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Well-known member
Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
Sell and buy information anonymously

Darkleaks is a decentralised blackmarket where you can sell information. It has a mechanism for trustless authentication of documents that are being sold through a novel cryptographic mechanism. The authentication is fair, provably fair. Before paying for the file, a random selection of segments are released chosen by the block chain demonstrating the file’s contents match the leaker’s claim.

The software uses Bitcoin’s block chain to encrypt files which are released when payment is claimed by the leaker. Files are split into segments and encrypted. These segments are unlocked only when the leaker reveals the key by claiming his Bitcoins.

There is no identity, no central operator and no interaction between leaker and buyers. We encourage everyone to download Darkleaks now and start building. The code can be found here.



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Slur is an open source, decentralized and anonymous marketplace for the selling of secret information in exchange for bitcoin. Slur is written in C and operates over the Tor network with bitcoin transactions through libbitcoin. Both buyers and sellers are fully anonymous and there are no restrictions on the data that is auctioned. There is no charge to buy or sell on the Slur marketplace except in the case of a dispute, where a token sum is paid to volunteers. - See more at: http://slur.io/#sthash.IrVegaXd.dpuf
This is getting interesting !

First ever Dark Leaks auction: I was the lead programmer for Silk Road 2.0.

Good morning.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is SR Doug.

In October 2013, I was hired by Dread Pirate Roberts a/k/a Blake Benthall as
lead programmer for Silk Road 2.0. From November 2013 up until the FBI seizure
in late 2014, I oversaw the website from behind the curtains and managed the
bulk of its servers. I was paid over 1,200 BTC for my service.

I have been sitting on a large database backup containing the usernames and
hashed passwords of 476,122 users, 51,490 deposit addresses, 7,756 plaintext
passwords, 13,280 product listings, 52,481 private messages, 145,493
transaction records and the entire Silk Road source code.

If you have not heard of DarkLeaks before please read:


Basically it is a crypto method for anonymously selling information for

Today I will start with the user table dump containing 476,122 user account
The dump is a 44MB text file. No passwords, only hashes.

If the above link does not work, try:

At block height 343278 I will prove possession of the
encrypted files by releasing 10 of the 100 chunks. These chunks will be
selected at complete random, provable by the blockchain so that you can be
sure it is authentic.

I will then begin to sell the remaining after people confirm its legitimacy.
If this user table is sold off successfully I will offer the rest of the tables
including the 7,756 passwords stored in plaintext. If anyone would like to
purchase the source code, please notify me of your interest.

You can read more about and download DarkLeaks here:

This post will mark the first ever serious leak using a trustless information

I can always be contacted here or at https://www.reddit.com/user/sr_doug/.
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