanomedicne labs and society wins.
We can give the patients a better quality of life.
We atack the financial system and big pharma at the same time
Nanogel is considered the penicillum of the XXI century.
Many people will know that Dash treasury is used with a social benefit.
I (Coach Digi) encourage all MN to vote for this propousal, we can save many amputations and give a better quality of life to many people and give a good PR to DASH.
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