Copay-Dash Wallet (Testnet Only / RC 0.1)



I’m happy to announce a “Release Candidate” version of Copay-Dash, a variant of the Copay wallet which was originally developed by Bitpay.

Besides the usual characteristics of other wallets, this fully-featured app boasts:
  • The ability to access multiple Dash wallets within a single app
  • HD-Multisignature Wallet Derivation (BIP32/BIP44)
  • Exchange Rate Calculation (150+ currencies)
  • Multilanguage Support
  • Streamlined User Interface
Copay is available for all major operating systems, both desktop and mobile, however at the moment the Dash version will be made available only as a Chrome extension. This release has undergone preliminary testing but at this stage is intended only for Testnet. Once we’ve achieved 100% stability we plan on distributing builds supporting additional platforms.

You can read more about Copay at

Backend Mechanics

This wallet is powered by Bitcore Wallet Service and uses a centralized server to do the heavy lifting. This server maintains a full copy of the blockchain and provides notifications to connected clients when transactions affecting their wallet occurs, similar to how an Electrum Server operates. It’s worth noting that despite this “client-server” relationship, your private keys are always held locally and are never revealed to the centralized server.

Copay-Dash is able to maintain this “untrusted” relationship with the wallet server through the use of Bitcore Wallet Client. This collection of client-side libraries allows for the signing of Transactions and creation of Wallets to occur via API.

Installation Info

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Is this wallet instantsend capable?

Hey Kodaxx, at present time only standard Transactions are supported. We've made quite a bit of progress in terms of InstantSend detection and transmission over the last few months and further down the road it should be feasible to integrate this feature into the wallet. One step at a time :)
Hey Kodaxx, at present time only standard Transactions are supported. We've made quite a bit of progress in terms of InstantSend detection and transmission over the last few months and further down the road it should be feasible to integrate this feature into the wallet. One step at a time :)
Hey snogcel. Great work. I've never heard of this product before. What sort of future functions or possibilities does this product open up?
Hey snogcel. Great work. I've never heard of this product before. What sort of future functions or possibilities does this product open up?

Thanks halso! From my perspective this product paves the way for our ability to "abstract" day-to-day wallet usage (e.g. sending / receiving transactions) into an web-based API. The possibilities are endless from there, it's a super vague / non-specific answer I realize, but probably the most accurate one I can offer at this point in time :)
could you use this as a means to detect a wellet has sent x dash somewhere and a back end server makes api call to buy more dash from exchange and replenish the x amount sent?
could you use this as a means to detect a wellet has sent x dash somewhere and a back end server makes api call to buy more dash from exchange and replenish the x amount sent?

That's an interesting use case, in the context of this thread I would see this working more like so:

1. <something happens>
2. API is used to send funds from wallet
3. API is used to create new address in the wallet for receipt of replacement funds
4. Purchase is triggered from exchange and sent to address created in step 3.

To detect funds leaving a wallet you could go a simpler route and use Insight API ( since you're not having to deal with signing transactions, etc.
That's an interesting use case, in the context of this thread I would see this working more like so:

1. <something happens>
2. API is used to send funds from wallet
3. API is used to create new address in the wallet for receipt of replacement funds
4. Purchase is triggered from exchange and sent to address created in step 3.

To detect funds leaving a wallet you could go a simpler route and use Insight API ( since you're not having to deal with signing transactions, etc.
This is really interesting. I often wonder is it possible for a consumer to send a merchant FIAT but the settlement takes place via dash in the backend.

(Which would be especially useful if the consumer and merchant deal in different FIAT currencies).

I'm not sure if this product could enable this functionality. What are your thoughts?
This is really interesting. I often wonder is it possible for a consumer to send a merchant FIAT but the settlement takes place via dash in the backend.

(Which would be especially useful if the consumer and merchant deal in different FIAT currencies).

I'm not sure if this product could enable this functionality. What are your thoughts?

It's definitely possible but requires a creative mixture of APIs and thinking :). A combination of this Wallet API and the forthcoming Wall of Coins API allows you to do some really creative things in terms of funds transfer. The way it could work would be something along these lines. Let's say that you want to send a Merchant $20 for an order.

1. Receive Bank Account deposit info from Merchant (account #)
2. Create a DASH "Sell" in the Wall of Coins system (e.g. $20 worth of DASH) with their Bank Account as the receiving account.
3. Send DASH to Address that Wall of Coins generated.
4. Wait for someone to buy DASH in Wall of Coins System.
5. Merchant receives $20

This is of course very over-simplified but is a really cool use-case to consider :)
Just as a heads up to all, we're doing some work on our Insight API servers over the weekend in advance of the 12.1 launch. If you encounter problems using the Wallet this is very likely the reason.
How do we make DASH compatible with Bitpay via copay? Need to run a DASH BWS service somewhere and integrate copay?