Dach Embassy is paying $140,000 in taxes. Wasteful expenditure.

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I am pretty apalled to read that Dach embassy is burning $35,000 in taxes this month and $140,000 in this year. They also seem to be wasting money on HR and lawyers. Where is the meat?

Their deliverables are pretty laughable as well.. Check these out

Served as Dash representative at crypto presentation hosted for Wolf Theiss (law firm) clients
Partnership with WINHELLER and Wolf Theiss law firms made official
Press release for Dash partnership with CONDA crowdfunding platform.
Attending the Blockchain Hotel Conference

Most of their so called integrations are with shell entities. Conda will ico in december. Zero traction. Lots of such much floating in crypto ocean.

Essra claims to have put in $30000 from his own pocket. Is that a believable claim?

Is this stuff really worth the millions of dollars we are spending?

*This post is likely to be censored so feel free to reproduce.
We are not burning any treasury funding in taxes. In Germany companies need to pay a sales tax of 19% on their income. Our lawyers told us to just pay the first amount, which was slightly over 30k eur in January. So we did that and then instantly made an appeal to the German financial authorities. Masternode owners and proposal owners need to pay that in fact, but European law just made clear that without a beneficiary recipient there is no sales tax possible. Therefore we will get legal stringent precedent. This means that every masternode and proposal owner will be fine for the future and our lawyers are very confident that we will get the money back.

Wolf Theiss is the biggest law firm in Austria and Eastern Europe. https://www.wolftheiss.com/
We have an Dash exclusive contract with them, because they don´t wanted that any other law firm works with us in these countries. Obviously a company, which knows the value of a Dash partnership.

Winheller is one of the biggest law firms in Germany. They are very well-known in the crypto space in Germany and they are our main law firm for Germany. The IOTA foundation was set up by them for example.

CONDA is mainly an accelerator for future transactions. As soon as their ICO platform is online later his year, Dash will be also used to buy stakes of small and mid-size regional companies. So you can buy a share of a company with Dash, isn´t that awesome?

The Dash Embassy D-A-CH UG as company owes essra this sum, i can confirm that.

Furthermore we have never received millions of dollars from the treasury, so no need of spending them.
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