For 100 shares: (Pre-Enforcement, Post-Enforcement)
Per day: 0.05 DRK, 0.10 DRK
Per month: 1.5 DRK, 3.00 DRK
Per year: 18 DRK, 36 DRK
Hmmm... vertoe, I may just have to take you up on this and park some DRK in your masternode farm. While the earnings aren't huge, it's definitely an excellent deal for anyone with a couple hundred DRK just sitting idle in a savings wallet. And those predicted post-enforcement earnings sound great! A solid 3.00 DRK per month on 100.00 DRK investment (3.0% RoI) is damn good, TBH... will come out to about 36.00 DRK per year!
Right now, at this precise moment in time, I need to keep most of the DRK I have in-hand for trading... I've been earning anywhere from 2.34 to 14.75 DRK every day or two of trading, so it wouldn't make sense to to kill a trading account for MN shares. But I do have an extra 53.32674258 DRK (as of right now) parked in an idle savings wallet, and can probably withdraw another 50.00 to 100.00 DRK from my trading accounts quite soon, once I've had another couple good days of trading.
I'm strongly considering putting some of these idle savings in your MN farming program now... 1.50 to 3.00% monthly returns might sound a bit small to some people, but it beats the hell out of any bank's interest rates on liquid savings accounts, CDs and even bond yields. And of course, that's a 1.5 to 3.0% monthly return on a currency many of us (myself included) believe could increase in value by 1,000% ++ in no time! :what:
I will definitely be in touch about this, sir!
The DRK Lord