
Foundation Member
* This simple guide is valid for setting up a paying masternode (yeeeees! :) )
* For newest Darkcoin ONYX version
* Masternode works as a combination of local/remote
* Local is home windows pc with actual wallet holding 1K DRK (which for security sake, goes offline/cold, once linux side is activated). View the local side only as a enabler of masternode.
* Remote is linux server with empty wallet, that works as actual masternode 24/7

For Linux server, I am using VULTR. Why VULTR instead of Amazon EC2? In short: simpler, cheaper, better. In detail: Vultr is awesome new self-provisioning, budget, virtual private server (VPS) provider. Built upon infrastructure of, they offer 12+ locations around the globe, many server/OS configurations all with fast SSD drives...

VPS can be obtained from $5/month (charged hourly at $0.007/hour) - making it 3x cheaper than Amazon EC2 where t1.micro starts at $0.02/hour. Additionally, currently they have 2 for 1 deposit bonus! So, deposit $10, and get $20 of credits - enough to run your VPS for 4 months!

I used many VPS providers (including DigitalOcean and Amazon), and I prefer VULTR, because it has clean interface and great features (snapshots, own OS installation from ISO image, windows instances...). I am impressed with them, and so was everyone who tried them.

If you and want to give back to author of this guide, sign up at Vultr thru my affiliate link here. Otherwise this is direct link. Guide should work with any linux server provider.

In case of question or comments, please post below. I do accept donations :). See signature for details. :) Thank you, now let’s get started!


ALWAYS DO A BACKUP OF WALLET.DAT if you already have darkcoins on your computer.
Double think before overwriting/deleting anything, as there is no way back...
Never copy wallet.dat WHEN darkcoind/darkcoin-qt is running! Use BACKUP WALLET command within darkcoin-qt.exe instead.


I presume you start with fresh windows (if you don't, take precautions with backing up existing darkcoin related files, especially wallet.dat).
Install latest version of windows darkcoin-qt.exe, (as found on

Move file to new directory c:\darkcoin

Run it. Wait that application synchronizes with network... Should be within few minutes.

Click on "Help"->"Debug window" - and then in Debug window, click on second tab named "Console".

enter: masternode genkey and press enter.
You should see a long string, copy it to notepad, as you will need it later when putting together darkcoin.conf (referenced as XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in there).

enter: getaccountaddress 0 and press enter.

You will generate new darkcoin receiving address within your wallet. This is the address marked with 0, so called “zero address” of your wallet! Copy it to notepad again, you will need it later to transfer 1000 drks to this address.

Close console. In main windows click on "Settings"->"Encrypt Wallet".
Enter your password, and repeat it (I suggest that you try password in notepad, and copy/paste it in the verify window, just so that you visually reconfirm what you typed). Don't forget password! If you do, there is no way to get DRK in this wallet back!
It is normal, that darkcoin-qt.exe now closes, so that it can encrypt the wallet.

Re-run darkcoin-qt.exe, and immediately go to "File"->"Backup Wallet...".

Select path, and backup the wallet.
After you verified that actual file was created, backup it offline (copy it on few USB thumbdrives, or other secure location)!

Now, you need to put 1000 DRKs to your wallet, in order to enable masternode! From your other darkcoin wallet (or from exchange where you bought DRK, send 1000 DRK to zeroth address you just created in previous steps). 1000 DRK must be transferred in one transaction, in ONE piece!!!! Not first 1, and then 999! It has to be 1000 in one transaction, or you will have problems later (you will see "not capable masternode" error message).

ONCE YOU COMPLETED TRANSFER OF 1000 DRK to your ZEROTH ADDRESS obtained above, wait that you get 6 confirmations (you will see that in main window, if you click on "Transactions" tab.) It takes around 6*2.5 min = 15 minutes. You don’t have to wait with for it, so close application, and go to next step.

2. PREPARATION OF REMOTE / Linux server:

Login to your account.
Click Deploy New Instance
Select server type: Performance
Select datacenter location: any you wish, if you have more than one try to spread them around the world.
Select OS: I recommend ubuntu 14.04, 64-bit! Precompiled darkcoind and darkcoin-qt binaries work on all LTS 64-bit ubuntus (but not on CentOS 6/5)...
Select server size: minimum configuration (1 cpu/768MB RAM) for $5/month works perfectly.

