[CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

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For 100 shares: (Pre-Enforcement, Post-Enforcement)
Per day: 0.05 DRK, 0.10 DRK
Per month: 1.5 DRK, 3.00 DRK
Per year: 18 DRK, 36 DRK


Hmmm... vertoe, I may just have to take you up on this and park some DRK in your masternode farm. While the earnings aren't huge, it's definitely an excellent deal for anyone with a couple hundred DRK just sitting idle in a savings wallet. And those predicted post-enforcement earnings sound great! A solid 3.00 DRK per month on 100.00 DRK investment (3.0% RoI) is damn good, TBH... will come out to about 36.00 DRK per year! :)

Right now, at this precise moment in time, I need to keep most of the DRK I have in-hand for trading... I've been earning anywhere from 2.34 to 14.75 DRK every day or two of trading, so it wouldn't make sense to to kill a trading account for MN shares. But I do have an extra 53.32674258 DRK (as of right now) parked in an idle savings wallet, and can probably withdraw another 50.00 to 100.00 DRK from my trading accounts quite soon, once I've had another couple good days of trading.

I'm strongly considering putting some of these idle savings in your MN farming program now... 1.50 to 3.00% monthly returns might sound a bit small to some people, but it beats the hell out of any bank's interest rates on liquid savings accounts, CDs and even bond yields. And of course, that's a 1.5 to 3.0% monthly return on a currency many of us (myself included) believe could increase in value by 1,000% ++ in no time! :what:

I will definitely be in touch about this, sir!

The DRK Lord
May you add in the spreadsheet the UTC time of start and end of the shift? With numbers of shares for that shift and name of participants? Maybe for a week and then restart, dont know, just an idea. :)
Currently I'm manually confirming the autogenerated transactions to make sure the script is not accidently sending thousends of coins to nirvana. I will add a time to the spreadsheet as soon as I'm convinced the script is doing what it should.

In addition I can post the payout related shares somewhere. Good idea.
Script looks good, will consider to put it into a 24h-cronjob.
Today's payout: http://explorer.darkcoin.io/tx/6b70660ca53cc89f94559ebf34dc3ee1517d3db206c81c53ea610b8b3c6acf29
For reference, at the time of payment, these are the shareholders
holders = {
  'vertoe'        => {
    'address' => 'XymFsYJjXhFriSCnEAnm8BaBALWk7mu9Gd',
    'shares'  => 15458,
  'vtrsch'        => {
    'address' => 'XsMrrXFRd3JnD6EwFe4NtCL5VkoZ4abkss',
    'shares'  =>   573,
  'sukram'        => {
    'address' => 'Xv5GjfZ9JQgV3YDhrQFd2QnxeVf2eNiHDX',
    'shares'  =>   112,
  'doctr' => {
    'address' => 'XkjA8idCAtZdvrg1y7BHmKvWWJM3Noc3V1',
    'shares'  =>   0,
  'iheartsmartart'   => {
    'address' => 'XffjxfGwSQmynK1UQUasDUF4epXMPt3XSk',
    'shares'  =>  9045,
  'red-shinobi'   => {
    'address' => 'XsactF5H9RcivfpvKMosMDJ1QhiwsFnqdG',
    'shares'  =>   134,
  'andresescobar' => {
    'address' => 'XeLrFrkkrkJeYv3uyxjDeWYAeJtZLVt8dh',
    'shares'  =>   315,
  'goto' => {
    'address' => 'XpafEgqakRdwYA2REVFJfHcNPNuPDAwF2a',
    'shares'  =>   0,
  'elmad' => {
    'address' => 'XvXJQbSTx8AvDT1eiTfcxd3zepUKf67Umx',
    'shares'  =>   200,
  'oaxaca' => {
    'address' => 'XpyMoeKuBsxXYW8z1KYsUtmSXCvBDNZjWr',
    'shares'  =>   500,
  'lzeppelin' => {
    'address' => 'XeY2ZTyHUhD9oesZ4DJ8EFdGZC2TWPkToS',
    'shares'  =>   1000,
Script looks good, will consider to put it into a 24h-cronjob.
Today's payout: http://explorer.darkcoin.io/tx/6b70660ca53cc89f94559ebf34dc3ee1517d3db206c81c53ea610b8b3c6acf29
For reference, at the time of payment, these are the shareholders
holders = {
  'vertoe'        => {
    'address' => 'XymFsYJjXhFriSCnEAnm8BaBALWk7mu9Gd',
    'shares'  => 15458,
  'vtrsch'        => {
    'address' => 'XsMrrXFRd3JnD6EwFe4NtCL5VkoZ4abkss',
    'shares'  =>   573,
  'sukram'        => {
    'address' => 'Xv5GjfZ9JQgV3YDhrQFd2QnxeVf2eNiHDX',
    'shares'  =>   112,
  'doctr' => {
    'address' => 'XkjA8idCAtZdvrg1y7BHmKvWWJM3Noc3V1',
    'shares'  =>   0,
  'iheartsmartart'   => {
    'address' => 'XffjxfGwSQmynK1UQUasDUF4epXMPt3XSk',
    'shares'  =>  9045,
  'red-shinobi'   => {
    'address' => 'XsactF5H9RcivfpvKMosMDJ1QhiwsFnqdG',
    'shares'  =>   134,
  'andresescobar' => {
    'address' => 'XeLrFrkkrkJeYv3uyxjDeWYAeJtZLVt8dh',
    'shares'  =>   315,
  'goto' => {
    'address' => 'XpafEgqakRdwYA2REVFJfHcNPNuPDAwF2a',
    'shares'  =>   0,
  'elmad' => {
    'address' => 'XvXJQbSTx8AvDT1eiTfcxd3zepUKf67Umx',
    'shares'  =>   200,
  'oaxaca' => {
    'address' => 'XpyMoeKuBsxXYW8z1KYsUtmSXCvBDNZjWr',
    'shares'  =>   500,
  'lzeppelin' => {
    'address' => 'XeY2ZTyHUhD9oesZ4DJ8EFdGZC2TWPkToS',
    'shares'  =>   1000,

