Community call: DCG Business Development's plans - 6 September 2018

Dear Community

In the last DCG Quarterly Review, we took you through how we thought about growth and where we will focus. This was based on where we saw the greatest need and greatest fit, as we needed to set priorities (see attachments).

Our next step is to take the community through the next level of detail and share with you the business development plans for these areas. We will be doing so next week in a live YouTube stream.

This call will be held on Thursday 6 September at 4pm Austin, Texas/Mexico City time zone (UTC -5 hours).


This will also be recorded and shared on the Dash YouTube channel. After the call we will post the slides (English + Spanish) and provide an opportunity for submitted questions and answers.

Warm Regards,

DCG Business Development team

How we think about growth.jpg
Where we will focus.jpg
The attached slide reads, under considerations, "Masternodes own the Dash network, and continue to decide on overall network priorities." How you do intend to elicit masternode decisions on these priorities? How much focus to place on each of the 5 identified areas?
Dear Community
Hi Bradley. I'm spread across the community, especially on Twitter. I'm making a request now. I don't understand the approach to spending the mass amounts of resources I've seen going into shattered struggling countries in Africa and S. America. when a citizen has a US dollar a month to spend on all their living needs no matter how they choose to spend it using DASH can not translate to much traffic at all for our network. spending $500K on Kuva so we might pick up 100 customers is baffling to me. It would seem to me our/your greatest priority right now is to FIRST build out a strong international network in the developed world that is so prosperous and sustainable that in the future one day we might have the latitude to flush money down the toilets of countries run by dictatorships in order for us to "feel good"
Zimbabwe can only yield pennies a month to my MN's, WHY ARE WE THERE? Venezuela might one day return the billions they stole by nationalizing property their governments seized from investors. I hope that day comes soon and this country can rejoin the international community and their vast natural resources can again be tapped so the people there can escape the depths of poverty their leadership have plunged them into. until that happens they are a use case for crypto. this is true but there should be a hard cap on how much of our budget is directed to any single countries woes. are we fooling ourselves that the merchant count is directly linked to an increasing flow of traffic that make MN ownership profitable or is Venezuela a bottomless pit of charity for our community to feed endlessly while we squander development in successful countries? I am not in the camp that supports the recent attacks on Ryan and others but the frustration shown there is real and probably widespread enough it should be an open topic that can be discussed civilly. I for one would greatly appreciate a verbal addressing of this topic during the next call. what I really do not want is to be brushed off with a quick reference to "just wait even longer and one day an update will cover some of that"
expect a significant flow of input from me.
Thanks so much for all your efforts on our shared project. :)

In the last DCG Quarterly Review, we took you through how we thought about growth and where we will focus. This was based on where we saw the greatest need and greatest fit, as we needed to set priorities (see attachments).

Our next step is to take the community through the next level of detail and share with you the business development plans for these areas. We will be doing so next week in a live YouTube stream.

This call will be held on Thursday 6 September at 4pm Austin, Texas/Mexico City time zone (UTC -5 hours).


This will also be recorded and shared on the Dash YouTube channel. After the call we will post the slides (English + Spanish) and provide an opportunity for submitted questions and answers.

Warm Regards,

DCG Business Development team

View attachment 8399
View attachment 8400
Dear Community

In the last DCG Quarterly Review, we took you through how we thought about growth and where we will focus. This was based on where we saw the greatest need and greatest fit, as we needed to set priorities (see attachments).

Our next step is to take the community through the next level of detail and share with you the business development plans for these areas. We will be doing so next week in a live YouTube stream.

This call will be held on Thursday 6 September at 4pm Austin, Texas/Mexico City time zone (UTC -5 hours).


This will also be recorded and shared on the Dash YouTube channel. After the call we will post the slides (English + Spanish) and provide an opportunity for submitted questions and answers.

Warm Regards,

DCG Business Development team

View attachment 8399
View attachment 8400
Dear Community

In the last DCG Quarterly Review, we took you through how we thought about growth and where we will focus. This was based on where we saw the greatest need and greatest fit, as we needed to set priorities (see attachments).

Our next step is to take the community through the next level of detail and share with you the business development plans for these areas. We will be doing so next week in a live YouTube stream.

This call will be held on Thursday 6 September at 4pm Austin, Texas/Mexico City time zone (UTC -5 hours).
Any chance to move this to Friday.
Thought it was a good call.

Not a lot of new information for those that closely follow Dash, but I rather have this more regular communication from the biz dev team than just the usual update once a quarter.

Keep up the good work!
Any news from Dash Core, I havent seen many new reports on the achievements from core these past weeks. I am sorry but communication channel has drop once again. I wonder how many people agree or maybe I am just not paying attention to the blog or other medium where they could be posting?
Any news from Dash Core, I havent seen many new reports on the achievements from core these past weeks. I am sorry but communication channel has drop once again. I wonder how many people agree or maybe I am just not paying attention to the blog or other medium where they could be posting?
I also noticed. Nothing on the blog, either. The MNOs seem to have made clear they are ok with minimal communication from DCG.
I also noticed. Nothing on the blog, either. The MNOs seem to have made clear they are ok with minimal communication from DCG.