It will take 30 seconds for server to come online. Click “My Servers” tab, and “Manage” button server is active, click “View Console”, and login with supplied root password (listed below). Note, that you also see IP address for the server here.


First thing to do is change the root password, and create a new user under which darkcoin daemon will run (in my case jack):
passwd root

adduser jack

passwd jack

In order to be able to copy/paste into server, I suggest you now connect to server via PuTTY or other SSH client.

Login with newly created normal user, then enter:
su –

to become root, then secure your server.

At minimum, use IPTABLES to close inbound ports with exception of 22 and 9999. To do this use the VI editor with this command:


For help google VI editor commands (ESC+key sequences) Copy/paste the following code into file. :
IIP=`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 |sed --silent 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) \ Bcast.*/\1/p'`
echo "Activating firewall for $IIP"
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
$IPTABLES -t nat -F
$IPTABLES -t mangle -F
$IPTABLES -t nat -X
$IPTABLES -t mangle -X


$IPTABLES -A INPUT -d $IIP/32 -m multiport -p tcp --ports "22,9999" -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -s $IIP/32 -m multiport -p tcp --ports "22,9999" -j ACCEPT


And run it:
chmod +x

Later, when everything is running, you can for additional security do the following:
* If you have static IP at home, you can leave port 22 (ssh) open only for your static IP (google it how).
* If you dont have static IP, I suggest you install something like knock (
* Or you can even close the port 22 completely, as you can always reach machine thru vultr’s web management, with View Console.

to go back to normal user.

To install latest version of darkcoin linux binary, (copy link location from already mentioned

File will vary with each darckoin release version. To download the file to linux do this (substitute file name with actual link you got in previous step):

wget --no-check-certificate

then continue with unpacking, and copy the darkcoind daemon binary into your home directory, and make it executable:
tar zxvf darkcoin-
mv darkcoin- .

chmod +x ./darkcoind

Create new file .darkcoin/darkcoin.conf file:

vi .darkcoin/darkcoin.conf

and paste the following in it:


But substitute the long XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX string, with your privkey (obtained from windows local machine.

Make it read only for additional security:
chmod 444 darkcoin.conf

run darkcoind daemon:

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./darkcoind getinfo

Repeat command, until you see that daemon synced itself with darkcoin network (should take a few minutes). Compare block number of getinfo output with last block number listed here: or here:

Once your linux shows the same block number as the websites, you have completed the linux part. You can leave console/putty open, but in order to complete setup, you need to enter come commands on your Windows PC. With commands there, you will initiate connection from your funded wallet (1000 DRK balance), which will enable masternode on linux.


On your windows pc:

Open NEW notepad, and paste in the following text:


Replace rpcuser and rpcpassword fields with random text.
Replace the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX string with the privkey value, obtained in previous steps above.
Replace YYYYYYYYYYY string, with IP address of your linux server (you should see it from vultr dashboard, or on linux, if you type "ifconfig" and look at eth0 line).

Save file as c:\darkcoin\darkcoin.conf
(be careful to remove .txt from actual file - you might need to change options in windows explorer, (disable the "hide known file extensions", to do it).

Now close darkcoin-qt.exe if still running.

Open DOS window (windows key+R, enter “CMD” and press enter), and go to c:\darkcoin and run darkcoin-qt.exe with parameter to force it to load the darkcoin.conf file (make sure conf file is indeed called darkcoin.conf, as notepad could append the .txt at the end):

cd c:\darkcoin
darkcoin-qt.exe -conf=C:\darkcoin\darkcoin.conf

Once darkcoin-qt opens, go to console, and enter this command with password that you used to ENCRYPT WALLET on windows, at the end:

masternode start "PASSWORD"

If successful, you will see a message - masternode started...