Just to understand, what is the 0.1 payment to this address http://explorer.darkcoin.io/address/XnsLtWY8rCdJNoe8r7mKpmHBp168TqNLmh in the transaction?
Just to understand, what is the 0.1 payment to this address http://explorer.darkcoin.io/address/XnsLtWY8rCdJNoe8r7mKpmHBp168TqNLmh in the transaction?
This is a reserve sent to an change address. The code looks like that:
balance = `darkcoind getbalance`.to_f
@@m_balance = balance - @@m_masternodes * 1000.0 - 0.1
In the case the transaction requires a fee, I don't want the script to break any masternodes by touching the 1000 DRK block.
Look at the spare 0.1 DRK from yesterday's transaction: http://explorer.darkcoin.io/address/Xt6aXL2p6835KWKyQC7h1GQrj1AJmNhDm6
They always will be included in next transaction.
Hmmm... vertoe, I may just have to take you up on this and park some DRK in your masternode farm. While the earnings aren't huge, it's definitely an excellent deal for anyone with a couple hundred DRK just sitting idle in a savings wallet. And those predicted post-enforcement earnings sound great! A solid 3.00 DRK per month on 100.00 DRK investment (3.0% RoI) is damn good, TBH... will come out to about 36.00 DRK per year! :)
BTW, we already reached 1 DRK per node and day, so we already reached the point of 3% per month. (And for your bank comparison: banks give 3% per year, Masternodes per month, meaning the return is more like 30% per year.)
BTW, we already reached 1 DRK per node and day, so we already reached the point of 3% per month. (And for your bank comparison: banks give 3% per year, Masternodes per month, meaning the return is more like 30% per year.)

Yeah, I did consider that! Banks usually pay < 1.0% interest on savings annually... basically, what I was saying is that a masternode investment has a WAY bigger yield than you could ever get in any traditional liquid savings account, CD, bond or money-market fund. :)
Hey vertoe you ever consider offering a DRIP type thing? Where you automatically reinvest payouts into buying more shares.
Yes, but that comes along with multiple issues.
  1. I'm currently only selling shares worth at least 1 DRK, most payouts are less
  2. My payout script is automated and not honoring reinvestment (shares are hardcoded)
I'm lazy, I have to admit. If you want to reinvest your earnings, simply ramp them up for some days and send me more shares or something like that :)
Today's payout: http://explorer.darkcoin.io/tx/ad25e35b4a450c0f09696567be86932f794a487e8f678d9c6826a1c86aaa014f
For reference, at the time of payment, these are the shareholders
holders = {
  'vertoe'  => {
  'address' => 'XymFsYJjXhFriSCnEAnm8BaBALWk7mu9Gd',
  'shares'  => 15473,
  'vtrsch'  => {
  'address' => 'XsMrrXFRd3JnD6EwFe4NtCL5VkoZ4abkss',
  'shares'  =>  573,
  'sukram'  => {
  'address' => 'Xv5GjfZ9JQgV3YDhrQFd2QnxeVf2eNiHDX',
  'shares'  =>  112,
  'doctr' => {
  'address' => 'XkjA8idCAtZdvrg1y7BHmKvWWJM3Noc3V1',
  'shares'  =>  0,
  'iheartsmartart'  => {
  'address' => 'XffjxfGwSQmynK1UQUasDUF4epXMPt3XSk',
  'shares'  =>  9045,
  'red-shinobi'  => {
  'address' => 'XsactF5H9RcivfpvKMosMDJ1QhiwsFnqdG',
  'shares'  =>  134,
  'andresescobar' => {
  'address' => 'XeLrFrkkrkJeYv3uyxjDeWYAeJtZLVt8dh',
  'shares'  =>  315,
  'goto' => {
  'address' => 'XpafEgqakRdwYA2REVFJfHcNPNuPDAwF2a',
  'shares'  =>  342,
  'elmad' => {
  'address' => 'XvXJQbSTx8AvDT1eiTfcxd3zepUKf67Umx',
  'shares'  =>  200,
  'oaxaca' => {
  'address' => 'XvUxnfLNmE2fb2BEt968uCzH9JRDnGNWbm',
  'shares'  =>  900,
  'lzeppelin' => {
  'address' => 'XeY2ZTyHUhD9oesZ4DJ8EFdGZC2TWPkToS',
  'shares'  =>  1000,
If anyone notices some unwanted 30k darkcoin in his wallet, please send it back to me.

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