Complete, Step-By-Step-Guides, Suitable for Noobs and Experienced Users Alike!


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Hi there! As the title says, I have created a number of complete, step-by-step guides to many aspects of Darkcoin (and I will be adding more all the time). I have written these guides with noobs in mind, taking you through each step in a crystal clear manner...but I also know that even more experienced users can often benefit from these guides, as they really help avoid missing critical steps.

I have guides for setting up a secure, "hardened" linux server, installing and updating darkcoin on the server (including optional instructions for running a Masternode using the secure external "cold" wallet method) and installing p2pool and a CPU miner on the server.

Whenever I see a way to improve the techniques or whenever newer versions of Darkcoin are released, I update the guides for maximum security and accuracy.

The list of guides is at

If you use these guides and want to ask me any questions about them, simply post a reply in this thread, here at, and I will be more than happy to help in any way that I can! Also please be SURE to click "Watch Thread" so that you will be up to date with any changes or mandatory updates. You will be glad you did!
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I want to say that I used Scio's MN guides and they are absolutely perfect. Most other guides leave out steps or expect you to know how to use the linux text editor etc., but his guides leave nothing out. Complete Linux newb here btw =)
I want to say that I used Scio's MN guides and they are absolutely perfect. Most other guides leave out steps or expect you to know how to use the linux text editor etc., but his guides leave nothing out. Complete Linux newb here btw =)

Just curious...have you gotten any Masternode payments yet? So far just one for me...but I was so happy to see it!
I still just have the one payment myself.
I don't know if this is a factor, but after waiting for a while without a payment I added a line to my remote darkcoin configuration file...and an hour or two later I got my first payment. I'm not even sure if the line was necessary, or if it was a coincidence or whatever. In any event, here's what I did:

I logged into my REMOTE server. (You should know how to do that by now, so I won't get into that.)

Then I switched to my <general-user> (because your login-user should just be used for logging in).
su <general-user>

Open the darkcoin configuration file for editing
sudo nano ~/.darkcoin/darkcoin.conf

Then make sure you have all of the following lines (in any order, it doesn't matter). In particular, make sure you have the server, daemon, masternodeaddr, and externalip settings:

alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "DarkCoin Alert" <[email protected]>

Make the changes, then close and save the file.
Then just stop and restart darkcoind:
darkcoind stop
darkcoind -daemon

Then on the LOCAL machine, restart your LOCAL Darkcoin wallet:
darkcoind -daemon

Unlock your LOCALwallet. (60 to 120 seconds should work fine.)
darkcoind walletpassphrase <wallet-passphrase> <seconds-to-remain-unlocked>

Start the masternode on the local machine
darkcoind masternode start

You can then check the masternode list.
darkcoind masternode list

If your REMOTE IP address is on the list, all should be well. Once you are beyond the 60 or 120 second unlocked period you can shut down your LOCAL darkcoin:
darkcoind stop

Again, I dont know if this is necessary at all. You may just want to wait a bit more and see what happens, Either way, please keep me posted so I can adjust my instructions or advise you as needed.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the guides, they are well done. How do you manage multiple masternodes with this setup? In other words, how do you manage multiple LOCAL servers on the same machine?
Thanks for the guides, they are well done. How do you manage multiple masternodes with this setup? In other words, how do you manage multiple LOCAL servers on the same machine?

I haven't had that problem yet (since I only have a bit over 1000DRK, not enough for a second Masternode) but I have thought about this.

The absolute easiest way would probably be to wait for a later release candidate which natively supports multiple nodes, so that if you had some multiple of 1000DRK you could simply set up one instance which would ACT like multiple instances. It is my understanding that this is something which is being worked on. But...that doesn't solve your problem for now, and would have you missing out, for the time being, on those juicy Masternode payments! solution that comes to mind is to set up a different linux user for each instance of a LOCAL Darkcoin daemon you want to run. Also, instead of copying the extra darkcoind binaries over to /usr/bin/darkcoind (which would just keep over-writing the new darkcoind over the existing one) it might be possible to put each darkcoind into its own directory, perhaps either like /usr/bin/darkcoin-1/darkcoind, /usr/bin/darkcoin-2/darkcoind, etc.,.... (So darkcoind would be in /usr/bin/darkcoin-1/, etc.,...)

I am not sure if this would work, because I really never see any directories in /usr/bin, just files and the occasional symlink. If it did not work, then I would suggest creating a directory for the daemon in each user's home directory, like: home/user-1/darkcoin-binary/darkcoind, home/user-2/darkcoin-binary/darkcoind, etc.,...

You would also have to chmod and chown things as appropriate, modifying what I have in my instructions to refer to the new locations.

