Hi what research have you done to show this project will work at £2 per dl price point? That seems hugely expensive to me. I can see how you and the artists may be incentivised; not so much the users though?
How many users do you have to date? What’s your expansion strategy? Have you down market research?
Why are you aiming for 1/10th of the worlds population in 3 years? Seems a bit to high for my taste
I tbh don’t see your idea working out. Why would you want your favorite song with your own chant integrated?
However after reading that your targeting the Asian market I can somehow see it working out
The Asian market is a priority and I'm glad you see this part potentially working out. Chant can either catch fire or not - We believe that it will having done the research and received the positive feedback from the artists community. If it does not catch fire it can still be a significant platform so risks are mitigated.
Chant live band has a small following.The app is ready for Beta test. The artist that have created music for us already have 15000 to 30,000 fans social media followers. The pipeline of major talent has following in the millions. Our potential user base comes from standing on the shoulders of Giants.
Marketing Strategy
Our strategy is to stand on the shoulders of giants accessing tens of millions of people globally. Quickly.
So far the Chant audience has been the artist community only. Authenticity / Credibility is essential to get mass acceptance from tallent. Our strategy has being to bring this Community together and this work is done. We're not talking to Fans yet at scale. This is the job of the artists who put their products on sale through our retail app thus accessing their fan base. Record companies and artists are incentivised to do this in the same way as a normal release however through chant they get paid upfront.
If a Superstar act kick Chant off other artists might not feel they owned the initiative and could be put off. It's got to come from the bottom up in order to gain mass acceptance from tallent. This has been the reason for the Chant live show to test the concept. We have our own band that has done 23 gigs and performed at major festivals. Please see the links above in the proposal.
The first band to test the app will be us - the Chant live band- we will test on ourselves. We then have 10 small to medium size acts that have already created or are creating music for us. Following this we moved to the pipeline of mainstream and superstar acts. Standing on the shoulders of these giants we can create a global community quickly. Some have found bases up in the tens of millions.
We have an art aspect to the project. When we Gig we create land art or graffiti- this is creating a great vibe around the music artist community and the growing movement. The idea is to create an movement rather than just a brand and Art is a good way to achieve this. Two years of gigging an analog interaction has been really successful. The audience love to join a show. We are now ready to get going to the next phase. Extensive public relations/ performances/ art exhibitions/ festival interaction/ Live show and touring Will be taking place over the coming year to build the movement. The pro social element is relevant/ everybody is a latent activist and is concerned about the environment. As a byproduct of purchasing your music you're actively improving your local and global Community.
Market research
Extensive testing has been carried out through the live show. Do audiences like getting their voice in the mix ? Absolutely!
Apple iTunes- and the major publishing and record labels- Universal Music Group/ Warners/ Sony have been approached at board level. Their feedback has been positive all of whom are interested in finding ways to help promote the initiative. Apple/ ITunes has offered to feed in on testing for the user journey for the app Store with a view to promotion.
Publishing and Record companies / rights ownerssee classic track and back catalogue as a major sales channel for them through the Chant retail app. The fan will be able to Chant into their favourite classic song of all time. The price point can vary to be competitive with the other online retail outlets - we've modelled £2 per upload though this can vary dependent on uptake.
The management of mainstream and superstar acts have being receptive. The artists like the financial model as they get paid for their products as opposed to the low cost streaming services and piracy they suffer from hence the support we're getting from talent. Talent involvement is the real key- fan is an abbreviation of the word fanatic. The fan band interactive relationship we have created is a latent marketing tool. We have tested the concept with brand development public relations and marketing agencies and again positive feedback. The pro social element creates long-term Communication. Your voice turns into a tree or cleans a river. The fan will be interested in updates on these for for years to come.
The artists have got a new instrument to play with- the audience so creatively they can do whatever they wish with these lovely notes but we are collecting for them. The fan loves it as they get to join the band- the environment benefits as money goes to causes that the fans and the band have chosen together.
Telecom companies are interested in sponsorship opportunities. One major has offered to pay £2 per upload as a gift for customer retention. We have a relationship with the ITU- the international telecom union who will promote Chant to their members.
The United Nations global goals have given us access to 30,000 indigenous youth groups globally- they are also saying that our causes reflects the 2030 Global Goals and can help promote us to the very large community.
Market size
The market size is the Live and recorded music industry. The global digital music market is worth $6.7 billion* *IFPI
Our prediction is over 100 million users by year two- standing on the shoulders of Giants/ most of the marketing is done by the talent. Lady Gaga has 32 million twitter followers- Katy Perry has 60 million….. When artists such as this asked their fans to do things they tend to do them.
The ambition is scaled and agreed this is very high. This is to show potential. The Dash Community can help make this happen. At present there are 2.5 billion cell phone connections globally. This will double over the next three years. Standing on the shoulders of Giants and a partnership with the telco industry bodies could potentially deliver. If we get to this level will have exceeded anybody's expectations. Similar social media organisations have achieved this level of penetration. We're hoping that our prosocial and disruptive creative elements Will gain traction and help this catch fire in a partnership with Dash. Exciting times indeed.
Integration of Chants
We collect the audiences voices and clean up and given to the producer as an aggregated sonic block. The artists then use these voices as backing choir or replace instruments. The creative opportunities for the artists are endless. This means everytime the audiences voices are used in song there is a different creative process attached- this resolves an issue of having done this once not wishing to do another time and constantly keeping fresh and exciting for the fan.
The fan gets a credit on the bands website-
The fan gets their voices used in many different ways by their favourite artist. Every engagement with a new artist or song will be different. They get to join the fan band community creating powerful communications and interactions. Their voice is in the mix. They hear music before it is released. They get a special collectors edition that nobody else has access to unless you're in the Chant Community. 20% of the revenue goes to pro social causes so your voice improves the environment. A long term relationship with this activity can be generated. The fan might wish to know how its forest is coming along for years to come.
Uploading the voice creates a sonic footprint that is personalised and can go on merchandising. You can wear your voice on a T-shirt in association with your favourite artist.
On the device the voice was given it is possible to lift your own voice above everybody else’s for pay back. This cannot be shared easily on social media however as bands do not like having their mix messed with.