Continuing 'Dash Detailed' weekly YouTube show

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Continuing Dash Detailed - proposal in draft

The continuation of the dash detailed show, or a continuation of a very similar styled YouTube show under a different name.

A weekly show of between 4 and 6 minutes in length, professionally presented, edited and produced. Following a magazine show pattern, and delivered in a comfortable relaxed style (Think Hak5, Google Tech Videos, and of course Dash detailed ). Promoting Dash as consumer focused "digital cash", a simple to use global currency, with real and tangible benefits designed to attracted domestic investors. Coverage of dash specific news and relevant / related general crypto news. A feature section ( how to's, tutorials, Dash education ), and a final segment for community news.

Presented by Rebecca Louise Thompson, with scripting, production and editing by Rick Timmis ( aka Me ;-D ) Filming and Editing by Jack Wilson.

The show would be posted to the dash YouTube channel, each Monday on or before 09:00 UTC on days and time (UTC) to be agreed with the DASH Community. All ownership and copyright of the material transferred to the dash community. Final edit video in HD along with all supporting assets will be made available to the community online.

Backgrounds and Roles

Presenter - Rebecca : A young, attractive and confident presenter, with competence in drama and theatrical skills, having played the leading role of Belle in the Theatrical production of Beauty and the Beast.

Writer and Producer - Rick : has a high degree technical knowledge, and is a Dash miner. Rick has produced hundreds of short news style videos on YouTube, and has also scripted and produced some short films, covering political topics and technology.

Filming and Editing - Jack : Has a BSC in Film and Media production

An example of my work YouTube Channel, Film contest entry "Betrayed"

Proposal cost

Deliver 1 initial season of 10 shows over a period of 3 months ( 12 weeks ), for a total cost of 100 Dash ($18000) ( £10k GBP approx ).

My team are working professionals and thus will be paid in Dash for their work
Rebecca - Presenter: 2 Dash
Jack - Filming Editing: 3 Dash
Rick - Producer: 5 Dash

Researching and writing high quality scripts, developing graphics and story boards is very time consuming. I anticipate personally spending 24 hours each week on this work, with 2 - 4 hours for ( Filming ) Rebecca and Jacke, 4 hours editing. The amounts proposed above are commensurate with industry prices in the UK.

The example Video above ran a budget of £22,000 ( 120 Dash )

Detail Doc

Link to Detail Doc
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I have scan the video but don't seem to see Rebeca anywhere on the video. The production looks good, I wonder if you know Blender or something to produce animations or transitions, or if you are looking to hire a 3D designer to provide these. Also bare in mind that a weekly show might be too much and possibly an overkill. Check Amanda failed pre-proposal to make a virtual studio. I would rather see a regular (not so over the top) studio, but that looks nice enough to not distract the viewer.

On the other side I think you can improve the show by having the technical analysis on the DASH price, as well as other headlines on screen. Something similar to what a podcast I followed called 'the linux action show' does (min 38).

Finally 10 shows for 10,000 sound a bit steep, given that Amanda started with 500 dls per month and increased toward the current amount. I wont approve a newcomer to pick up a check the size of ABJ until I have seen he/she can perform at the same rate/or better. I will go for a test month of let say 3,000 for 10 shows, and go on from there. (you dont even have the numbers, following, or brand recognition).
Ah yes, LAS I am personally a fan of this too. It has been a couple of years since I did video production as really I am a software developer and Free software Open Source dude.
The video 'Betrayed' is just as an example of what I am capable of producing, but I wouldn't see Dash detailed produced in precisely this way. I see it more informal, relaxed with of a less dry feel to the content. I love what Amanda was doing, and I very much like the feel of Hak5 if you have seen their channel.

I already have the studio here, as I was using it for the previous material. I don't intend to use a Virtual Studio green screen, but a real production.

I see the content delivered in magazine style, i.e different segments. As I develop the script, I will create several different segments, probably delivering a variation of 3 segments for each show. The core focus of course is to engage the audience with the excitement that is happening in the Dash community.

I am massive fan a Blender, but it is beyond my skills set, I am and Audio, Video guy and of course I use Free Software GIMP, Kdenlive, Ardour, Audacity for my production tool chain.

