Community Ideas

I can understand how reducing the amount of dash created can be viewed as 'breaking the social contract'. But how do you feel about lowering the miners part of the block reward and shifting most of it towards either Masternode Shares or Deterministic Holders List? Should that also in your view be considered as 'breaking the social contract' ? Or is that different ?

Something else to consider : should we uphold a social contract, when that social contract over time gives us increased risk of (miners) centralization ?

great questions @qwizzie :) do you feel about lowering the miners part of the block reward and shifting most of it towards either Masternode Shares or Deterministic Holders List? Should that also in your view be considered as 'breaking the social contract' ?

no, adjusting reward allocation doesn't effect the emission curve. But there could be other issues within that... for example allocating more % to the treasury can have a centralizing effect as it can reduce the market pressure on large DAOs to optimize and streamline / deliver (similar to governments growing bigger and bigger and less efficient through higher taxation). Adjusting the rewards between block production / provision (currently 50/50) could have unkonown impacts on either security or availability. Eliminating the mining market (and its capital investment / ecosystem) could have unforseen consequences and impact our security and be centralizing in my opinion (far more than pools / asics and now we have Chainlocks to counter miner centralization). But none of that breaks the social contract at least.

My main observation is that all of these changes introduce risks and my question would be why introduce these risks... for example PoS - why not wait for Ethereum to go first and see what happens :). Then we can focus on our new feature (feature #5 in Dash's history after PS, IS, Governance, Chainlocks), it took a long time coming but its here and its the key feature for Evan's vision to get mainstream users onto crypto.. Platform) so why not focus on one thing at a time and do it well :)
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@AndyDark That's pretty much the reaction i expected. While i would never advocate for increasing the Block Rewards decreasing them seems acceptable to me. But of course just because i find it acceptable doesn't say anything about what others or the market as a whole thinks.

So i would say my solution is the best assuming humans are reasonable which they aren't.
@AndyDark I agree with your idea about doing it super slowly and waiting for Ethereum to test the waters. What kind of a schedule do you think would be appropriate? Do you have any thoughts on how a consensus should/could be reached prior to implementing?
A point on how natural economies differ from financial economies. The value of money sits on a knife edge, when falling more and more will be exchanged for something more stable, when rising more and more will be hoarded. This effect also has positive feedback, amplification. As more is brought out of savings and onto markets the value of that already in circulation falls, as more is taken out of circulation the value of that remaining rises. That amplifying effect is what allows hyper inflation or deflation, it turns what would be erratic behaviour into total collapse.

This situation doesn't exist in nature, when it does it results in extinction. Take soil nutrients or fish population, less nutrients and less plants grow, more and they flourish, less fish and their predators die out, more and the predator population grows and keeps the fish population in check. Always slight variation, even ice ages are only a few degrees difference.

This is why monetary systems fail time after time, they're always based on a principle that's headed for extinction. I've no idea how this can be applied to cryptocurrency, I belive money has to be both created and destroyed, exist for a limited duration rather than indefinitely but I've no model of how that would work.
Please use this thread to post any ideas related to the Dash Economics dicussion that do not fit in other categories!
Please use this thread to post any ideas related to the Dash Economics dicussion that do not fit in other categories!

Please help us get Dash on Localcryptos, we only need you to cast your vote for Dash, and share the link to as many as possible in order to overtake Litecoin on this ballot.
We are over 34.000 members in this channel and we are only 100 votes down, so come on! Help us introduce Dash in this peer to peer exchange, proving we are far better, stronger and popular than Litecoin.

Coins are for collectors, DASH is King!
Please use this thread to post any ideas related to the Dash Economics dicussion that do not fit in other categories!
I am no expert, 100 % enthusiast... "DASH Debit"
Give me a routing and account #, with spend/save/growth account and convenient app, that I can use to accept my payroll direct deposit, this app I will use as my DASH exchange, buying and selling DASH as desired from my new DASH Debit Exchange Card.... cash and DASH in one place.
Am I crazy?

Coins are for collectors, DASH is King!
These questions have been included in the April 23, 2020 community call questions.