Darksend Liquidity Providers - v0.10.16.2


Core Developer
Some improvements were suggested by the community, such as allowing the liquidity provider to mix with any denomination and sending random payments to itself from time to time, so it looks like a normal client.


./darkcoin-qt --listen=0 --liquidityprovider=10 --datadir=/home/user/.darkcoin
./darkcoind --listen=0 --liquidityprovider=10 --datadir=/home/user/.darkcoin

I’ve introduced --liquidityprovider=[1-100], 1 being very frequent mixing and 100 being very infrequent.

Fees - Maximum amount (without possible collateral charges, due to network outages, etc)

Liquidity Provider=1 : Up to 175.2DRK per year
Liquidity Provider=10 : Up to 17.52DRK per year
Liquidity Provider=30 : Up to 5.84DRK per year
Liquidity Provider=50 : Up to 3.504DRK per year
Liquidity Provider=100 : Up to 1.752DRK per year

Likely fees will be much lower due to the lack of Darksend mixed transactions currently. However, I suggest running with at least a setting of 20 (being that it can mix with anyone).

How much DRK is needed?

The liquidity provider can run with any amount of DRK. But I suggest running it with between 50DRK and 1000DRK.


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Can somebody come out with a Vultr image that's fully locked-down to allow hot wallets to run safely? I don't know nearly enough about Linux to feel like I could secure hundreds of dollars worth of DRK, but I'd be more than happy to run it if I I could be confident in the server being sufficiently locked down.
points to take into consideration while operating as a liquidity provider 24/7 :

- make sure you know when your internet provider has scheduled maintenance on the network or you could get unpleasently surprised by some
collateral fees due to internet connection problems.

- make sure you are having stable internet before operating as a liquidity provider 24/7, you could test your internet for a few days on Testnet to make sure its stable
OK reporting back...
I started running V2 around 9:45am this morning. I am unsure if collateral fee is a fixed value or a changing value. So far:
  • 9:55am -0.10 Payment to yourself
  • 10:05am -0.0125 Darksend Denominate
  • 11:55am -0.002 Payment to yourself
  • 14:04 -0.002 Payment to yourself
  • 15:31 Time now
250+ DRK in the wallet

My conf file is:

So can anyone tell me what the -0.002 fee is? Can I assume the -0.10 was a collateral fee?

OK reporting back...
I started running V2 around 9:45am this morning. I am unsure if collateral fee is a fixed value or a changing value. So far:
  • 9:55am -0.10 Payment to yourself
  • 10:05am -0.0125 Darksend Denominate
  • 11:55am -0.002 Payment to yourself
  • 14:04 -0.002 Payment to yourself
  • 15:31 Time now
250+ DRK in the wallet

My conf file is:

So can anyone tell me what the -0.002 fee is? Can I assume the -0.10 was a collateral fee?

I think you've got some collateral fees there... Maybe send the debug log to eduffield ? I'm not sure but those fees can really add up...
points to take into consideration while operating as a liquidity provider 24/7 :

- make sure you know when your internet provider has scheduled maintenance on the network or you could get unpleasently surprised by some
collateral fees due to internet connection problems.

- make sure you are having stable internet before operating as a liquidity provider 24/7, you could test your internet for a few days on Testnet to make sure its stable
Also, this fee happens if we change the settings midway... I have a wallet with 92.xxx DRK which I tried to anonymize (8 rounds) a few weeks ago. After 1 round I stopped (can't remember why) and put the wallet aside. Today I opened the wallet and decided to change to 10 DRK to keep anonymized, the first fee I got was PTY at 0.007DRK:


The debug log shows the tx name is "AddToWallet":


I don't understand the rest of the tx after that. I guess this fee was added to prevent abuse and exploit on Darksend.
I did ask Evan in chat about this fee and he said, "it's making a collateral fee", but penalty fee is always at 0.1 DRK and lower PTY fees are normal transaction fees.
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Thank you for the feedback. My wallet did one more denominate with -0.0125 fee this afternoon. And then another -0.002 fee PTY.
I have no idea why the fee is so low or what is causing it. I am glad it is low since it has hit me 3 times now.

Since running v2, I have gotten 2 successful denominates (0.0125), 1 collateral fee (0.1), and 3 PTY fees (0.002).

While running v1 I had 5 successful demoninates (0.0125) and no other fees!
Thank you for the feedback. My wallet did one more denominate with -0.0125 fee this afternoon. And then another -0.002 fee PTY.
I have no idea why the fee is so low or what is causing it. I am glad it is low since it has hit me 3 times now.

Since running v2, I have gotten 2 successful denominates (0.0125), 1 collateral fee (0.1), and 3 PTY fees (0.002).

