I'd like to introduce our DASH-Pool at

What differentiates us from most other pools, is our quickly responding an friendly support, our active community and perhaps a fresh and less generic approach to UX. We hope that our near flawless reliability track record combined with lower than average fees might convice you to give us a try. We'd be glad to welcome you aboard!

  • Running on dedicated servers with multi-Gigabit peerings
  • Run by experienced staff with years of experience managing complex systems
  • In-house developers maintaining and improving pool code
  • Pool Fee: 0% (introductory offer)
  • Payout System: PPLNS
  • Payouts: Hourly
  • Minimum Payout: 0.1 DASH
  • Newbie friendly support on UserEcho and Twitter
If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to drop me a line here or on Twitter or join the pool's Support-Channel.

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Yesterday's DNS issues have been resolved and we switched to a more reliable DNS provider. Thank you for your patience.
Due to the low number of shares contributing to our first Block, our top miners will receive a bonus of 0.1 Dash each. Thanks for your support!
We've rebranded our pool operation under the umbrella of the unit. Please update your miners to point to from now on. Existing miner configurations will continue to work for at least a year.
Our first overseas stratum server has gone online in Freemont, CA. In the process we've also switched to GeoDNS which means there's nothing to reconfigure on your part as you will be automatically be routed to the server that is geographically closest to you. Just sit back and enjoy the decreased latency.
Our US-Eastcoast Server is now up. The Tokyo Server is now online as well, serving Crypto-miners in Northeast-Asia, Southeast-Asia and Oceania.