On your linux server:

Now go to linux console/putty again, and issue the command:
grep HotCold .darkcoin/debug.log

if you see a line with Enabled in string, then linux masternode is enabled (activated from funded windows wallet!).
Now you can check whether your linux server is listed in list of active masternodes, with command:
./darkcoind masternode list | grep YOURIP

And if your IP is listed with :1 at the end, then you are up and running, and should expect first masternode payment soon! :D


You can also check whether your MN (IP) is listed at this great elbereth's MN status page:


EDIT4 (17.10.2014): Guide now works with newest ONYX version. Guide is now simplified. You don't need to read any comments below, as it includes everything you need.



EDIT (26.6.2014): ADDED APPENDIX ON UPDATING THIS SETUP TO NEW DARKCOIN VERSIONS (currently to 10.11.4 that softforks and enables masternode payments, but should work for newer versions too), here:
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Since you are now running and paying a 24/7 linux server on Vultr, where there are no limitations on CPU usage, you should also use it for darkcoin mining... I suggest you read this nice guide, put together by TantaStefana.
Great guide, thanks!

I haven't been able to use it because I'm having issues with my ISP. Port 9999 was closed. I have opened it in the router but I still get an error message when trying to start the masternode in the local wallet "inbound port is not open. Please open it and try again. (19999 for testnet and 9999 for mainnet)", so I guess there is some problem there. I think I'm going to use a second server to act as local and once the other one is running I'll turn it off. I have a linux installation but it is 32 bits and I think I've read somewhere that the binaries only work on 64 bits.

Regarding the guide, one little comment. I think that when I was starting the local wallet from command line with the conf option you give it wasn't using the darkcoin.conf file. I say that because when I tried to start the masternode having opened the wallet like that I had an error message saying that I needed to change configuration to masternode=1. I copied the darkcoin.conf to C:\users\USERNAME\AppData\roaming\DarkCoin and it stopped giving me that error... although I started having the 9999 port one :). I'm not fully sure, but I thought it was worth mentioning in case someone is having the masternode=1 error.
nice guide!
but i still got a problem :(
when i get the message from the local and the remote server that the hotcoldmasternode is enabled i shut down the local wallet....after that (round about 10minutes) my remote masternode goes offline because the lastseen value in the masternode checkpage gets bigger and bigger and finally gets kicked from the list.

what am i doing wrong? could anyone help me please?

thank you very much!!
i got the same version and configs like you...and the when i keep the local wallet online, everything is fine... :(

i hope someone can help us to get the cold storage remote/local solution work...

tomorrow is the hard fork ;/
by the mn got kicked from the first masternode page...and is inactive at the second masternode page....and the local wallet is offline BUT when i look into the remote server and enter
"darkcoind masternode list" my mn is still listed with : 1 ?????!!????

i dont understand this...
by the mn got kicked from the first masternode page...and is inactive at the second masternode page....and the local wallet is offline BUT when i look into the remote server and enter
"darkcoind masternode list" my mn is still listed with : 1 ?????!!????

i dont understand this...

Same for me too!
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Hi, i followed your guide exactly, and the masternode is running, but as soon as i close the local wallet on windows, the remote masternode stops being listed. Any idea?
I feel like I am pretty good at following guides to do new things. Thank you for his guide. I am however new to using Ubuntu. I have managed to sign in to VULTR and change the passwords and created a new user and access root privileges. I signed in using PuTTY and I am to the point of securing the server. I don't understand how to access the file Or to edit it/paste to it. Is this part done on my windows pc? I did not think it was. I attempted to move on with the intention of coming back to that part but am stuck again pasting to and creating files. I am sure these must be simple standard procedures for working in Ubuntu as no further explanation was given. Unfortunately I have not ever done them and would appreciate any help. I did exit back to my normal user and ran the wget line and downloaded the file ok. SO I am stuck at this step "Create .darkcoin/darkcoin.conf file and paste the following in it:"
I will not be available for the next few days as I will be traveling. However I will check back as soon as I am able. Thanks again
Darkuopm Regarding your questions...
Default text editor that is present on every unix system is "vi". But it is a bit tricky to use (try googling "vi commands" or "vi guide")....
Alternatively you can install JOE, which is nicer, simpler editor.