While running v1 I had 5 successful demoninates (0.0125) and no other fees!
I'm not sure why there's a difference between the two versions regarding the PTY fees. Save your debug.log in case eduffield needs to see it. Normally PTY fees are 0.00 unless something else happens or users have done something. I've got 0.002 PTY fees before but not often.
I'm not sure why there's a difference between the two versions regarding the PTY fees. Save your debug.log in case eduffield needs to see it. Normally PTY fees are 0.00 unless something else happens or users have done something. I've got 0.002 PTY fees before but not often.
I will be traveling on the road this weekend, so no more testing until next week. Thanks again!
left liquidity provider darkcoind version:101602, running all night with a 125 DRK deposit.

Saw some normal denominations 100,10, etc.

Next day:

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind getbalance

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind listunspent | grep amount
        "amount" : 96.24668080,
        "amount" : 0.04531224,
        "amount" : 0.42650043,
        "amount" : 18.09798453,
        "amount" : 0.01476948,
        "amount" : 0.01250000,

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ grep -i 'submiting darksend' debug.log # typo Submitting
2014-10-24 23:06:40 Submiting Darksend for 114.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:07:40 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:08:40 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:09:40 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:10:40 Submiting Darksend for 114.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:11:40 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:12:40 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:13:40 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:14:40 Submiting Darksend for 12.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:15:40 Submiting Darksend for 23.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:17:41 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:18:41 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:19:41 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:20:41 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:21:41 Submiting Darksend for 13.000000 DRK
2014-10-24 23:22:41 Submiting Darksend for 24.000000 DRK

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ tail -1 debug.log
2014-10-26 09:33:45  -- for "now" timestamp

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind getinfo
    "version" : 101602,
    "protocolversion" : 70043,
    "walletversion" : 60001,
    "balance" : 124.93850000,
    "darksend_balance" : 0.00000000,
    "blocks" : 158986,
    "timeoffset" : 0,
    "connections" : 9,
    "proxy" : "",
    "difficulty" : 4396.05948480,
    "testnet" : false,
    "keypoololdest" : 1414140851,
    "keypoolsize" : 1001,
    "paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
    "mininput" : 0.00001000,
    "errors" : ""

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ cat darkcoin.conf

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind listtransactions | grep time | sort -u
        "blocktime" : 1414193000,
        "time" : 1414192967,
        "timereceived" : 1414192967

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ date +%s

user@box:~/.darkcoin$ echo $(( (1414302808 - 1414193000) / 3600 ))

(30 hours since last transaction?)

liquidityprovider=2 should be every 30 blocks if I read the code correctly.

the enabledarksend, darksendrounds entries were just left there from the previous conf - I think they get overridden anyways, but I didn't pay attention to the cpp block order.

Also, can somebody show me how, using darkcoind, to send all my unspent inputs to a fresh address to reset this liquidity provider?

EDIT: evan, emailed you debug.log.7z link
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I don't know if i'm doing something wrong or not...
left my wallet mixing all night, and this is the list of transactions i got:


Are there supposed to be that many times 0.1 transactions? or are those to myself?

My darksend balance is still at 0 though
I'm not running my wallet as a liquidity provider, just trying to get my 92 drk anonymized but nothing happened overnight.
So now I changed my settings from 100drk/ 8 rounds to 90drk/ 8 rounds to see if the wallet can move... Anyone having the same denominations?
eduffield : I'm thinking maybe the denominations need to be changed so the peers can find each other better and pair up quicker? Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
I think the wallet could try to decrease the size of largest denomination(s) if it can't find others with the same size after a few tries.
Just notice this, and have a try on 10.16.2.
So far, every thing goes well~ If that works, i'll run it up to 7/24~
Do I need to change darksend amount from default 2 DRK to my actual balance?
You can change to any amount. If your balance is 1000 and you'd like to offer to pair with those who are trying to anonymize 1000 DRK, then set "Amount to Keep Anonymized" to 1000, but if you'd like to offer to pair with those who are doing less, for example, 300, then set the amount to 300.

If your balance is 1000, but you set the amount to keep anonymized higher, like 5000, it only can anonymize up to your balance. :)
You can change to any amount. If your balance is 1000 and you'd like to offer to pair with those who are trying to anonymize 1000 DRK, then set "Amount to Keep Anonymized" to 1000, but if you'd like to offer to pair with those who are doing less, for example, 300, then set the amount to 300.

If your balance is 1000, but you set the amount to keep anonymized higher, like 5000, it only can anonymize up to your balance. :)

OK, let's try. I started with liquidityprovider=2 and 200 DRK amount. When I've got 200 unconfirmed DRK to wallet my amount keep anonymized changed from 200 to 5. I changed it to 200 again and restarted client. Currently, I've got errors "Darksend request incomplete: collateral not valid. Will retry...". I was charged 0.002 DRK, sent to myself.

P.S. Amount to keep anonymized is changing (24 DRK, 156 DRK, 164 DRK).