Crypto currency mining algorithms and authentication


New member
I wish to know how crypto currency like bitcoin is minned. Is there a fixed algorithm for a perticular currency or anybody can create a new one for themselves. If anybody can create their own algorithm for mining how are these currencies authenticated.
all coins have their own (fixed) algos
Dash is X11
BTC is SHA 256....
I know a lot of people who started that but then they failed because they didn't have enough patiance. Recently I bought cryptocurrency in MotoCoin and I'm glad that it works well and stable. So I am really interested in that so if you have some information about it give know:)
I wish to know how crypto currency like bitcoin is minned. Is there a fixed algorithm for a perticular currency or anybody can create a new one for themselves. If anybody can create their own algorithm for mining how are these currencies authenticated.
The particular algorithm is no longer of significant interest. The more complex it is, the more certain ASICs will be be (if the coin gains any ground).

What matters is if the algo is shared with other projects of significantly higher hashpower. In which case, one can simply carpet bomb the other into 51%+ fail. Note: BTC/BCH/BSV, or whatever trendy hype name they have this week... If their claims were true, they woudnt ahve to work so hard to convince you. Kinda like the "SMART Car," which is anything but smart...

DASH doesn't have to worry about this too much due to ChainLocks. DASH has more than one metric by which it can authenticate blocks.
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