A a root user (su -) run: apt-get install joe

Once installed, I would also suggest you edit the file /etc/sudoers:
run: joe /etc/sudoers

find the line:
underneath add a new line:

(substitute jack with your username)
press "ctrl+k" and then "x" - joe command for save file and exit.

BTW - as copy paste in linux terminal (ctrl+c and ctrl+v) do not work, you should use:
COPY is ctrl+insert
PASTE is shift+insert

now you can run administrative commands from your own local username, if you use the command sudo. for example:

sudo apt-get update


so, now you should be able to create a .darkcoin/darkcoin.conf file
(do a "ls -al" for list of all files and directories in current directory... and if directory ".darkcoin" does not exist, first create it with "mkdir .darkcoin") ...

hope this gets you started...
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fernando you only need to open port 9999 on linux server.... no need to open anything on windows (you just have to add darkcoin-qt.exe to list of allowed applications in your firewall config - system should prompt you for these permissions at ffirst run of the binary).

regarding "masternode=1" error message, I saw that one when i ran "darkcoin-qt.exe -conf=darkcoin.conf" ... I think darkcoin-qt.exe did not find the darkcoin.conf file and therefore failed to load it. Therefore I specified full path to it: "darkcoin-qt.exe -conf=c:\darkcoin\darkcoin.conf" and then it worked OK. It might also help to move to this directory "cd c:\darkcoin" prior to launching darkcoin-qt.exe....

hope this helps!
icewood yellowcox Kong Hmm, that is weird. I must say i tried to follow my recepie from scratch (used Vultr's windows 2012 server as windows local, and vultr's ubuntu 14.04 as linux remote). And after i initiated masternode and quit the darkcoin-qt.exe on local, everything was working (and still is) normally...

please take a look at logfile, in relation to your windows computer IP:
grep WINIP ~/.darkcoin/debug.log

or whether you have some log messages about HotColdMasterNode:
grep HotColdMasterNode ~/.darkcoin/debug.log

and report back...

take a look here: and find your IP.

also on linux do a "iptables -L" . is port 9999/tcp listed as open?
you can also test whether your darkcoind is accessible from internet by opening a connection from ANOTHER computer . do a "telnet your-linux-ip 9999" and see what happens. If you get connected then port 9999 is open, if you get error, then it is not and this might be your problem)...

if nothing else helps, then create a new wallet on your winpc (backup first the existing one). then send 1000 drk from old one to new address. get new privkey. put new privkey in darkcoin.conf on both win and linux, and retry...
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here is my debug log grep WINIP ~/.darkcoin/debug.log
jarocco@108:~$ grep ~/.darkcoin/debug.log
2014-06-19 13:13:24 accepted connection
2014-06-19 13:13:24 send version message: version 70018, blocks=88182, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 13:13:24 receive version message: /Satoshi: version 70018, blocks=88182, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 13:20:00 disconnecting node
2014-06-19 14:54:37 accepted connection
2014-06-19 14:54:37 send version message: version 70018, blocks=88218, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 14:54:37 receive version message: /Satoshi: version 70018, blocks=88218, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 15:52:05 accepted connection
2014-06-19 15:52:05 send version message: version 70018, blocks=88240, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 15:52:05 receive version message: /Satoshi: version 70018, blocks=88240, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 16:00:07 AcceptToMemoryPool: /Satoshi: : accepted a87473d7ecfe8b35b95475180900bb72d8e658dd594c276495bf0be5fb8b4389 (poolsz 8)
2014-06-19 16:00:56 AcceptToMemoryPool: /Satoshi: : accepted 9ba9d8ade42d17af88154178d4794ad34861b0403a04efad1d04a8feddb02535 (poolsz 11)
2014-06-19 16:01:25 disconnecting node
2014-06-19 19:47:55 accepted connection
2014-06-19 19:47:55 send version message: version 70018, blocks=88325, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 19:47:55 receive version message: /Satoshi: version 70018, blocks=88325, us=, them=, peer=
2014-06-19 19:58:54 AcceptToMemoryPool: /Satoshi: : accepted 2b6599095bdb4aaee237cb72398a5617bed2dfcfd1ef509696e1a9054c929449 (poolsz 1)
2014-06-19 19:59:51 Added 1 addresses from 46 tried, 11322 new
2014-06-19 20:00:04 AcceptToMemoryPool: /Satoshi: : accepted 8e688c5c8e1344f69f7da2a69261bd97e58f6d3970d0824e180876f06630fa16 (poolsz 3)
2014-06-19 20:02:43 AcceptToMemoryPool: /Satoshi: : accepted 8a615c2786780daf4e6cad96b9b4c56ff2c466b8ca636013c795211982894bc1 (poolsz 1)
2014-06-19 20:06:34 AcceptToMemoryPool: /Satoshi: : accepted e083f61b2975e62c8663b43922ff99c288bd7ca2b2704eebd2ab3a5b7e963409 (poolsz 1)
2014-06-19 20:07:17 AcceptToMemoryPool: /Satoshi: : accepted 70f4c75bcbd923988f4e8d1024557658a8b813b18b3843f86b93b0bf2588be39 (poolsz 6)
2014-06-19 20:09:30 disconnecting node