Also, when issuing commands for darkcoind, such as darkcoind -daemon, or darkcoind stop (or whatever), you would have to enter the full path, to be sure to refer to the correct instance. would either need to execute...

/usr/bin/darkcoin-1/darkcoind -daemon
~/darkcoin-binary/darkcoind -daemon

...depending upon the method you chose.

And...having written that, I think the second method (keeping each version of the darkcoind binary in each user's home directory) would be more convenient, because you could use the SAME command to start, stop, etc.,... the daemon, simply appending ~/darkcoin-binary/ in front of all of your darkcoind command.

I am not sure if that all made sense to you. If not, I will be happy to clarify any points.
Just a quick note to all who use my guides: There has been an update from version to version

You will need to update in order to receive masternode payments. I have revised both the Darkcoin update guide and the Darkcoin/Masternode installation guide.

As always, be sure to give me feedback so I know whether everything is working for you.
No, you dont need to update .4 to .5 on masternodes. This bugfix is for pools only.
(All my nodes still running .4 and getting paid...)
No, you dont need to update .4 to .5 on masternodes. This bugfix is for pools only.
(All my nodes still running .4 and getting paid...)
I haven't gotten paid for about three days, until just after I updated. Maybe just a coincidence. In any event, I do like to stay current. Thanks for letting me know, though.
I have maybe a basic question here.. but I encrypted my wallet before generating the private key and now when I run:

darkcoind masternode genkey

I get this error:

error: {"code":-1,"message":"masternode list|count|current|votes|enforce> passphrase\n"}

I tried unlocking the wallet first and that didn't work. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!
I have maybe a basic question here.. but I encrypted my wallet before generating the private key and now when I run:

darkcoind masternode genkey

I get this error:

error: {"code":-1,"message":"masternode list|count|current|votes|enforce> passphrase\n"}

I tried unlocking the wallet first and that didn't work. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!

I assume you are talking about your local wallet. If you are trying to unlock your wallet and then generate the key but are finding it is not working, you might try sending EXACTLY 1000DRK to a NEW paper wallet address for which you have the private key. Then delete your local darkoin installation and start over. This time, however, you should just be able to import the private key from the paper wallet into your new local darkcoin installation.

I'm answering this on my phone right now, but when I get home and to my computer I will be happy to get into.details regarding any of this if you need it.
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Hi, i am a linux noob and i followed your guide exactly step by step. Now i'm stuck at the line "sudo mv darkcoind?raw=true darkcoind" ... No such file or directory. What does that line mean?
Hi, i am a linux noob and i followed your guide exactly step by step. Now i'm stuck at the line "sudo mv darkcoind?raw=true darkcoind" ... No such file or directory. What does that line mean?
just skip it :) that's a fix for github download I guess
always me... i have successfully started a masternode, but when i stop the local masternode wallet, the remote masternode goes inactive.... Please help.
just skip it :) that's a fix for github download I guess
That's correct. When downloading from github, the downloaded darkcoind file actually gets the name darkcoind?raw=true instead of just darkcoind.
The line "sudo mv darkcoind?raw=true darkcoind" is just meant to rename this file to simply "darkcoind."
One thing to do if you get the file not found error reported by Kong is to list the files by executing "ls" to make sure you have downloaded the file from github, and to check what it is named, and change the "mv" line accordingly.
always me... i have successfully started a masternode, but when i stop the local masternode wallet, the remote masternode goes inactive.... Please help.
That's odd. I am wondering if you actually wound up setting things up in such a way that the LOCAL machine wasn't acting as the external "cold" wallet for the REMOTE machine, but instead was actually the masternode itself. Are you sure that your local and remote config file are correct?
That's odd. I am wondering if you actually wound up setting things up in such a way that the LOCAL machine wasn't acting as the external "cold" wallet for the REMOTE machine, but instead was actually the masternode itself. Are you sure that your local and remote config file are correct?
my masternode was online, then offline, and now it is online again, the local wallet is still offline... i am pretty sure that i put the right ip in the config file. my ip last seen 5mins ago, i am a little worried....
my masternode was online, then offline, and now it is online again, the local wallet is still offline... i am pretty sure that i put the right ip in the config file. my ip last seen 5mins ago, i am a little worried....
seems to work.. have to is 7 hour in the morning here... will look tomorrow if it is still running. thanks for your help. If it is still running tomorrow, i will donate you a few coins.
I checked on your IP using
It shows that you are using the older version of darkcoin...which also makes sense of the "file not found" error you had. This should not be a problem unless you are (or plan to be) running a pool.
So far so good. If you want to upgrade you could follow my guide here, although again, that is only needed if you are or are going to be running a pool. If you do decide to upgrade, it should take less than half an hour if done properly.