HI there,
i think i have a more elegant solution.
(if i got the point correct.)
feel free to rip it apart or build on it.
to explain this, it feels a little like a hen-egg-problem, please so don´t throw die idea away before finish reeding.
We start by saying, that you can no longer choose how many rounds your stuff should be mixed. Why? - explained later. We decide that the
target for rounds to mix is 8.
The user submits his funds (example 10DRK) to the first masternode and pays a fee.
For the fee his funds are now marked as "payed in advance" an get a flag [double], i will here call
RTC (roundsToCome). If the RTC falls below 1, it will be no longer mixed.
The RTC for a newly submittet 10DRK is 13. [8+(2xstandart deviation] (more later)
The masternode now waits for 3 other 10DRK´s and mixes it.
Now one round has to be substracted from the RTC-count. But how, without giving away, which 10drk are which?
easy: ((rtc1+trc2+rtc3+rtc4) / 4) -1
fund1: 10DRK -RTC: 13 <- "our" funds
fund2: 10DRK -RTC: 12
fund3 10DRK -RTC: 11
fund4; 10DRK -RTC 12
xa: 10DRK -RTC -RTC 11
xb: 10DRK -RTC -RTC 11
xc: 10DRK -RTC -RTC 11
xd: 10DRK -RTC -RTC 11
so the RTC for all funds included in this round is just the average of all (minus one, since it got mixed).
1) The masternode only uses funds to mix, if the span between the highest RTC and the lowest RTC in this round is <= 2;
2) (already mentioned
You can only start with a target of 8 -> RTC of 13.
3) New denomination method (explained below)
why (1,2)? ->
If you are allowed to start multiple low RTC transactions you can artificially shorten the time other funds are in the mixing-period.
So everyone HAS to start with the same RTC. Otherwise you can cheat other funds out of their mixing-period.
The same goes for the max. span of 2.
Otherwise you can bring down a found to an RTC below 3 in less than 3 rounds.
if we start with an RTC of 13 the minimum Rounds is 7.
The average is 13, and the maximum is pretty high.
-> 3) new denomination method:
All funds will be split in to:
and the last 1
split into
and so on.
we can stop at 1 DRK or we go to 0.1
you dakrsend 100DRK with a depth of 3:
50, 20, 10, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1
-> a) wich meens your funds will be mixed with the 50ts and twentys and tens of the guy who darksends his 1000DRK.
no more "i m mixing 1000DRK, can somebody please do the same"
-> b) since it is "harder" for a masternode to find corresponding funds (rtc1-rtc2 <= |2| ) it is necessary to make more "allike" darksend-funds.
-> c) It makes it even harder to "observe".
*same goes for "
380 = 100 + 200 + 50 + 20 + [10]
Y1) The RTC happens offchain, just by masternode cencus.
Y2) Does it take long for all the transactions -> HEY "WE HAVE" instantTX