Core Proposal Split Proposal


Well-known member
Current Proposals (Dash only - not external companies):
core-team Funded with 1176 Dash
This proposal is currently trying to pay for administrative duties, core, business development, forum maintenance and moderation and pays a group of 17 people. Each member pledges to work on Dash each and every day to expand and improve the ecosystem to the best of their ability. The proposal also says they will be 100% transparent in how they are paid. I think many assumed the core-team was only wallet development, and will show the split below. Although Evan and Daniel are on the proposal they are donating their funds to Tungfa. These are the Dash amounts and people paid from this proposal as of June 6th.
244.67 Dash - Tungfa
183.5 Dash - AndyDark
61.17 Dash - Flare, UdjinM6, Moocowmoo, Crowning, Fernando, Kot, QuantumExplorer, Yidakee, BabyGiraffe, Acidburn, Ddink7
25 Dash - Elbereth, Alexy, Raico

public-awareness Funded with 2156 Dash
This proposal currently has changed from public awareness to supporting exchanges and fiat gateways. It is outlined on this link:
Add dash exchange, fiat transfers, private account storage
Coinapult Integration
Multi-sig, Shapeshift like exchange with crypto caplital
This project is expected to cost $42,500 USD and complete in 8-10 weeks. It has been about 10 weeks.
AlphaPint Exchange
Add Dash
This project is expected to cost $7,500 USD
Total needed for these projects: $49,900
We have had April/May/June payments of 2156 Dash. At $8 average Dash price that is $51,744 paid so far. We have overfunded these projects in public-awareness and should vote this out. Babyg has already asked for this to be no voted.

What I am proposing.

The current core-team proposal does not specify specific goals or activities. All activities are owned by 17 people so it isn't clear who is doing what or who is accountable. I propose that we vote out this proposal. Then put together new proposals based on the actual functions and activities needed.

I think there should be 2 changes that need to be made and would avoid these co-mingled proposals.
  1. Don't allow proposals bigger than 10% of the budget.
  2. Don't allow proposals without specific goals. Limit the goals of a proposal to one type of activity or skill set.
I propose new budgets with these areas. These would be 7 individual proposals.
  • Mobile Wallets – 300 Dash - Getting an app on the Apple store, updates to android. new features
  • Website Design - 300 Dash - Website, graphics, tracking, etc.
  • Social Media – 200 Dash - Facebook, reddit, twitter, dash comments everywhere
  • Forums - 200 Dash - Forum Moderators, questions and support, forum maintenance
  • Core Wallet – 750 Dash - Budget Upgrades, Privatesend, multiple wallet, 2FA, HW wallets
  • Evolution – 750 Dash – Core and Masternode code, Python, C++, etc.
  • Evolution - 750 Dash - Web integration and database management, AJAX, HTML5, JAVA, etc.

And instead of a set amount these should be performance based incentives.
  • Testing of core, electrum, mobile wallets - 5 Dash per bug
  • Business Development – 3% commission on any budget funds allocated to new platforms or exchanges.
New proposals will be added as needed for trips or events, marketing, advertising, etc.

Each area may still may have several people in it. But the key is that a specific activity can be changed to add more or less funding without resubmitting a new proposal for all the others. The masternodes are basically voting on how much to put to a specific activity - not specifically who.

We are lagging behind other coins because we don't know how to market Dash. Dashworld is a step in the right direction. But we need to be really focused on positive interactions with the community. We also need to put much more effort into actions that get us to the Evolution goal. The proposal above uses about the same amount of funds as the previous 2 core/public awareness budgets, but allows us to bring in new talent.

I also suggest that we focus on usability features that are obvious hurdles to a new user coming on board.
  • Mac wallet downloads are unsigned. This is confusing to a new user
  • Iphone wallet not on app store. This is a must for apple iphone user adoption and for any critical investor.
  • Multiple wallet functionality. Restore from a previous wallet and be able to run 2 wallets on the same computer easily.
  • Warning information on how to backup and set passwords when first installing the wallet.
  • Instead of asking What is dash? all over with a video link - actually say it is an instant and fungible payment network. We need to concisely get the point across everywhere.
This is excellent. I know from personal experience that when I'm being paid for specific deliverables, I do better work and tend to make my employer more money. I then, in turn, make more money myself.

You've put a good deal of thought into this. Thank you.
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Testing of core, electrum, mobile wallets - 5 Dash per bug

I think I could make a pretty comfortable living from finding my own bugs
I think I could make a pretty comfortable living from finding my own bugs
Ok, maybe there is a loophole on the pay per bug. :) Maybe limit that to non coders. If you do go by a standardized process the coder should never be testing their own code anyway. Maybe time spent testing or masternodes run during testing would be better.
You'd think there would be alot more people posting here... this is exactly the type of stuff needed to keep people & teams overall accountable and productive.
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I very very very strongly support this proposal with every fiber of my being.