Thanks for showing interest, and you valuable comments
I would like to see the weekly news videos continue.
Please provide a breakdown of the costs.
Specifically in regard to the improving the show, by including technical analysis of the Dash Market, in a similar way to LAS @ Min 38. I definetly agree this is important, I had in mind to provide a specific segment that looks at the Dash price, and analyses the movement, with commentary and what the likely causes of that movement are. I this this promotes transparency, and build investor confidence.

Further more, I would see the Script development for each show take place with community input, perhaps even using the Dash Forum, or some form of Doc share service.
I would like to see the weekly news videos continue.
Please provide a breakdown of the costs.


At this stage I have chosen to work within a budget, rather than identify specific costs. I see 10 Dash per show covering cost of presenter, research, script development, production and editing. I anticipate that some upfront spend will occur for an updated camera, and studio Mic.

Hope that helps

At this stage I have chosen to work within a budget, rather than identify specific costs. I see 10 Dash per show covering cost of presenter, research, script development, production and editing. I anticipate that some upfront spend will occur for an updated camera, and studio Mic.

Hope that helps
Thanks. 1000GBP for a 4 minute show seems pricey to me.

It all depends on the value the show adds to Dash. I would recommend making a demo with the equipment you already have or reducing number of payments/cost to improve your proposals chances of passing.

I think retaining the Dash Detailed brand would be a good idea.
Another more crypto-centric show is the one from Waves which has some production but not overdo it.

To be honest, most of the crypto shows have somewhat low production cost, yet they are very popular. I dont think we NEED a 10 Dash production cost. If you take one of the most popular crypto news are Cryptocurrency Marketplace, Crypt0 and Craig Grant. Which basically is a guy and his phone (and sometimes car).
Or the Youtube Hangout based shows like The Bitcoin group, Bitcoin News.

So my biggest question is what will justify a 10 DASH per show cost, I understand the need for equipment but that is just a fixed cost? Also DASH inflationary cost mighth turn from 18k USD to 25k USD just like this whole year has been behaving.
Proposal Evaluation Committee

Hi Sick_Rimmit,

If you have not done this yet, please read: How to submit a Dash Pre-Proposal
As you adjust your Pre-Proposal to our feedback, the evaluation is adjusted and this may be done a number of times (up to 2 or more).
Each time the chance of your Proposal being accepted by the MNO’s will increase.
If you want to know who will be doing the Evaluations – see here: PEC Pre-P

The evaluations also have another function:
To give the MNO’s and community a Prioritized List of Evaluated Proposals. This list will save the MNO’s and everyone else time and increase the chance of your proposal gaining votes. It will also prevent your proposal from getting lost amongst the horde or prevent it from not being read, because it’s too long or non-conforming.

To adjust your Pre-Proposal for the 1st evaluation will be a time consuming (+- 2 hours of work), but believe me it will be well worth your time if you are serious about getting your Proposal passed.

Keep your Pre-Proposal here on this thread. Improve it as our Reports and the community feedback indicate and you'll have a far better chance of getting the necessary votes next month.

Good luck with your Proposal!
Hello Everyone

Thank you so much for you valuable feedback already. It was very difficult to assess the costs for the show in Dash, so I looked at some earlier proposals at dashcentral and based my assessment on that.

I feel it is important to provide a high quality well produced show, which carries and defines the Dash brand as strong, highly defined, and above all professional. The show needs to be authoritative and engaging, as it's target sector is those investigating and researching Crypto.

This evening, I shall refine and extend the draft proposal above, tightening it down based upon the input given.

I have one further problem, and I hope you can help.

Currently I have only managed to acquire 0.5 Dash, how can I get help with the proposal application fee ?
i would suggest to do a test show and throw that out there for free
nobody will pay this amount of money in advance without seeing the quality it video /tech , looks + articulate quality of presenter , ....
after that it will be much much easier to raise funds
Another more crypto-centric show is the one from Waves which has some production but not overdo it.

To be honest, most of the crypto shows have somewhat low production cost, yet they are very popular. I dont think we NEED a 10 Dash production cost. If you take one of the most popular crypto news are Cryptocurrency Marketplace, Crypt0 and Craig Grant. Which basically is a guy and his phone (and sometimes car).
Or the Youtube Hangout based shows like The Bitcoin group, Bitcoin News.