seems like the remote masternode is just disconnecting when i close the local wallet.

grep HotCold

CDarkSendPool::EnableHotColdMasterNode() - Enabled! You may shut down the cold daemon.received getdata for: block 00000000000118a345b2a50918e7d7ec7731b3757a9592e885b2f1f6425a3fa2

The masternode is listed at as active till i close the local wallet. my ip is

iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere multiport ports ssh,9999

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere multiport ports ssh,9999
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Can I do multiple tickets this way? It would be a pain in the ass to set up all my nodes independently!
aaxx1503 not yet (maybe rc4 if i read evan's posts correctly).

Kong : Hmm. I managed to replicate problem you guys are describing.

It seems to me that i cannot activate more than 1 remote linux masternode from same local windows (IP).
Although I think, this should be possible, as the privkey of local wallet should play a vital role, and not windows pc's external public IP address.
So question to you and guys who have same problem - do you want to start many masternodes from same windows ip? (is the first one running ok? or did it in the past?)

If yes - as an quickfix, I suggest you to to vultr, setup a Windows instance, setup wallet there. Activate linux remote from this wallet (new vulter's ip). Once activated, do a wallet backup and transfer it to your home/safe storage and shutdown windows-vultr instance (as you dont need it anymore). Pain in the ass (for repeating), but for troubleshooting, and getting linux masternodes online (and they can run interrrupted for months...) ? ....

chaeplin flare do you guys have anything to comment on topic. Maybe a solution? I think i read some ip-privkey related topics before, but can't find them...
aaxx1503 not yet (maybe rc4 if i read evan's posts correctly).

Kong : Hmm. I managed to replicate problem you guys are describing.

It seems to me that i cannot activate more than 1 remote linux masternode from same local windows (IP).
Although I think, this should be possible, as the privkey of local wallet should play a vital role, and not windows pc's external public IP address.
So question to you and guys who have same problem - do you want to start many masternodes from same windows ip? (is the first one running ok? or did it in the past?)

If yes - as an quickfix, I suggest you to to vultr, setup a Windows instance, setup wallet there. Activate linux remote from this wallet (new vulter's ip). Once activated, do a wallet backup and transfer it to your home/safe storage and shutdown windows-vultr instance (as you dont need it anymore). Pain in the ass (for repeating), but for troubleshooting, and getting linux masternodes online (and they can run interrrupted for months...) ? ....

chaeplin flare do you guys have anything to comment on topic. Maybe a solution? I think i read some ip-privkey related topics before, but can't find them...

I do not have any issues with the above setup: I have started all my remote linux masternodes from one local windows instance using the same local IP. All started smoothly and are running stable since then.
I am using separate datadir directories for wallet.dat/blockchain-db and starting each client with --datadir=...nodeX parameter.
I have enough coins to run 7 masternodes. Will try tomorrow if it works from local linux wallet. If not, then i have to rent another instance and try my luck.

I have a home lan network with mining rigs. There is another darkcoin-qt.exe wallet on this pc, but i started the masternode local wallet like you described (in cmd box with conf=..). May that be a problem?
Damn, time flies. Its almost midnight here :)
I'll try with separate -datadir tomorrow.
Will report here first!
