babygiraffe I have not yet. Will try throwing that in and seeing. Thanks!

Ya went through and still no 1 after ip. :/

I see I am always 1 step behind babygiraffe. I just went to my windows wallet and re-did masternode genkey. And then restarted my masternode and all is working now. I guess it is worth mentioning that I first stoped darkcoind on my linux server and edited the darkcoin.conf file to masternode=0 and deleted my old masternode private key. Then I ran darkcoind again. then stoped it. then did the same on windows. I edited the .conf file ran the wallet. closed the wallet. opened it again then requested the new masternode genkey. Then edited the linus .conf with teh new key and changed masternod=1 then ran darkcoind on linux. then I edited my local .conf file. then opened the local wallet did the passphrase and start masternode commands and now its working.
Hello, I just made an account to give my utmost gratitude to Weirdgod, Flare, and Chaeplin for their invaluable assistance in setting up my first Masternode, and then, with much more pain, the second one from the same computer (I need sleep). I'm too cheap to pay you guys, so I have to pay somehow, right?

I believe in DRK, and I will be hodling my 2k+ coins for the foreseeable future, as I am excited to see where this project, which is already leaps and bounds beyond BTC in innovation, will take us.

I will hold even though the falling price tests patience, I believe all of our patience will be rewarded.

Evan and the Dev team are in a class by themselves, and the community from what I've seen in my short time here is top notch.

Onward and upward, my friends! DARKCOIN FTW!!!!!!

Thanks again,

I see I am always 1 step behind babygiraffe. I just went to my windows wallet and re-did masternode genkey. And then restarted my masternode and all is working now. I guess it is worth mentioning that I first stoped darkcoind on my linux server and edited the darkcoin.conf file to masternode=0 and deleted my old masternode private key. Then I ran darkcoind again. then stoped it. then did the same on windows. I edited the .conf file ran the wallet. closed the wallet. opened it again then requested the new masternode genkey. Then edited the linus .conf with teh new key and changed masternod=1 then ran darkcoind on linux. then I edited my local .conf file. then opened the local wallet did the passphrase and start masternode commands and now its working.
Here goes nothing....
With this setup and the latest Windows Wallet there seems to be no more 'Masternode start" command available in the debug console.

Looking to set up another MN. My quesiton is, does the windows wallet NEED to be online at all times for teh masternode, or merely the instance running on the linux server?
With this setup and the latest Windows Wallet there seems to be no more 'Masternode start" command available in the debug console.
What version are you referring to? If its Yes, there is no masternode start command in there, as it does not contain masternode functionality. A Windows binary for (masternode capable) is not available at the moment.

My quesiton is, does the windows wallet NEED to be online at all times for teh masternode, or merely the instance running on the linux server?
No, the windows wallet does not need to be online, just the actual masternode (linux server).
I have issues setting up MN #2.

It doesn't seem to be downloading the blockchain. When I do ./darkcoind getinfo it shows

"version" : 101105,
"protocolversion" : 70018,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 0,
"timeoffset" : 0,
"connections" : 0,
"proxy" : "",
"difficulty" : 0.00024414,
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1406802420,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00001000,
"errors" : ""
I have issues setting up MN #2.

It doesn't seem to be downloading the blockchain. When I do ./darkcoind getinfo it shows

"version" : 101105,
"protocolversion" : 70018,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 0,
"timeoffset" : 0,
"connections" : 0,
"proxy" : "",
"difficulty" : 0.00024414,
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1406802420,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00001000,
"errors" : ""
Update to 101106 and you will find connections automatically.
Thanks bro! Its been doing my head in for hours!
damn thing still wont start. Grep command returns just a blank line. damn it,

Edit: Fixed.

Seems I fired up the wrong cold wallet against the wrong MN and somehow managed to merge the MN and new wallet address, creating only 1 MN instead of too. (prob the beer's fault) haha

Just rebuilt both of them individually with new wallets and instances of Linux and working like a dream.
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You have now completed linux part. You can leave console/putty open, but in order to complete setup, you need to enter come commands on your Windows PC. With commands there, you will initiate connection from your funded wallet (1000 DRK balance), which will enable masternode on linux.


On your windows pc:

Open NEW notepad, and paste in the following text:


Replace rpcuser and rpcpassword fields with random text.
Replace the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX string with the privkey value, obtained in previous steps above.
Replace YYYYYYYYYYY string, with IP address of your linux server (you should see it from vultr dashboard, or on linux, if you type "ifconfig" and look at eth0 line).

Save file as c:\darkcoin\darkcoin.conf

Now close darkcoin-qt.exe if still running.

Open DOS window (windows key+R, enter “CMD” and press enter), and go to c:\darkcoin and run darkcoin-qt.exe with parameter to force it to load the darkcoin.conf file (make sure conf file is indeed called darkcoin.conf, as notepad could append the .txt at the end):

cd c:\darkcoin
darkcoin-qt.exe -conf=C:\darkcoin\darkcoin.conf

Once darkcoin-qt opens, go to console, and enter the password that you used to ENCRYPT WALLET on windows:

walletpassphrase "PASSWORD" 60

you will get blank line, and in the main window the LOCK icon will change to unlocked.
Now continue with:

masternode start "PASSWORD"

If successful, you will see a message - masternode started...


On your linux server:

Now go to linux console/putty again, and issue the command:
grep HotCold .darkcoin/debug.log

if you see a line with Enabled in string, then linux masternode is enabled (activated from funded windows wallet!).
Now you can check whether your linux server is listed in list of active masternodes, with command:
./darkcoind masternode list | grep YOURIP

And if your IP is listed with :1 at the end, then you are up and running, and should expect first masternode payment soon! :D


You can also check whether your MN (IP) is listed at this great elbereth's MN status page:


EDIT (26.6.2014): ADDED APPENDIX ON UPDATING THIS SETUP TO NEW DARKCOIN VERSIONS (currently to 10.11.4 that softforks and enables masternode payments, but should work for newer versions too), here:


I'm having trouble on the local wallet running the Masternode start command. I verified my port is open but I keep getting the message inbound port is not open please open and try again. Any thoughts?
I'm having trouble on the local wallet running the Masternode start command. I verified my port is open but I keep getting the message inbound port is not open please open and try again. Any thoughts?

When I had this error last time it's because I forgot to start the deamon on the remote server =).
So I think that it can't connect your MN at port 9999 :
-check deamon start on remote server : ps- ef | grep drakcoin (should show I line darkcoind)
-Check your conf file in your local wallet should have the IP of the remote MasterNode : masternodeaddr=IP:9999
From local wallet can try : telnet IP_remote 9999 = If deamon is start and reachable from your local you should have some message on the screen
Oh yes and also no need to write 2 times the passphrase at the end.
Only masternode start "Passphrase"
It s enough. No need to do the wallerpass " PASS" 60 before.