Company Memo: We just fired Michael Terpin!

Back on topic if you guys can handle it.

Say you had a MN worth 3600 USD before Terpin started working on Dash. Now imagine less than a month later the same MN was worth 4600 USD, and corrected at 4200 USD. You alone would have gained 600 bucks in three weeks after Terpin. Now extrapolate that to the entire marketcap. Wouldn't that be wonderful ?

Oh wait, that's exactly what happened. Coincidence? Well, check last year's price chart ponder on that for a second.
But you are right. What if ? We would only know in the end of such campaign, a campaign that didn't even see the stepping stones leading to the main PR campaign execution.


Correlation does not equal causation. Is the ONLY variable that determines the price of DASH whether or not Transform PR is "on the case"? No, of course not. Is CO2 the ONLY variable that influences global heat balances? No of course not.

Personally, I think that the Dash N Drink Soda machine had a bigger influence on the price rise than Transform. Prove me wrong if you can. Of course you can't. Many variables in play.
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Back on topic if you guys can handle it.

Correlation does not equal causation. Is the ONLY variable that determines the price of DASH whether or not Transform PR is "on the case"? No, of course not. Is CO2 the ONLY cariable that influences global heat balances? No of course not.

Personally, I think that the Dash N Drink Soda machine had a bigger influence on the price rise than Transform. Prove me wrong if you can. Of course you can't. Many variables in play.

Watch out, you might me the next one banned. It's been real everyone! Watch out who you disagree with.
Back on topic if you guys can handle it.

Correlation does not equal causation. Is the ONLY variable that determines the price of DASH whether or not Transform PR is "on the case"? No, of course not. Is CO2 the ONLY cariable that influences global heat balances? No of course not.

Personally, I think that the Dash N Drink Soda machine had a bigger influence on the price rise than Transform. Prove me wrong if you can. Of course you can't. Many variables in play.
Good point.

You have to admit, some of the news articles talking about the Dash N Drink looked pretty snazzy. - And that is my 100% biased opinion...
Good point.

You have to admit, some of the news articles talking about the Dash N Drink looked pretty snazzy. - And that is my 100% biased opinion...

Must have been Terpin! /s

I love feeling like I don't give a crap about being banned. the honesty just rolls off my tongue at this point.

Thanks guys for helping me wake up this side of myself! It's been hiding recently... guess I just needed a couple trolls in my life.
Wait a second you just said correlation doesn't equal causation and then go on to say you think the soda had more effect? Not to mention the fact its a finished project compared to transform that was 3/12 its way in. At that point the soda project wasn't even viable.

The reason I was so happy we got got Transform PR is that Dash does have an image problem, most time when I bring up dash in crypto circles I hear the scam, instamine, centralized etc stuff and the conversation ends there. This is a huge hurdle for dash, especially since new people will will ask around/talk to other people they know and get a negative response which they will then propagate.

He said he thinks that's the case. A personal opinion which is hard to disprove.

He said: Personally, I think that the Dash N Drink Soda machine had a bigger influence on the price rise than Transform. Prove me wrong if you can. Of course you can't. Many variables in play.
Wait a second you just said correlation doesn't equal causation and then go on to say you think the soda had more effect? Not to mention the fact its a finished project compared to transform that was 3/12 its way in. At that point the soda project wasn't even viable.

Read my post again. My point was that you cannot assume 1 variable (transform) caused the increase in price.

BTW, the soda machine was very far from a finished product. It worked, and it worked well beyond what anybody thought it would. Finished? Not a chance.
If someone wants to write a budget propsal to ban TheDashGuy from this forum, I'll front the 5 DASH. Let the masternodes vote on it!

And this is exactly the toxicity Im talking about.

Lucky for you guys you deleted the pre discussion on banning me to save yidakee from looking like a complete retard.

But again, point made. But I bet you STILL dont see the issue, huh @tungfa? @kot? @Minotaur? @eduffield? @fernando @babygiraffe @coingun
And this is exactly the toxicity Im talking about.

Lucky for you guys you deleted the pre discussion on banning me to save yidakee from looking like a complete retard.

But again, point made. But I bet you STILL dont see the issue, huh @tungfa? @kot? @Minotaur? @eduffield? @fernando @babygiraffe @coingun
Come on dude. I love all the work you do and I think most people do, you have helped so many people out around here and it is greatly appreciated (by most) but as always you will have people that don't appreciate it. Ignore them.

There is no need for all this, most of us are really happy with how everything is going. I would rather see you doing your amazing work than doing this, it is slowing you down and everyone else that responds.

Tao was prepared for the criticism that came to him, you have to be when you submit a proposal. It goes both ways, a lot of us were critical of the Terpin proposal or the switcharoo of the public awareness proposal. Core team members took flak for that and have since dished it back out to some extent, with Tao's proposal. You have to expect it if you demand money from the blockchain.

P.S. I am not siding with the core team or you here. I am siding with Dash and just want people to do what they do best, work for Dash. At the end of the day people are going to oppose and agree with proposals, that's healthy. Lets just let the network do the real talking.
And this is exactly the toxicity Im talking about.

Lucky for you guys you deleted the pre discussion on banning me to save yidakee from looking like a complete retard.

But again, point made. But I bet you STILL dont see the issue, huh @tungfa? @kot? @Minotaur? @eduffield? @fernando @babygiraffe @coingun

Jake, you should really knock it off. This isn't productive for anyone on this forum. You're going to have to learn to manage your emotions if you want to be a valuable, productive member of this community.
And this is exactly the toxicity Im talking about.

Lucky for you guys you deleted the pre discussion on banning me to save yidakee from looking like a complete retard.

But again, point made. But I bet you STILL dont see the issue, huh @tungfa? @kot? @Minotaur? @eduffield? @fernando @babygiraffe @coingun
Hey that's a pretty ancient comment you found there. Please don't dig up old bones, because it takes things out of context. Back in Feb you still pretty new and were spamming the Dash forum. You've since done some pretty cool things for Dash. I think we've all matured past this.
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Who cares I'm done anyways I don't need this shit. Have a blast. @yidakee literally ruined this entire project for me and I'll I wanna do is beat his ass.