This is for a Raspberry 3 running Rasbian that I wrote but should be the same, ignore the parts about the SD Card if not relevant:
Buy a Raspberry 3, microusb power supply, case, and 16GB Class 10 MicroSD card.
On a Windows desktop:
Download Raspbian Jessie Lite here: (
Download win32 disk imager here: (
Download putty (
Setup from windows….
Extract rasbian .img from .zip
Open win32DiskImager and select the .img file and write to SD Card, make sure drive letter is correct. CLick ok\yes to the warning
Assemble the PI into the case if you have not already done so
Create a blank file in the root of the SDcard called ssh (no file extension - you may need to enable file extensions to see this missing)
Once image is copied insert the MicroSD card in the slot at the back of the case.
Use an IP scanner or log into your router\modem to find IP address of RasberryPi
Plug in and ethernet cable your PI and find the new IP address that shows up it should have a description of raspberrypi. I set this as a static IP, so it won’t change if you reboot your router in the future.
Open putty, enter the IP of the Rassberry Pi and ensure the radio dot for SSH is on, press enter\connect
Login with user pi and password raspberry
sudo passwd root (enter a password)
sudo passwd pi (enter a password)
sudo raspi-config and select “Expand Filesystem”
Edit this file: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Find this line by pressing down: PermitRootLogin without-password.
Edit to: PermitRootLogin yes.
Close and save file.
sudo reboot
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web python-dev git gcc g++ - find URL of latest release for PI
wget %%above mentioned address% -O – | tar -xz && cp dash-0.12.1/bin/dashd ~/
(I had trouble with this step, the | tar -xz && cp dash-0.12.1/bin/dashd ~/ is supposed to copy dashd to the root of the PI home directory.)
run ls to see if dashd exists, if not manually browse to the %dash version/bin folder and cp %dash version%/bin/dashd ~/ do it for dash-cli as well
dashd should now be copied to the root of PI home folder.
./dashd (this may error out or it may not, for me it did not so I let it run for 10 minutes and CTRL+C to allow it to create the required directories)
Add the following lines:
/usr/bin/screen -d -m -S myp2pool sudo /home/pi/p2pool-dash/ --datadir /home/pi/.dashcore --dashd-config-path/home/pi/.dashcore/dash.conf
I had issues here with the above lines when copying and pasting, some of the dash's (-) were coming across as an ASCII character and caused issues. Probably best to type this into nano or vi
Control + X, save output
sudo nano .dashcore/dash.conf
Control + X, save output
git clone
** Note download a new WebUI to p2pool/web-static if required. I used the punchy one.
cd p2pool-dash
Add the following to the start of the script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Import sys to that we can extent the system path [RP:2017-04-29]
import sys
# Extend the system path to match the path that the 'pi' user has [RP:2017-04-29]
Control + X, save output
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd dash_hash
sudo python install --user
crontab -e
@reboot /home/pi/dashd
@reboot /home/pi/
** Please note for me the @reboot of dashd failed and I will update the instructions when i find a solution
control x enter
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
wait about 24hrs to download and sync (run top and when cpu is down to 10-20% it is done)
Done! Now reboot and see if works.
sudo shutdown -r now
To see the status open a browser and
http://%ip of pi%:7903
You should get a web page with the p2pool information for your node
P2Pool setup:
Manually start p2pool with ./
Look for your screen with screen -ls
Resume your screen screen -r xxxxx (xxxxx is the number from command above)
Detach your screen with control a d