Is this an "attack" towards the existing system? Obviously not. The governance & budget system of Dash hasn't even finished its first year. The pioneering budgets were exploratory works on new found land and every single one was important as it served as a learning exercise. DGbB has proven itself as a massive success. And now we're evolving and moving on from the first crude and rough proposals to a more refined allocation of funds beginning with our main innovation machine: the core team itself.

It's the only sane approach to split up the (as history has shown) all-encompassing and too broadly defined budgets of Core Salary and Public Awareness. Solarminers suggestions are a major step forward. I might have some minor tweaks and adjustments to offer (like putting social media and forum together and create a "legal counsel & administration" department for example), but by the very principle this approach is nothing short of perfect.

Please make this happen!
The "pay per bug" may not be good, but I don't mind offering bounties open to the public for various things that the core team may not have the time/resources to prioritize. "First person who can deliver X with these specific requirements gets Y DASH", it's good for exposure to the outside too.

Some of those categories might be able to be combined, like Social Media and Forum modding/maintenance, maybe the two Evolution categories. Hopefully we can find a set of groupings that would be agreeable to both the current core team and the wider community / MNs, because I'm pretty sure we will need at least some support from within core team in order for something like this to pass and for the current budgets to get voted out.
The social media and forum maintenance I see as different skill sets.

Social media would be an energetic and outgoing Tao or TheDashGuy posting all over. There could even be bounties for community posts on threads. We have seen some bounces in traffic by posting on campaign threads, financial podcast threads, youtube shows, etc. This isn't just tweet Dash, tweet Dash, tweet Dash, but it also isn't a position that requires Dash 201. Splitting off social media is probably the most important change. It allows nearly anyone to contribute. And I could see this expanding as we see success.

I see forums, moderators, and support would be more like a moocowmoo that can manage SSL Certs, permissions, database fixes, and offer answers to questions. Of course, that might be as needed work too. The moderators and support for questions are expected to have some knowledge of Dash also.

The two evolution categories are also very different. One is in AndyDark's area with the more user oriented web interface, the other is a Moocowmoo/udjinm6/evan's area with the base level core code. I think it is important to keep the different type of work separate.
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"Don't allow proposals bigger than 10% of the budget."

As suggested elsewhere, I don't see why percentage values should be fixed. What makes 10% the magic number? The same goes for budget proposals, why limit ourselves by fixing to 10%?

I'd also very much like to see crowd funded goals, where a target amount is set and only released if contributions are reached by a set date.
"Don't allow proposals bigger than 10% of the budget."

As suggested elsewhere, I don't see why percentage values should be fixed. What makes 10% the magic number? The same goes for budget proposals, why limit ourselves by fixing to 10%?

I'd also very much like to see crowd funded goals, where a target amount is set and only released if contributions are reached by a set date.

The 10% limit is to avoid proposals that sound ok on day 1, but in 3 months are enormous and then funds are used for other areas. (for example Public-Awareness funds used for Transform PR or Fiat-Gateways)

The idea about crowd funding doesn't have to involve the budget. If you want to submit a crowd funding proposal feel free to post it on gofundme or kickstarter and send us a link.
The 10% limit is to avoid proposals that sound ok on day 1, but in 3 months are enormous and then funds are used for other areas. (for example Public-Awareness funds used for Transform PR or Fiat-Gateways)

The idea about crowd funding doesn't have to involve the budget. If you want to submit a crowd funding proposal feel free to post it on gofundme or kickstarter and send us a link.

I'm not against the solution, I'm simply questioning why these numbers, like 10%, have to be hard-coded. We have a voting system and I'd like to think we can be truly decentralised without having to be held to the whims of a few developers.

Also, my other suggestion was for decentralised crowd funding. If you want to promote centralized funding then let's just move the whole dash budget to kickstarter. If we added decentralized crowd funding to proposals, then we might find that some projects get funded when they might ordinarily fail to get votes.
I'm not against the solution, I'm simply questioning why these numbers, like 10%, have to be hard-coded. We have a voting system and I'd like to think we can be truly decentralised without having to be held to the whims of a few developers.

Also, my other suggestion was for decentralised crowd funding. If you want to promote centralized funding then let's just move the whole dash budget to kickstarter. If we added decentralized crowd funding to proposals, then we might find that some projects get funded when they might ordinarily fail to get votes.
Sorry, misunderstood what you were asking. I don't think a hard coded limit needs to be enforced. The internal(core like) proposals should be limited and split up so they don't get too big. If an outside company needs more than 10% sure that can get voted on. Maybe we have a suggested limit of 3 months or less for any proposal bigger than 10%.

The principle with voting is to allocate a limited budget for the highest priority projects. Most projects that get half funded won't go forward. So unless you can prioritize which project the community wants, you will end up with 20 half funded proposals that go nowhere(that is what would happen if we used Kickstarter)