|free DASH short term forecast service


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We are happy to announce a short term cryptocurrency prediction service. The basic coin is BTC, but we support DASH as well. Here is a direct link to the DASH forecast page:

The service is based on machine learning and neural network. It is currently in beta, and we work over improving the quality of the forecast.

What we already have:
  • Daily and weekly forecasts for BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, ZEC, XRP, XMR, NEO, ETC, BCH.
  • Responsive interface both for web and mobile devices.
  • Realtime cryptocurrency price update every 5 minutes.
  • Automatic daily forecast to Twitter and Telegram.
What we are working on:
  • Automatic alerts to Twitter and Telegram when the price is expected to grow >3% in a day.
  • 1 hour and 12 hours forecasts with realtime update.
  • Mobile app (later).
If you have suggestions, please contact us. Thanks!

Wow, this is super interesting. I had no idea that forecast websites existed. I almost want to ask how you do you forecasting, but I think the answer might be a bit overwhelming.
I'll be keeping an eye on the markets and your forecasting this week, would be nice to see how accurate the predictions are you are making.