We have raised awareness of the p2pool issue which is good. But the bounty effort is not coordinated, like so many other things related to Darkcoin.
It seems that most people are happy with the way things are going so I will drop this matter.
hey man, I understand your angst, but relax dude... first things first, the core foundation. Evan and Kyle are working on that. That is the ONLY priority here. Get to the 14th without major issues.
From then on, that another story, I'm 100% behind you. Until then, its up to us, as a community, to support its evolution. This is pro territory, and us geeky-amateurs must sit back and hold the front-lines safely.
Its in the dev's best interest to make this work, our interest to test the grounds at their pace. IMHO, after the 14th, setting up the foundations for a Foundation (pun intended) would be the priority, to, for example, be able to coordinate bounties properly.
So, we should wait for Evan because he will tell us what do.
Ouch. Perhaps I came off too strong, I can understand your reaction given my lack of reputation here and relatively new level of activity on the forum.
I would like to ask you, are any of us without an agenda?
I think of cryptocurrencies as DAO's so my agenda is to build the value of the coin by helping in whatever way I can. My strengths are in communication, empathy, and problem solving. If one of the very minor ways I can help is by suggesting an voluntary and efficient method of organizing our efforts then I'd like to voice that idea.
Please keep in mind it is not as if everyone participating would have control of the code or the website in my suggestion, unless the persons who already have that control choose to use those methods of organizing. It's just something for people to consider given that this is a distributed project and there appears to be potential contributors who feel left out.
TL;DR: It was a legitimate suggestion, I'm sorry I suggested it now. It seems I have not built up the amount of trust that the Darkcoin community requires.
I'll go back to quietly supporting, lurking, and performing my own guerilla marketing.![]()
I honestly don't think anyone has been held back from helping! We've had a few people helping with compiling in the beginning as well as putting together a miner, but they've moved on. There is an open invitation to please update P2pool as well as stratum etc... we need compilers for Macs, the android team has taken on Darkcoin which is awesome. But seriously, nobody has stepped up for big help. I'm a useless no talent, I don't code at all. I'm not even around at the right time for testing! Frankly, we're lucky we have Evan (Well, none of this would ever have existed if it weren't for his unusual interests) He can be full time here because he's been successful in his short young life. The fact that he's always been interested in both programing and finance just gelled because of the advent of Bitcoin. I think at this point, it's all in his head, and he knows how everything is put together so that when something isn't working out quite right, he knows how to fix it, and for speed's sake, he kind of has to do this alone but just for the foundation. Once it's all finished and open sourced, it will be easier to delegate the work of adding features such as a market, an exchange, a messaging system, etc... Those could all be headed by individuals, and it'll be great, but for now, I don't think there is much we can do to help. It won't be much longer though. Soon!
Freakin hell, that rambled! I'm too tired to fix, hope you can follow, LOL
Aw, thanksI was barely interested in Darkcoin around this time and was busy with my work/life/activities, I don't think I knew this site even existed then, and wouldn't have had time to get involved. It's good you've been around since early on. I like reading your posts.![]()