On Discord last month we started a channel for MNOs to pose questions to DCG, and the most popular ones are responded to on a monthly basis. (the answers from last month here:
This month, someone asked about the communication and it is one of the higher-rated questions, so I would expect we will probably have a response from DCG about this soon.
Agreed. Continuing to focus on politically-charged areas in an effort to virtue signal, while pretending it's some kind or market positioning, etc...

Why focus on the cannabis industry, when you could focus on all industry?

Why focus on a failed communist economy, when you could focus on a functioning, productive everything everywhere else?

It's as if they're deliberately trying to attach a stigma to DASH that makes nobody want to touch it... As if crypto didn't already have enough of a stigma...

Why be so absurdly narrow when you could be inclusive? Drop the obvious political agenda and service everyone, everywhere instead of excluding anyone outside of the extreme leftist cult bubble... Why do they insist on the stigmatic and questionable fringe when they don't have to? Do they have so little faith in DASH that bottom-feeding is the only option? Is the SJW agenda so strong that they're unable to curb their prejudices and service all?

This is bad. Very, very bad.

Cannabis buyers are not going to stop using cash in favor of Alt36/DASH because DASH doesn't fix the underlying privacy problem; mobile devices are an open book to the guv by design. Running on top of that subjects the user to a total undermining of all the security DASH might have otherwise provided. Privacy might not be the reason the dispensaries avoid it (they are already known entities), but it *is* the reason the buyers avoid it. Combined with being not that bright to begin with and unable to understand it or figure it out... Pot Heads can understand paper money. Security, or the fundamental lack of it in computing and networking technologies; not so much. All they know is that they shouldn't trust their phones. And they don't. The ones with an IQ above dirt, leave their phones at home when they buy. Pretty much anyone involved in activities the dirty guv doesn't like, do this. They know we live in East Germany 2.0, and Stasi 2.0 is watching. They know their carrier and Google/Apple and twitter/facebook/instagram/snapchat are spying on them, and they don't actually have the ability to shut off these spy mechanisms. the fact that the baseband and CPU are running on the same silicon, on closed-source code blobs isn't something they need to understand to know "The phone can't be trusted."

While, in theory, the Venezuela project(s) seem nice; they don't actually help. It's an impotent virtue signal that helps neither Venezuelan people, nor DASH. Especially while the price is tanking... These people have been screwed out of their money. How tone-deaf are you? The USA-to-Central and South America "remittance corridor" avoids the bad smelling ulterior motive... Which has rightly become a very serious hot-button political issue facing severe backlash. It's like you're begging to be smashed, and rightly so...

Why can't you you be politically agnostic? Just make a payment system and help anyone interested integrate it. Full stop. None of this added nonsense.

Denying it, pretending it isn't so, gaslighting, acting like you have no idea what I'm talking about; none of these deceptions will make it so.

Stop attaching politically-motivated poison pills that make you untouchable!

Get woke, go broke.

It's a tragedy to see the coders work so hard only to have it flushed down the toilet by activists.

Most importantly, how will you continue to fund this self-defeating fluff with no budget? You're down to #16 in market cap. MasterNode count is dropping when it should be rising because they're cheap now... Not only is the Tulip bubble bursting, you're falling even harder than the shitcoins! And not by a small margin! Your monthly budget is a fraction of what you need to support this bloated corporate organization you've created, which has done nothing of merit to support itself. Months ago you wanted $600k for several months to buffer... It's much worse now. You can't even pull a buffer, and what you pulled out back then is all you've got left. You can't get any more because the budget is so small that even if you took 100% of it, you still couldn't pay your bills. Are you going to get mad at meritocracy for kicking your ass? Will you declare meritocracy to be the problem, not yourselves? Will you stay in the budget vote joke bubble instead of realizing people are voting with their feet? You don't hear the "no" votes because they're just leaving, since you won't listen to them anyway... There are other projects, and DASH seems to be going out of it's way to send business there... "Fine, if you don't like it, get out!" has been the message for years, and here you are, nothing but a dwindling supply of SJW yes men in your bubble...

As technically great as DASH may be the leadership seems to not only be bad, but deliberately sabotaging the project with morbidly defective political poison that has no reason for even being here.

Inevitably, I'll get labeled a troll, and told I have nothing constructive to say...

It's an intervention. That's what I've been on this forum for several years. I'm not here to tell you what to do with your life. Just that you won't have a life if you keep doing this. Like a friend telling you that your alcoholism is bad. I'm pointing out that you're on the path to destruction. I'm not telling you what you should be doing, not trying to outline a perfect answer to everything forever. Just not this. Drinking yourself to death is obviously NOT the right choice. There's all kinds of potential better choices. I can't possibly know or enumerate them all. Just stop drinking yourself to death! You're making me watch this once great project self-destruct... Yeah, it makes me a bit unhinged.
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