Confidential Transactions by TDL


Staff member
Chief Sock Advisor
Joel made this Google Doc for what is needed for Confidnetial transactions, he does not want to post on the Forum.

Devs do not want to post on this forum nor maintain it with relevant updates (which is why the official announcements thread is no longer up to date)
Dash Marketing and Growth (Joel) does not want to post on this forum.

This forum will be dying a slow death. With a Dash community largely locked behind an invitation-driven Discord and out of reach of any relevant search engine. From a Dash Marketing point of view this is bad, very very bad.

To anyone suscribed to the official announcements thread on this forum : it ceased to be up to date, awhile ago. And i have given up hope that could change. Just use Github to place a watch on the two main repositories : &

With regards to Confidential Transactions proces : DIP review and commenting (by DCG - status : still in progress) --> MNO vote on a decision proposal --> Implementation by third party dev --> Merged in by DCG.
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Devs do not want to post on this forum nor maintain it with relevant updates (which is why the official announcements thread is no longer up to date)
Dash Marketing and Growth (Joel) does not want to post on this forum.

This forum will be dying a slow death. With a Dash community largely locked behind an invitation-driven Discord and out of reach of any relevant search engine. From a Dash Marketing point of view this is bad, very very bad.

To anyone suscribed to the official announcements thread on this forum : it ceased to be up to date, awhile ago. And i have given up hope that could change. Just use Github to place a watch on the two main repositories : &

With regards to Confidential Transactions proces : DIP review and commenting (by DCG - status : still in progress) --> MNO vote on a decision proposal --> Implementation by third party dev --> Merged in by DCG.
Well, there is a DIP for this and looks like it will go to a Governance Proposal to decide whether to implement or not. Posted Joel's arguments for CT here, as some voters prefer the Forum for discussion.
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There are so many WTF moments in this post / proposal that I almost avoided a reply (some might say I should)!

This is the same person that attempted to influence MNOs and endorse the proposal for MiCA licensing where anonymous transactions are forbidden. Indeed, CoinGate - which was cited in that proposal - actually has ToS to confiscate funds coming from an anonymous address. The citing of PYUSD conveniently omits that privacy is only between persons and that Paypal effectively has a master key.

This proposal endorses an organization ("Power Up Privacy") who's website was registered in July 2024. We do not know much about this organization; it could well be a 3 letter agency honeypot. This is really quite important because CTs and ZKPs in general are entirely dependent on implementation... yes, the math is cool but a single bug in the implementation has the potential to break privacy. In fact, it is this very premise that DCG - and by extension MNOs - never did it before. CoinJoin was allegedly transparent and therefore superior.

Given Joel's apparent change of heart on such subjects - both this and the MiCA license. And given that Joel was previously paid from the Zcash foundation, to which he willingly bent his knee to KYC - the very reasons he supposedly chose not to have a bank account - then it might be prudent to question if he's been compromised, or has a very large stash of masternodes.

Now, I would happily celebrate CTs for payments but, honestly, I have no confidence AT ALL, that DCG has the necessary skill set to safely implement it, unless it was an existing proven implementation such as Beam or MWEB or other. But then, ultimately, I have to ask myself, why the f* should people use dash for ZKP payments when they could just use zcoin / firo which also has masternodes?? Litecoin's MWEB has a longer track record and would make for an easier implementation given that it's the same UTXO model.
Hi. I'm just starting to get acquainted with Dash and don't quite understand all the details yet, but I'm interested in learning more about TDL's confidential transactions. I heard that it can improve transaction privacy, which is very important to me. Can someone explain how this works and how it might affect the use of Dash in the future?