Darkcoin.com auction have you seen this?


New member
Wow.. someone has put Darkcoin.com up for sale and it's already at $8,000 with 17 days left.
Thought you all might find this interesting (not mine by the way!)


What do you all make of this? To be honest most of the non-techie public only understand .com and their local ccTLD!

Can the .com (the most important tld to own) not being used by the official team impact the growth of Darkcoin?
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The amount money made with domain parking is ridiculous. One shouldn't be able to register top level domains without having any use for it.
The amount money made with domain parking is ridiculous. One shouldn't be able to register top level domains without having any use for it.
But they did have a use for it. To resell for profit, the right kind of domains are valuable. Domaining is a legitimate business where a few bad seeds have given it a bad name.
Slightly different too since registry database shows its creation date as Created On: 25-SEP-2012 well before DRK existed as a concept. With the attitude of only registering domains that you have a use for, that is like saying people should not be able to buy land in a city unless they have the intention to build on it, which is impractical. How would you go about restricting domain registration and what about the costs of domaining of which there are many? :) Just a few thoughts..