So my biggest question is what will justify a 10 DASH per show cost, I understand the need for equipment but that is just a fixed cost? Also DASH inflationary cost mighth turn from 18k USD to 25k USD just like this whole year has been behaving.


In this video there is significant production. The main presenter is filmed on a location set, notice the close up, and distance shots. In all cases those presenting are reading from a script on some form of auto-cue placed just below the camera ( notice their focal gaze ). It is likely that the close to distance shots are being used to edit out any reading mistakes, but in the case of BankCoin these will have taken multiple takes to get right.
The only thing letting production down is the lack of close microphones, which causes the roomy reverb that your hear in the audio. This might look low budget, but it isn't. A lot of work went into producing that show.

I hope this is useful info.
Amanda was an established crypto-currency reporter, investigator and enthusiast BEFORE she came to Dash. She brought a big following of crypto people with her to Dash. She knew a lot about our network before she came and made it her business to learn and explain what she did not already know.

The "show" is nothing. The interviews that she gave on other shows is where most of the value was added.

We have no need for a pretty face reading scripted news to people who already know more than the presenter. We certainly don't need an expensive pretty face with an expensive production team.

What is your Dash history?
i would suggest to do a test show and throw that out there for free
nobody will pay this amount of money in advance without seeing the quality it video /tech , looks + articulate quality of presenter , ....
after that it will be much much easier to raise funds

I strongly second this idea. I like your proposal, but a pilot episode will be a requirement for my votes. IIRC, Amanda also delivered a pilot before submitting a proposal to the network.
Amanda was an established crypto-currency reporter, investigator and enthusiast BEFORE she came to Dash. She brought a big following of crypto people with her to Dash. She knew a lot about our network before she came and made it her business to learn and explain what she did not already know.

The "show" is nothing. The interviews that she gave on other shows is where most of the value was added.

We have no need for a pretty face reading scripted news to people who already know more than the presenter. We certainly don't need an expensive pretty face with an expensive production team.

What is your Dash history?

Hi Thanks for your clarity, I do understand your point of view.

However, Amanda's DASH Detailed shows are the very reason I am here. My DASH history is very recent, my background is Free Software, and Computer Science.

There is much more detail on me at

Perhaps others feel similar to yourself, and that a more authoritative presentation, less scripted more technically narrated would be better. My view was that Amanda's polished presentation, and comfortable delivery was of great value, and I felt that needed to be retained. Hence using another female presenter.
However, you can see for yourself my presentation style, much more formal and authoritative. I would be quite happy to do the presenting, if the community felt this would serve it better

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i would suggest to do a test show and throw that out there for free
nobody will pay this amount of money in advance without seeing the quality it video /tech , looks + articulate quality of presenter , ....
after that it will be much much easier to raise funds

This. If we could have a pilot episode that would make deciding a lot easier otherwise I think this is too risky.
OK, In the interest of expedience, and based upon the comments of IronVape, and others. I am rethinking the approach. I used to produce a daily show ( not doing that again, way too hard ) which was a little more lo-fi, but perhaps more approachable. I'd be happy to put Dash based shows together a little something like this

I can produce a weekly show in this style, covering the subject segments in the proposal above ( top ) and could do this independently using the Dash news source, community and general crypto news.

Please let me know what you think ?
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OK, In the interest of expedience, and based upon the comments of IronVape, and others. I am rethinking the approach. I used to produce a daily show ( not doing that again, way too hard ) which was a little more lo-fi, but perhaps more approachable. I'd be happy to put Dash based shows together a little something like this

I can produce a weekly show in this style, covering the subject segments in the proposal above ( top ) and could do this independently using the Dash news source, community and general crypto news.

Please let me know what you think ?

it all comes down to :
"Presenter - Rebecca : A young, attractive and confident presenter, with competence in drama and theatrical skills, having played the leading role of Belle in the Theatrical production of Beauty and the Beast."

u need to show her in action /presenting /.... - otherwise u will get no traction here
Hence - Sample Episode :rolleyes: