Darkcoin really anonymous?

Hi everyone. I am still learning about Darkcoin, but I have a question: How is Darkcoin anonymous if I can go to http://chainz.cryptoid.info/drk/ and see everyone transactions and balance? I need only to give someone's hash code.

Darksend is not fully implemented and is not widely used yet. With darkcoin you have the option of sending through normal means and as such it will be totally traceable. As far as I know you will always be able to see transactions and balances but those transactions will be obfuscated so there will be no way to connect a transaction to the participants.
Hi everyone. I am still learning about Darkcoin, but I have a question: How is Darkcoin anonymous if I can go to http://chainz.cryptoid.info/drk/ and see everyone transactions and balance? I need only to give someone's hash code.
You can see wallet balances, but you can't link transactions between two wallets. There is no way for anybody to prove that I sent you 10 DRK or that you received 10 DRK from me. That is what people refer to when they say that Darkcoin is "anonymous".

There are several layers to why and how DarkSend works, which you can read about here: http://wiki.darkcoin.eu/wiki/FAQ#What_is_DarkSend.3F - or if you want a much more technical explanation, here: https://www.darkcoin.io/downloads/DarkcoinWhitepaper.pdf
Also you don't see wallets as much as you see addresses, a wallet can have many addresses, which can only be identified as part of the same wallet in special cases, which mostly apply to pools and exchanges.

Major exchanges are like gigantic mixing services, you can't tie what comes out to what came in, and individual exchange addresses balances are meaningless (actual balances are only known to the exchange database) so blockchain wise they're mostly interesting in terms of size and money flow, as ideally you don't want any single exchange to dominate like MtGox did.

If you're concerned about anonymity, be wary of exchanges however, as exchanges have your whole IP history in addition to your trading history. If an exchange gets hacked or fails MtGox style, all that data could become public.