Completed Project Report - Understanding the barriers to adoption of Dash by UK businesses


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Our first project Understanding the barriers to adoption of Dash by UK businesses and merchants in the Gold and Jewellery Sector has been completed with all milestones delivered;
  • Promote Dash and this project to UK gold dealers and jewellers, alerting entrepreneurs and Chief Executives that digital cash, specifically Dash, is heading their way.
  • Survey the 2200 NAJ members on their attitude and plans for future use of Dash, and what’s stopping them using it.
  • Incentivise completion of the survey by providing a Dash prize to 10 respondents. First prize 5 Dash with 9 runners up getting 2 Dash each. Capture data on companies who wish to explore becoming Dash merchants.
  • Undertake feasibility studies conducting technical assessments with four companies to understand their existing online sales processes and the size of the task in signing them up as Dash merchants and develop an outline plan for implementation. If we do not have enough viable interest we will offer a free technical seminar to all interested members.
  • Report back findings to Dash community and development team, to inform future work
The report of that project is available here or and demonstrates that our measures of success for this project have been met. With an increased awareness of Dash within this specific business community and its Trade Association, an understanding of the barriers to adoption of Dash by this sector and an Identified group of businesses who would like to become Dash merchants.

The outcomes of the survey of NAJ members carried out in November 2017 suggest a number of key areas to address. We were pleased by how receptive some of the sector are to progressing work with Dash. Top line is “If we build it they will come”. In our view there are no insurmountable problems identified in the survey. We believe that post the Evolution release there is fertile ground in this sector. This is good news.

We identified issues, both practical and perceptual, that need to be addressed. We propose distinct, but interconnected, work streams forming the project Overcoming the barriers to adoption of Dash by UK businesses. The National Association of Jewellers have confirmed they are happy to consider partnering with us on next steps. We will submit a detailed costed proposal in February for this project to include these work streams and lessons learned from the first project;
  • Integration of Dash into business
  • AML (we have had discussions with the Dash Core team on this essential work stream)
  • Ongoing communication, engagement with the sector and lobbying
  • Engagement with another UK sector
  • Exploring the potential of creating a circulation of Dash with buyers and sellers in the jewellery supply chain.
Finally we would like to thank all the Masternodes for their support and input into this project.
Excited for your next proposal! What you are doing isn't flashy or exciting to most, but it is definitely important for our future.
Delighted to have submitted our follow on project - Dash uptake by UK businesses

Dash uptake by UK businesses will build on the success and outcomes from our previous funded project. We will support integration of the interested merchants from our first project, continue promoting Dash to the gold and jewellery business sector in the UK, address issues raised by that sector in the survey and roll out the original project to a new sector in the UK. Lessons learned from that project are at Annex A and will be taken into account with the roll out. Moving forward we will refer to our team and work as Dashable.

Dash Uptake by UK businesses is Dashable’s umbrella project and will be subject to further individual funding proposals as we firm up the way ahead and have agreements with key players in the sectors we are working with. This approach enables us to properly engage and work up proposals and provides assurance to Masternodes that we can deliver what we say, as we will already have agreements in place with third parties, ahead of submitting costed proposals. Engaging with these business sectors takes dedicated time and liaison with people at all levels of organisations. It is important this part of the process is not rushed. We have indicated in the project proposal where further proposals may be submitted.

Our first project “Understanding the barriers to adoption of Dash by UK businesses and merchants in the Gold and Jewellery Sector” is complete and the report is available here. All milestones and measures of success were met - with an increased awareness of Dash within this business community and its Trade Association, an understanding of the barriers to adoption of Dash by this sector and an identified group of existing businesses from our integration studies who are interested in becoming Dash merchants.

But simply understanding and trying to remove the barriers is not enough, it is clear from our first project that we need to incentivise adoption. Facilitating the use of Dash for significant transactions in the UK, means working within first world economy constraints and planned legislation. Businesses with significant turnover have pre-existing and pressing priorities and integrating Dash is rarely one of these. To achieve uptake by established merchants, we need to incentivise early adoption.

Full proposal is available here or

If you could post any comments on the pre-proposal thread that would be great

All the best
